classes ::: Plato, book, Philosophy, chapter,
children ::: 1.10 - (Plot continued.) Definitions of Simple and Complex Plots., 1.11 - (Plot continued.) Reversal of the Situation, Recognition, and Tragic or disastrous Incident defined and explained., 1.13 - (Plot continued.) What constitutes Tragic Action., 1.14 - (Plot continued.) The tragic emotions of pity and fear should spring out of the Plot itself., 1.16 - (Plot continued.) Recognition its various kinds, with examples, 1.22 - (Poetic Diction continued.) How Poetry combines elevation of language with perspicuity., 1929-05-12 - Beings of vital world (vampires) - Money power and vital beings - Capacity for manifestation of will - Entry into vital world - Body, a protection - Individuality and the vital world, Big Mind (ten perfections), Concentration (book), concentration (quotes), cwsa (descriptions), meditation (Savitri quotes), Mortimers Reading list (1972 edition), Ontology (information science), programs (Education), questions (full-list), The Foundation of Buddhist Practice (The Library of Wisdom and Compassion Book 2), wordlist (inspiration)
branches ::: absorbtion, abstraction, addiction, Aion, Application, AQAL Meditation, ascension, Aspiration, categorization, circumambulation, collaboration, Collected Fictions, collection, collections, Communication, Compassionate Action, Concentration, condition, confession, conjunction, consecration, Construction, contemplation, contortionism, conversation, corruption, Creative Evolution, crystallization, Deep Meditation, definition, depression, Determination, Devotion, dictionary, Dion Fortune, direction, distractions, Divination, Education, emotions, Enchiridion, envision, Evocation, Evolution, Evolution II, exclamations, Ex Oblivione, Fiction, fictional characters, fictional place, foundation, guided meditations, imagination, imperfection, Individualization, information, Information Science, initiation, injunctions, inspiration,, Interiorization, intervention, Intuition, Invocation, Involution, Ion, ion, irritation, Liberation, Logical Investigations, masturbation, meditation, Meditation Centers, Meditations, mental perfection, Mixed Collection, motivation, Mysterium Coniunctionis, On Education, On Interpretation, options, pareto distribution, perfection, Physical Inspiration, physical perfection, Playstation, Pointing-out instructions, preoccupation, preposition, Profession, proposition, Protection, questionnaire, questions, recreational drugs, regions, regression, Rejection, Renunciation, roguelike celebration, sanction, Science Fiction, sections, Selected Non-Fictions, self-actualization, self-consecration, self-deception, Socratic questioning, states meditation, temptation, the Contortionist, the Fashioners, the Junction, Theological Fiction, the Question, the Solution, Transmutation, vision
see also :::

Instances, Classes, See Also, Object in Names
Definitions, . Quotes . - . Chapters .

author class:Plato
subject class:Philosophy

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Ion, by Plato

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Title: Ion

Author: Plato

Translator: Benjamin Jowett

Release Date: October 10, 2008 [EBook #1635]
Last Updated: January 15, 2013

Language: English

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Produced by Sue Asscher, and David Widger


By Plato

Translated by Benjamin Jowett





The Ion is the shortest, or nearly the shortest, of all the writings which bear the name of Plato, and is not authenticated by any early external testimony. The grace and beauty of this little work supply the only, and perhaps a sufficient, proof of its genuineness. The plan is simple; the dramatic interest consists entirely in the contrast between the irony of Socrates and the transparent vanity and childlike enthusiasm of the rhapsode Ion. The theme of the Dialogue may possibly have been suggested by the passage of Xenophon's Memorabilia in which the rhapsodists are described by Euthydemus as 'very precise about the exact words of Homer, but very idiotic themselves.' (Compare Aristotle, Met.)

Ion the rhapsode has just come to Athens; he has been exhibiting in Epidaurus at the festival of Asclepius, and is intending to exhibit at the festival of the Panathenaea. Socrates admires and envies the rhapsode's art; for he is always well dressed and in good company—in the company of good poets and of Homer, who is the prince of them. In the course of conversation the admission is elicited from Ion that his skill is restricted to Homer, and that he knows nothing of inferior poets, such as Hesiod and Archilochus;—he brightens up and is wide awake when Homer is being recited, but is apt to go to sleep at the recitations of any other poet. 'And yet, surely, he who knows the superior ought to know the inferior also;—he who can judge of the good speaker is able to judge of the bad. And poetry is a whole; and he who judges of poetry by rules of art ought to be able to judge of all poetry.' This is confirmed by the analogy of sculpture, painting, flute-playing, and the other arts. The argument is at last brought home to the mind of Ion, who asks how this contradiction is to be solved. The solution given by Socrates is as follows:—

The rhapsode is not guided by rules of art, but is an inspired person who derives a mysterious power from the poet; and the poet, in like manner, is inspired by the God. The poets and their interpreters may be compared to a chain of magnetic rings suspended from one another, and from a magnet. The magnet is the Muse, and the ring which immediately follows is the poet himself; from him are suspended other poets; there is also a chain of rhapsodes and actors, who also hang from the Muses, but are let down at the side; and the last ring of all is the spectator. The poet is the inspired interpreter of the God, and this is the reason why some poets, like Homer, are restricted to a single theme, or, like Tynnichus, are famous for a single poem; and the rhapsode is the inspired interpreter of the poet, and for a similar reason some rhapsodes, like Ion, are the interpreters of single poets.

Ion is delighted at the notion of being inspired, and acknowledges that he is beside himself when he is performing;—his eyes rain tears and his hair stands on end. Socrates is of opinion that a man must be mad who behaves in this way at a festival when he is surrounded by his friends and there is nothing to trouble him. Ion is confident that Socrates would never think him mad if he could only hear his embellishments of Homer. Socrates asks whether he can speak well about everything in Homer. 'Yes, indeed he can.' 'What about things of which he has no knowledge?' Ion answers that he can interpret anything in Homer. But, rejoins Socrates, when Homer speaks of the arts, as for example, of chariot-driving, or of medicine, or of prophecy, or of navigation—will he, or will the charioteer or physician or prophet or pilot be the better judge? Ion is compelled to admit that every man will judge of his own particular art better than the rhapsode. He still maintains, however, that he understands the art of the general as well as any one. 'Then why in this city of Athens, in which men of merit are always being sought after, is he not at once appointed a general?' Ion replies that he is a foreigner, and the Athenians and Spartans will not appoint a foreigner to be their general. 'No, that is not the real reason; there are many examples to the contrary. But Ion has long been playing tricks with the argument; like Proteus, he transforms himself into a variety of shapes, and is at last about to run away in the disguise of a general. Would he rather be regarded as inspired or dishonest?' Ion, who has no suspicion of the irony of Socrates, eagerly embraces the alternative of inspiration.

The Ion, like the other earlier Platonic Dialogues, is a mixture of jest and earnest, in which no definite result is obtained, but some Socratic or Platonic truths are allowed dimly to appear.

The elements of a true theory of poetry are contained in the notion that the poet is inspired. Genius is often said to be unconscious, or spontaneous, or a gift of nature: that 'genius is akin to madness' is a popular aphorism of modern times. The greatest strength is observed to have an element of limitation. Sense or passion are too much for the 'dry light' of intelligence which mingles with them and becomes discoloured by them. Imagination is often at war with reason and fact. The concentration of the mind on a single object, or on a single aspect of human nature, overpowers the orderly perception of the whole. Yet the feelings too bring truths home to the minds of many who in the way of reason would be incapable of understanding them. Reflections of this kind may have been passing before Plato's mind when he describes the poet as inspired, or when, as in the Apology, he speaks of poets as the worst critics of their own writings—anybody taken at random from the crowd is a better interpreter of them than they are of themselves. They are sacred persons, 'winged and holy things' who have a touch of madness in their composition (Phaedr.), and should be treated with every sort of respect (Republic), but not allowed to live in a well-ordered state. Like the Statesmen in the Meno, they have a divine instinct, but they are narrow and confused; they do not attain to the clearness of ideas, or to the knowledge of poetry or of any other art as a whole.

In the Protagoras the ancient poets are recognized by Protagoras himself as the original sophists; and this family resemblance may be traced in the Ion. The rhapsode belongs to the realm of imitation and of opinion: he professes to have all knowledge, which is derived by him from Homer, just as the sophist professes to have all wisdom, which is contained in his art of rhetoric. Even more than the sophist he is incapable of appreciating the commonest logical distinctions; he cannot explain the nature of his own art; his great memory contrasts with his inability to follow the steps of the argument. And in his highest moments of inspiration he has an eye to his own gains.

The old quarrel between philosophy and poetry, which in the Republic leads to their final separation, is already working in the mind of Plato, and is embodied by him in the contrast between Socrates and Ion. Yet here, as in the Republic, Socrates shows a sympathy with the poetic nature. Also, the manner in which Ion is affected by his own recitations affords a lively illustration of the power which, in the Republic, Socrates attributes to dramatic performances over the mind of the performer. His allusion to his embellishments of Homer, in which he declares himself to have surpassed Metrodorus of Lampsacus and Stesimbrotus of Thasos, seems to show that, like them, he belonged to the allegorical school of interpreters. The circumstance that nothing more is known of him may be adduced in confirmation of the argument that this truly Platonic little work is not a forgery of later times.



SOCRATES: Welcome, Ion. Are you from your native city of Ephesus?

ION: No, Socrates; but from Epidaurus, where I attended the festival of Asclepius.

SOCRATES: And do the Epidaurians have contests of rhapsodes at the festival?

ION: O yes; and of all sorts of musical performers.

SOCRATES: And were you one of the competitors—and did you succeed?

ION: I obtained the first prize of all, Socrates.

SOCRATES: Well done; and I hope that you will do the same for us at the Panathenaea.

ION: And I will, please heaven.

SOCRATES: I often envy the profession of a rhapsode, Ion; for you have always to wear fine clothes, and to look as beautiful as you can is a part of your art. Then, again, you are obliged to be continually in the company of many good poets; and especially of Homer, who is the best and most divine of them; and to understand him, and not merely learn his words by rote, is a thing greatly to be envied. And no man can be a rhapsode who does not understand the meaning of the poet. For the rhapsode ought to interpret the mind of the poet to his hearers, but how can he interpret him well unless he knows what he means? All this is greatly to be envied.

ION: Very true, Socrates; interpretation has certainly been the most laborious part of my art; and I believe myself able to speak about Homer better than any man; and that neither Metrodorus of Lampsacus, nor Stesimbrotus of Thasos, nor Glaucon, nor any one else who ever was, had as good ideas about Homer as I have, or as many.

SOCRATES: I am glad to hear you say so, Ion; I see that you will not refuse to acquaint me with them.

ION: Certainly, Socrates; and you really ought to hear how exquisitely I render Homer. I think that the Homeridae should give me a golden crown.

SOCRATES: I shall take an opportunity of hearing your embellishments of him at some other time. But just now I should like to ask you a question: Does your art extend to Hesiod and Archilochus, or to Homer only?

ION: To Homer only; he is in himself quite enough.

SOCRATES: Are there any things about which Homer and Hesiod agree?

ION: Yes; in my opinion there are a good many.

SOCRATES: And can you interpret better what Homer says, or what Hesiod says, about these matters in which they agree?

ION: I can interpret them equally well, Socrates, where they agree.

SOCRATES: But what about matters in which they do not agree?—for example, about divination, of which both Homer and Hesiod have something to say,—

ION: Very true:

SOCRATES: Would you or a good prophet be a better interpreter of what these two poets say about divination, not only when they agree, but when they disagree?

ION: A prophet.

SOCRATES: And if you were a prophet, would you not be able to interpret them when they disagree as well as when they agree?

ION: Clearly.

SOCRATES: But how did you come to have this skill about Homer only, and not about Hesiod or the other poets? Does not Homer speak of the same themes which all other poets handle? Is not war his great argument? and does he not speak of human society and of intercourse of men, good and bad, skilled and unskilled, and of the gods conversing with one another and with mankind, and about what happens in heaven and in the world below, and the generations of gods and heroes? Are not these the themes of which Homer sings?

ION: Very true, Socrates.

SOCRATES: And do not the other poets sing of the same?

ION: Yes, Socrates; but not in the same way as Homer.

SOCRATES: What, in a worse way?

ION: Yes, in a far worse.

SOCRATES: And Homer in a better way?

ION: He is incomparably better.

SOCRATES: And yet surely, my dear friend Ion, in a discussion about arithmetic, where many people are speaking, and one speaks better than the rest, there is somebody who can judge which of them is the good speaker?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: And he who judges of the good will be the same as he who judges of the bad speakers?

ION: The same.

SOCRATES: And he will be the arithmetician?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: Well, and in discussions about the wholesomeness of food, when many persons are speaking, and one speaks better than the rest, will he who recognizes the better speaker be a different person from him who recognizes the worse, or the same?

ION: Clearly the same.

SOCRATES: And who is he, and what is his name?

ION: The physician.

SOCRATES: And speaking generally, in all discussions in which the subject is the same and many men are speaking, will not he who knows the good know the bad speaker also? For if he does not know the bad, neither will he know the good when the same topic is being discussed.

ION: True.

SOCRATES: Is not the same person skilful in both?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: And you say that Homer and the other poets, such as Hesiod and Archilochus, speak of the same things, although not in the same way; but the one speaks well and the other not so well?

ION: Yes; and I am right in saying so.

SOCRATES: And if you knew the good speaker, you would also know the inferior speakers to be inferior?

ION: That is true.

SOCRATES: Then, my dear friend, can I be mistaken in saying that Ion is equally skilled in Homer and in other poets, since he himself acknowledges that the same person will be a good judge of all those who speak of the same things; and that almost all poets do speak of the same things?

ION: Why then, Socrates, do I lose attention and go to sleep and have absolutely no ideas of the least value, when any one speaks of any other poet; but when Homer is mentioned, I wake up at once and am all attention and have plenty to say?

SOCRATES: The reason, my friend, is obvious. No one can fail to see that you speak of Homer without any art or knowledge. If you were able to speak of him by rules of art, you would have been able to speak of all other poets; for poetry is a whole.

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: And when any one acquires any other art as a whole, the same may be said of them. Would you like me to explain my meaning, Ion?

ION: Yes, indeed, Socrates; I very much wish that you would: for I love to hear you wise men talk.

SOCRATES: O that we were wise, Ion, and that you could truly call us so; but you rhapsodes and actors, and the poets whose verses you sing, are wise; whereas I am a common man, who only speak the truth. For consider what a very commonplace and trivial thing is this which I have said—a thing which any man might say: that when a man has acquired a knowledge of a whole art, the enquiry into good and bad is one and the same. Let us consider this matter; is not the art of painting a whole?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: And there are and have been many painters good and bad?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: And did you ever know any one who was skilful in pointing out the excellences and defects of Polygnotus the son of Aglaophon, but incapable of criticizing other painters; and when the work of any other painter was produced, went to sleep and was at a loss, and had no ideas; but when he had to give his opinion about Polygnotus, or whoever the painter might be, and about him only, woke up and was attentive and had plenty to say?

ION: No indeed, I have never known such a person.

SOCRATES: Or did you ever know of any one in sculpture, who was skilful in expounding the merits of Daedalus the son of Metion, or of Epeius the son of Panopeus, or of Theodorus the Samian, or of any individual sculptor; but when the works of sculptors in general were produced, was at a loss and went to sleep and had nothing to say?

ION: No indeed; no more than the other.

SOCRATES: And if I am not mistaken, you never met with any one among flute-players or harp-players or singers to the harp or rhapsodes who was able to discourse of Olympus or Thamyras or Orpheus, or Phemius the rhapsode of Ithaca, but was at a loss when he came to speak of Ion of Ephesus, and had no notion of his merits or defects?

ION: I cannot deny what you say, Socrates. Nevertheless I am conscious in my own self, and the world agrees with me in thinking that I do speak better and have more to say about Homer than any other man. But I do not speak equally well about others—tell me the reason of this.

SOCRATES: I perceive, Ion; and I will proceed to explain to you what I imagine to be the reason of this. The gift which you possess of speaking excellently about Homer is not an art, but, as I was just saying, an inspiration; there is a divinity moving you, like that contained in the stone which Euripides calls a magnet, but which is commonly known as the stone of Heraclea. This stone not only attracts iron rings, but also imparts to them a similar power of attracting other rings; and sometimes you may see a number of pieces of iron and rings suspended from one another so as to form quite a long chain: and all of them derive their power of suspension from the original stone. In like manner the Muse first of all inspires men herself; and from these inspired persons a chain of other persons is suspended, who take the inspiration. For all good poets, epic as well as lyric, compose their beautiful poems not by art, but because they are inspired and possessed. And as the Corybantian revellers when they dance are not in their right mind, so the lyric poets are not in their right mind when they are composing their beautiful strains: but when falling under the power of music and metre they are inspired and possessed; like Bacchic maidens who draw milk and honey from the rivers when they are under the influence of Dionysus but not when they are in their right mind. And the soul of the lyric poet does the same, as they themselves say; for they tell us that they bring songs from honeyed fountains, culling them out of the gardens and dells of the Muses; they, like the bees, winging their way from flower to flower. And this is true. For the poet is a light and winged and holy thing, and there is no invention in him until he has been inspired and is out of his senses, and the mind is no longer in him: when he has not attained to this state, he is powerless and is unable to utter his oracles. Many are the noble words in which poets speak concerning the actions of men; but like yourself when speaking about Homer, they do not speak of them by any rules of art: they are simply inspired to utter that to which the Muse impels them, and that only; and when inspired, one of them will make dithyrambs, another hymns of praise, another choral strains, another epic or iambic verses—and he who is good at one is not good at any other kind of verse: for not by art does the poet sing, but by power divine. Had he learned by rules of art, he would have known how to speak not of one theme only, but of all; and therefore God takes away the minds of poets, and uses them as his ministers, as he also uses diviners and holy prophets, in order that we who hear them may know them to be speaking not of themselves who utter these priceless words in a state of unconsciousness, but that God himself is the speaker, and that through them he is conversing with us. And Tynnichus the Chalcidian affords a striking instance of what I am saying: he wrote nothing that any one would care to remember but the famous paean which is in every one's mouth, one of the finest poems ever written, simply an invention of the Muses, as he himself says. For in this way the God would seem to indicate to us and not allow us to doubt that these beautiful poems are not human, or the work of man, but divine and the work of God; and that the poets are only the interpreters of the Gods by whom they are severally possessed. Was not this the lesson which the God intended to teach when by the mouth of the worst of poets he sang the best of songs? Am I not right, Ion?

ION: Yes, indeed, Socrates, I feel that you are; for your words touch my soul, and I am persuaded that good poets by a divine inspiration interpret the things of the Gods to us.

SOCRATES: And you rhapsodists are the interpreters of the poets?

ION: There again you are right.

SOCRATES: Then you are the interpreters of interpreters?

ION: Precisely.

SOCRATES: I wish you would frankly tell me, Ion, what I am going to ask of you: When you produce the greatest effect upon the audience in the recitation of some striking passage, such as the apparition of Odysseus leaping forth on the floor, recognized by the suitors and casting his arrows at his feet, or the description of Achilles rushing at Hector, or the sorrows of Andromache, Hecuba, or Priam,—are you in your right mind? Are you not carried out of yourself, and does not your soul in an ecstasy seem to be among the persons or places of which you are speaking, whether they are in Ithaca or in Troy or whatever may be the scene of the poem?

ION: That proof strikes home to me, Socrates. For I must frankly confess that at the tale of pity my eyes are filled with tears, and when I speak of horrors, my hair stands on end and my heart throbs.

SOCRATES: Well, Ion, and what are we to say of a man who at a sacrifice or festival, when he is dressed in holiday attire, and has golden crowns upon his head, of which nobody has robbed him, appears weeping or panic-stricken in the presence of more than twenty thousand friendly faces, when there is no one despoiling or wronging him;—is he in his right mind or is he not?

ION: No indeed, Socrates, I must say that, strictly speaking, he is not in his right mind.

SOCRATES: And are you aware that you produce similar effects on most of the spectators?

ION: Only too well; for I look down upon them from the stage, and behold the various emotions of pity, wonder, sternness, stamped upon their countenances when I am speaking: and I am obliged to give my very best attention to them; for if I make them cry I myself shall laugh, and if I make them laugh I myself shall cry when the time of payment arrives.

SOCRATES: Do you know that the spectator is the last of the rings which, as I am saying, receive the power of the original magnet from one another? The rhapsode like yourself and the actor are intermediate links, and the poet himself is the first of them. Through all these the God sways the souls of men in any direction which he pleases, and makes one man hang down from another. Thus there is a vast chain of dancers and masters and under-masters of choruses, who are suspended, as if from the stone, at the side of the rings which hang down from the Muse. And every poet has some Muse from whom he is suspended, and by whom he is said to be possessed, which is nearly the same thing; for he is taken hold of. And from these first rings, which are the poets, depend others, some deriving their inspiration from Orpheus, others from Musaeus; but the greater number are possessed and held by Homer. Of whom, Ion, you are one, and are possessed by Homer; and when any one repeats the words of another poet you go to sleep, and know not what to say; but when any one recites a strain of Homer you wake up in a moment, and your soul leaps within you, and you have plenty to say; for not by art or knowledge about Homer do you say what you say, but by divine inspiration and by possession; just as the Corybantian revellers too have a quick perception of that strain only which is appropriated to the God by whom they are possessed, and have plenty of dances and words for that, but take no heed of any other. And you, Ion, when the name of Homer is mentioned have plenty to say, and have nothing to say of others. You ask, 'Why is this?' The answer is that you praise Homer not by art but by divine inspiration.

ION: That is good, Socrates; and yet I doubt whether you will ever have eloquence enough to persuade me that I praise Homer only when I am mad and possessed; and if you could hear me speak of him I am sure you would never think this to be the case.

SOCRATES: I should like very much to hear you, but not until you have answered a question which I have to ask. On what part of Homer do you speak well?—not surely about every part.

ION: There is no part, Socrates, about which I do not speak well: of that I can assure you.

SOCRATES: Surely not about things in Homer of which you have no knowledge?

ION: And what is there in Homer of which I have no knowledge?

SOCRATES: Why, does not Homer speak in many passages about arts? For example, about driving; if I can only remember the lines I will repeat them.

ION: I remember, and will repeat them.

SOCRATES: Tell me then, what Nestor says to Antilochus, his son, where he bids him be careful of the turn at the horserace in honour of Patroclus.

ION: 'Bend gently,' he says, 'in the polished chariot to the left of them, and urge the horse on the right hand with whip and voice; and slacken the rein. And when you are at the goal, let the left horse draw near, yet so that the nave of the well-wrought wheel may not even seem to touch the extremity; and avoid catching the stone (Il.).'

SOCRATES: Enough. Now, Ion, will the charioteer or the physician be the better judge of the propriety of these lines?

ION: The charioteer, clearly.

SOCRATES: And will the reason be that this is his art, or will there be any other reason?

ION: No, that will be the reason.

SOCRATES: And every art is appointed by God to have knowledge of a certain work; for that which we know by the art of the pilot we do not know by the art of medicine?

ION: Certainly not.

SOCRATES: Nor do we know by the art of the carpenter that which we know by the art of medicine?

ION: Certainly not.

SOCRATES: And this is true of all the arts;—that which we know with one art we do not know with the other? But let me ask a prior question: You admit that there are differences of arts?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: You would argue, as I should, that when one art is of one kind of knowledge and another of another, they are different?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: Yes, surely; for if the subject of knowledge were the same, there would be no meaning in saying that the arts were different,—if they both gave the same knowledge. For example, I know that here are five fingers, and you know the same. And if I were to ask whether I and you became acquainted with this fact by the help of the same art of arithmetic, you would acknowledge that we did?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: Tell me, then, what I was intending to ask you,—whether this holds universally? Must the same art have the same subject of knowledge, and different arts other subjects of knowledge?

ION: That is my opinion, Socrates.

SOCRATES: Then he who has no knowledge of a particular art will have no right judgment of the sayings and doings of that art?

ION: Very true.

SOCRATES: Then which will be a better judge of the lines which you were reciting from Homer, you or the charioteer?

ION: The charioteer.

SOCRATES: Why, yes, because you are a rhapsode and not a charioteer.

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: And the art of the rhapsode is different from that of the charioteer?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: And if a different knowledge, then a knowledge of different matters?

ION: True.

SOCRATES: You know the passage in which Hecamede, the concubine of Nestor, is described as giving to the wounded Machaon a posset, as he says,

'Made with Pramnian wine; and she grated cheese of goat's milk with a grater of bronze, and at his side placed an onion which gives a relish to drink (Il.).'

Now would you say that the art of the rhapsode or the art of medicine was better able to judge of the propriety of these lines?

ION: The art of medicine.

SOCRATES: And when Homer says,

'And she descended into the deep like a leaden plummet, which, set in the horn of ox that ranges in the fields, rushes along carrying death among the ravenous fishes (Il.),'—

will the art of the fisherman or of the rhapsode be better able to judge whether these lines are rightly expressed or not?

ION: Clearly, Socrates, the art of the fisherman.

SOCRATES: Come now, suppose that you were to say to me: 'Since you, Socrates, are able to assign different passages in Homer to their corresponding arts, I wish that you would tell me what are the passages of which the excellence ought to be judged by the prophet and prophetic art'; and you will see how readily and truly I shall answer you. For there are many such passages, particularly in the Odyssee; as, for example, the passage in which Theoclymenus the prophet of the house of Melampus says to the suitors:—

'Wretched men! what is happening to you? Your heads and your faces and your limbs underneath are shrouded in night; and the voice of lamentation bursts forth, and your cheeks are wet with tears. And the vestibule is full, and the court is full, of ghosts descending into the darkness of Erebus, and the sun has perished out of heaven, and an evil mist is spread abroad (Od.).'

And there are many such passages in the Iliad also; as for example in the description of the battle near the rampart, where he says:—

'As they were eager to pass the ditch, there came to them an omen: a soaring eagle, holding back the people on the left, bore a huge bloody dragon in his talons, still living and panting; nor had he yet resigned the strife, for he bent back and smote the bird which carried him on the breast by the neck, and he in pain let him fall from him to the ground into the midst of the multitude. And the eagle, with a cry, was borne afar on the wings of the wind (Il.).'

These are the sort of things which I should say that the prophet ought to consider and determine.

ION: And you are quite right, Socrates, in saying so.

SOCRATES: Yes, Ion, and you are right also. And as I have selected from the Iliad and Odyssee for you passages which describe the office of the prophet and the physician and the fisherman, do you, who know Homer so much better than I do, Ion, select for me passages which relate to the rhapsode and the rhapsode's art, and which the rhapsode ought to examine and judge of better than other men.

ION: All passages, I should say, Socrates.

SOCRATES: Not all, Ion, surely. Have you already forgotten what you were saying? A rhapsode ought to have a better memory.

ION: Why, what am I forgetting?

SOCRATES: Do you not remember that you declared the art of the rhapsode to be different from the art of the charioteer?

ION: Yes, I remember.

SOCRATES: And you admitted that being different they would have different subjects of knowledge?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: Then upon your own showing the rhapsode, and the art of the rhapsode, will not know everything?

ION: I should exclude certain things, Socrates.

SOCRATES: You mean to say that you would exclude pretty much the subjects of the other arts. As he does not know all of them, which of them will he know?

ION: He will know what a man and what a woman ought to say, and what a freeman and what a slave ought to say, and what a ruler and what a subject.

SOCRATES: Do you mean that a rhapsode will know better than the pilot what the ruler of a sea-tossed vessel ought to say?

ION: No; the pilot will know best.

SOCRATES: Or will the rhapsode know better than the physician what the ruler of a sick man ought to say?

ION: He will not.

SOCRATES: But he will know what a slave ought to say?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: Suppose the slave to be a cowherd; the rhapsode will know better than the cowherd what he ought to say in order to soothe the infuriated cows?

ION: No, he will not.

SOCRATES: But he will know what a spinning-woman ought to say about the working of wool?

ION: No.

SOCRATES: At any rate he will know what a general ought to say when exhorting his soldiers?

ION: Yes, that is the sort of thing which the rhapsode will be sure to know.

SOCRATES: Well, but is the art of the rhapsode the art of the general?

ION: I am sure that I should know what a general ought to say.

SOCRATES: Why, yes, Ion, because you may possibly have a knowledge of the art of the general as well as of the rhapsode; and you may also have a knowledge of horsemanship as well as of the lyre: and then you would know when horses were well or ill managed. But suppose I were to ask you: By the help of which art, Ion, do you know whether horses are well managed, by your skill as a horseman or as a performer on the lyre—what would you answer?

ION: I should reply, by my skill as a horseman.

SOCRATES: And if you judged of performers on the lyre, you would admit that you judged of them as a performer on the lyre, and not as a horseman?

ION: Yes.

SOCRATES: And in judging of the general's art, do you judge of it as a general or a rhapsode?

ION: To me there appears to be no difference between them.

SOCRATES: What do you mean? Do you mean to say that the art of the rhapsode and of the general is the same?

ION: Yes, one and the same.

SOCRATES: Then he who is a good rhapsode is also a good general?

ION: Certainly, Socrates.

SOCRATES: And he who is a good general is also a good rhapsode?

ION: No; I do not say that.

SOCRATES: But you do say that he who is a good rhapsode is also a good general.

ION: Certainly.

SOCRATES: And you are the best of Hellenic rhapsodes?

ION: Far the best, Socrates.

SOCRATES: And are you the best general, Ion?

ION: To be sure, Socrates; and Homer was my master.

SOCRATES: But then, Ion, what in the name of goodness can be the reason why you, who are the best of generals as well as the best of rhapsodes in all Hellas, go about as a rhapsode when you might be a general? Do you think that the Hellenes want a rhapsode with his golden crown, and do not want a general?

ION: Why, Socrates, the reason is, that my countrymen, the Ephesians, are the servants and soldiers of Athens, and do not need a general; and you and Sparta are not likely to have me, for you think that you have enough generals of your own.

SOCRATES: My good Ion, did you never hear of Apollodorus of Cyzicus?

ION: Who may he be?

SOCRATES: One who, though a foreigner, has often been chosen their general by the Athenians: and there is Phanosthenes of Andros, and Heraclides of Clazomenae, whom they have also appointed to the command of their armies and to other offices, although aliens, after they had shown their merit. And will they not choose Ion the Ephesian to be their general, and honour him, if he prove himself worthy? Were not the Ephesians originally Athenians, and Ephesus is no mean city? But, indeed, Ion, if you are correct in saying that by art and knowledge you are able to praise Homer, you do not deal fairly with me, and after all your professions of knowing many glorious things about Homer, and promises that you would exhibit them, you are only a deceiver, and so far from exhibiting the art of which you are a master, will not, even after my repeated entreaties, explain to me the nature of it. You have literally as many forms as Proteus; and now you go all manner of ways, twisting and turning, and, like Proteus, become all manner of people at once, and at last slip away from me in the disguise of a general, in order that you may escape exhibiting your Homeric lore. And if you have art, then, as I was saying, in falsifying your promise that you would exhibit Homer, you are not dealing fairly with me. But if, as I believe, you have no art, but speak all these beautiful words about Homer unconsciously under his inspiring influence, then I acquit you of dishonesty, and shall only say that you are inspired. Which do you prefer to be thought, dishonest or inspired?

ION: There is a great difference, Socrates, between the two alternatives; and inspiration is by far the nobler.

SOCRATES: Then, Ion, I shall assume the nobler alternative; and attribute to you in your praises of Homer inspiration, and not art.

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00.05 - A Vedic Conception of the Poet
0.00 - Introduction
0.01 - Introduction
01.03 - Rationalism
01.04 - The Intuition of the Age
01.07 - The Bases of Social Reconstruction
01.08 - Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection
01.12 - Three Degrees of Social Organisation
02.03 - An Aspect of Emergent Evolution
02.03 - National and International
02.10 - Independence and its Sanction
02.11 - New World-Conditions
02.13 - On Social Reconstruction
03.01 - The Evolution of Consciousness
03.01 - The New Year Initiation
03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother
03.02 - The Gradations of Consciousness The Gradation of Planes
03.02 - Yogic Initiation and Aptitude
03.03 - Modernism - An Oriental Interpretation
03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation
03.04 - The Vision and the Boon
03.05 - Some Conceptions and Misconceptions
03.06 - The Pact and its Sanction
03.10 - The Mission of Buddhism
04.01 - The March of Civilisation
04.02 - A Chapter of Human Evolution
04.04 - Evolution of the Spiritual Consciousness
04.05 - The Immortal Nation
04.06 - Evolution of the Spiritual Consciousness
04.08 - An Evolutionary Problem
05.01 - Of Love and Aspiration
05.08 - An Age of Revolution
05.11 - The Soul of a Nation
05.12 - The Revealer and the Revelation
05.17 - Evolution or Special Creation
05.20 - The Urge for Progression
05.22 - Success and its Conditions
05.24 - Process of Purification
05.27 - The Nature of Perfection
05.31 - Divine Intervention
06.01 - The End of a Civilisation
06.03 - Types of Meditation
06.05 - The Story of Creation
06.07 - Total Transformation Demands Total Rejection
06.14 - The Integral Realisation
06.24 - When Imperfection is Greater Than Perfection
06.29 - Towards Redemption
06.31 - Identification of Consciousness
07.01 - Realisation, Past and Future
07.01 - The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge
07.19 - Bad Thought-Formation
07.23 - Meditation and Some Questions
07.24 - Meditation and Meditation
07.25 - Prayer and Aspiration
07.45 - Specialisation
08.13 - Thought and Imagination
08.14 - Poetry and Poetic Inspiration
08.16 - Perfection and Progress
08.17 - Psychological Perfection
08.28 - Prayer and Aspiration
08.29 - Meditation and Wakefulness
09.01 - Prayer and Aspiration
09.02 - Meditation
09.10 - The Supramental Vision
09.11 - The Supramental Manifestation and World Change
09.14 - Education of Girls
09.16 - Goal of Evolution
10.01 - Cycles of Creation
10.04 - Transfiguration
1.008 - The Principle of Self-Affirmation
10.09 - Education as the Growth of Consciousness
1.009 - Perception and Reality
1.00a - Introduction
1.00b - Introduction
1.00d - Introduction
1.00 - The Constitution of the Human Being
10.10 - Education is Organisation
1.012 - Sublimation - A Way to Reshuffle Thought
10.15 - The Evolution of Language
10.18 - Short Notes - 1- The Sense of Earthly Evolution
1.01 - Adam Kadmon and the Evolution
1.01 - Description of the Castle
1.01f - Introduction
1.01 - Fundamental Considerations
1.01 - 'Imitation' the common principle of the Arts of Poetry.
1.01 - Introduction
1.01 - Necessity for knowledge of the whole human being for a genuine education.
1.01 - On renunciation of the world
1.01 - Sets down the first line and begins to treat of the imperfections of beginners.
1.01 - The Dark Forest. The Hill of Difficulty. The Panther, the Lion, and the Wolf. Virgil.
1.01 - The Human Aspiration
1.02.1 - The Inhabiting Godhead Life and Action - Self-Realisation
10.22 - Short Notes - 5- Consciousness and Dimensions of View
10.23 - Prayers and Meditations of the Mother - Action and the Divine Will
1.024 - Affiliation With Larger Wholes
1.028 - Bringing About Whole-Souled Dedication
1.02.9 - Conclusion and Summary
1.02 - Education
1.02 - Of certain spiritual imperfections which beginners have with respect to the habit of pride.
1.02 - Self-Consecration
1.02 - The Descent. Dante's Protest and Virgil's Appeal. The Intercession of the Three Ladies Benedight.
1.02 - The Objects of Imitation.
1.02 - The Stages of Initiation
1.02 - The Two Negations 1 - The Materialist Denial
1.031 - Intense Aspiration
1.035 - The Recitation of Mantra
1.038 - Impediments in Concentration and Meditation
1.03 - Invocation of Tara
1.03 - Of some imperfections which some of these souls are apt to have, with respect to the second capital sin, which is avarice, in the spiritual sense
1.03 - Physical Education
1.03 - Questions and Answers
1.03 - Spiritual Realisation, The aim of Bhakti-Yoga
1.03 - The Manner of Imitation.
1.03 - The Two Negations 2 - The Refusal of the Ascetic
1.04 - Magic and Religion
1.04 - Of other imperfections which these beginners are apt to have with respect to the third sin, which is luxury.
1.04 - Relationship with the Divine
1.04 - Religion and Occultism
1.04 - The Conditions of Esoteric Training
1.04 - The Discovery of the Nation-Soul
1.04 - Vital Education
1.04 - Yoga and Human Evolution
1.057 - The Four Manifestations of Ignorance
1.05 - Definition of the Ludicrous, and a brief sketch of the rise of Comedy.
1.05 - Knowledge by Aquaintance and Knowledge by Description
1.05 - Mental Education
1.05 - Of the imperfections into which beginners fall with respect to the sin of wrath
1.05 - Qualifications of the Aspirant and the Teacher
1.05 - Some Results of Initiation
1.05 - The Universe The 0 = 2 Equation
1.06 - Definition of Tragedy.
1.06 - Incarnate Teachers and Incarnation
1.06 - Of imperfections with respect to spiritual gluttony.
1.06 - On Induction
1.06 - Psychic Education
1.06 - The Transformation of Dream Life
1.070 - The Seven Stages of Perfection
1.075 - Self-Control, Study and Devotion to God
1.078 - Kumbhaka and Concentration of Mind
1.07 - Of imperfections with respect to spiritual envy and sloth.
1.07 - The Process of Evolution
1.081 - The Application of Pratyahara
1.083 - Choosing an Object for Concentration
1.089 - The Levels of Concentration
1.08 - Civilisation and Barbarism
1.08 - Introduction to Patanjalis Yoga Aphorisms
1.08 - The Change of Vision
1.08 - The Four Austerities and the Four Liberations
1.08 - Wherein is expounded the first line of the first stanza, and a beginning is made of the explanation of this dark night
1.097 - Sublimation of Object-Consciousness
1.098 - The Transformation from Human to Divine
1.09 - Civilisation and Culture
1.09 - Concentration - Its Spiritual Uses
1.09 - Equality and the Annihilation of Ego
1.09 - Fundamental Questions of Psychotherapy
1.09 - Of the signs by which it will be known that the spiritual person is walking along the way of this night and purgation of sense.
1.09 - The Absolute Manifestation
11.01 - The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation
11.07 - The Labours of the Gods: The five Purifications
1.10 - Concentration - Its Practice
1.10 - (Plot continued.) Definitions of Simple and Complex Plots.
1.10 - The Revolutionary Yogi - Three Elements of Poetic Creation - Creation by the Word - Joy of Poetic Creation - Essence of Inspiration - Inspiration and Effort - Aspiration, Opening, Recognition - Correction by Second Inspiration
11.12 - Two Equations
1.11 - (Plot continued.) Reversal of the Situation, Recognition, and Tragic or disastrous Incident defined and explained.
1.11 - The Broken Rocks. Pope Anastasius. General Description of the Inferno and its Divisions.
1.11 - The Influence of the Sexes on Vegetation
1.11 - Transformation - Sources of Inspiration and Variety
1.12 - Delight of Existence - The Solution
1.12 - The Office and Limitations of the Reason
1.13 - Knowledge, Error, and Probably Opinion
1.13 - (Plot continued.) What constitutes Tragic Action.
1.13 - Reason and Religion
1.14 - (Plot continued.) The tragic emotions of pity and fear should spring out of the Plot itself.
1.14 - The Succesion to the Kingdom in Ancient Latium
1.14 - The Suprarational Beauty
1.15 - Conclusion
1.15 - The Suprarational Good
1.16 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Evocational Magic
1.16 - Man, A Transitional Being
1.16 - On Concentration
1.16 - (Plot continued.) Recognition its various kinds, with examples
1.16 - Religion
1.16 - The Suprarational Ultimate of Life
1.17 - Religion as the Law of Life
1.17 - The Transformation
1.18 - Evocation
1.18 - The Importance of our Conventional Greetings, etc.
1.18 - The Infrarational Age of the Cycle
1.19 - The Curve of the Rational Age
1.19 - The Practice of Magical Evocation
1.19 - Thought, or the Intellectual element, and Diction in Tragedy.
1.2.03 - The Interpretation of Scripture
1.2.05 - Aspiration
1.2.06 - Rejection
1.2.09 - Consecration and Offering
1.20 - Diction, or Language in general.
1.21 - Poetic Diction.
1.22 - (Poetic Diction continued.) How Poetry combines elevation of language with perspicuity.
1.22 - The Necessity of the Spiritual Transformation
1.23 - Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age
1.2.3 - The Power of Expression and Yoga
1.24 - Describes how vocal prayer may be practised with perfection and how closely allied it is to mental prayer
1.25 - Critical Objections brought against Poetry, and the principles on which they are to be answered.
1.25 - Fascinations, Invisibility, Levitation, Transmutations, Kinks in Time
1.25 - On Religion
1.25 - On the destroyer of the passions, most sublime humility, which is rooted in spiritual feeling.
1.26 - On discernment of thoughts, passions and virtues
1.27 - Guido da Montefeltro. His deception by Pope Boniface VIII.
1.27 - Succession to the Soul
1.29 - Concerning heaven on earth, or godlike dispassion and perfection, and the resurrection of the soul before the general resurrection.
13.01 - A Centurys Salutation to Sri AurobindoThe Greatness of the Great
13.03 - A Programme for the Second Century of the Divine Manifestation
1.31 - Is Thelema a New Religion?
1.32 - The Ninth Circle Traitors. The Frozen Lake of Cocytus. First Division, Caina Traitors to their Kindred. Camicion de' Pazzi. Second Division, Antenora Traitors to their Country. Dante questions Bocca degli
1.34 - Fourth Division of the Ninth Circle, the Judecca Traitors to their Lords and Benefactors. Lucifer, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius. The Chasm of Lethe. The Ascent. - The Evolution of Consciousness
1.35 - Attis as a God of Vegetation
1.37 - Oriential Religions in the West
1.41 - Are we Reincarnations of the Ancient Egyptians?
1.42 - This Self Introversion
1.43 - Dionysus
1.47 - Reincarnation
1.49 - Ancient Deities of Vegetation as Animals
15.03 - A Canadian Question
1.53 - The Propitation of Wild Animals By Hunters
1.56 - The Public Expulsion of Evils
1.63 - Fear, a Bad Astral Vision
1.63 - The Interpretation of the Fire-Festivals
17.00 - Translations
1.72 - Education
1929-04-07 - Yoga, for the sake of the Divine - Concentration - Preparations for Yoga, to be conscious - Yoga and humanity - We have all met in previous lives
1929-04-14 - Dangers of Yoga - Two paths, tapasya and surrender - Impulses, desires and Yoga - Difficulties - Unification around the psychic being - Ambition, undoing of many Yogis - Powers, misuse and right use of - How to recognise the Divine Will - Accept things that come from Divine - Vital devotion - Need of strong body and nerves - Inner being, invariable
1929-04-21 - Visions, seeing and interpretation - Dreams and dreamland - Dreamless sleep - Visions and formulation - Surrender, passive and of the will - Meditation and progress - Entering the spiritual life, a plunge into the Divine
1929-04-28 - Offering, general and detailed - Integral Yoga - Remembrance of the Divine - Reading and Yoga - Necessity, predetermination - Freedom - Miracles - Aim of creation
1929-05-12 - Beings of vital world (vampires) - Money power and vital beings - Capacity for manifestation of will - Entry into vital world - Body, a protection - Individuality and the vital world
1929-05-19 - Mind and its workings, thought-forms - Adverse conditions and Yoga - Mental constructions - Illness and Yoga
1929-05-26 - Individual, illusion of separateness - Hostile forces and the mental plane - Psychic world, psychic being - Spiritual and psychic - Words, understanding speech and reading - Hostile forces, their utility - Illusion of action, true action
1929-06-02 - Divine love and its manifestation - Part of the vital being in Divine love
1929-06-09 - Nature of religion - Religion and the spiritual life - Descent of Divine Truth and Force - To be sure of your religion, country, family-choose your own - Religion and numbers
1929-06-23 - Knowledge of the Yogi - Knowledge and the Supermind - Methods of changing the condition of the body - Meditation, aspiration, sincerity
1929-06-30 - Repulsion felt towards certain animals, etc - Source of evil, Formateurs - Material world
1929-08-04 - Surrender and sacrifice - Personality and surrender - Desire and passion - Spirituality and morality
1950-02-23 - Concentration and energy
1951-01-04 - Transformation and reversal of consciousness.
1951-01-08 - True vision and understanding of the world. Progress, equilibrium. Inner reality - the psychic. Animals and the psychic.
1951-01-25 - Needs and desires. Collaboration of the vital, mind an accomplice. Progress and sincerity - recognising faults. Organising the body - illness - new harmony - physical beauty.
1951-01-27 - Sleep - desires - repression - the subconscient. Dreams - the super-conscient - solving problems. Ladder of being - samadhi. Phases of sleep - silence, true rest. Vital body and illness.
1954-03-24 - Dreams and the condition of the stomach - Tobacco and alcohol - Nervousness - The centres and the Kundalini - Control of the senses
1954-04-07 - Communication without words - Uneven progress - Words and the Word
1954-04-28 - Aspiration and receptivity - Resistance - Purusha and Prakriti, not masculine and feminine
1954-05-19 - Affection and love - Psychic vision Divine - Love and receptivity - Get out of the ego
1954-06-16 - Influences, Divine and other - Adverse forces - The four great Asuras - Aspiration arranges circumstances - Wanting only the Divine
1954-06-30 - Occultism - Religion and vital beings - Mothers knowledge of what happens in the Ashram - Asking questions to Mother - Drawing on Mother
1954-07-14 - The Divine and the Shakti - Personal effort - Speaking and thinking - Doubt - Self-giving, consecration and surrender - Mothers use of flowers - Ornaments and protection
1954-07-21 - Mistakes - Success - Asuras - Mental arrogance - Difficulty turned into opportunity - Mothers use of flowers - Conversion of men governed by adverse forces
1954-08-04 - Servant and worker - Justification of weakness - Play of the Divine - Why are you here in the Ashram?
1954-08-11 - Division and creation - The gods and human formations - People carry their desires around them
1954-08-25 - Ananda aspect of the Mother - Changing conditions in the Ashram - Ascetic discipline - Mothers body
1954-09-08 - Hostile forces - Substance - Concentration - Changing the centre of thought - Peace
1954-09-22 - The supramental creation - Rajasic eagerness - Silence from above - Aspiration and rejection - Effort, individuality and ego - Aspiration and desire
1954-09-29 - The right spirit - The Divine comes first - Finding the Divine - Mistakes - Rejecting impulses - Making the consciousness vast - Firm resolution
1954-10-20 - Stand back - Asking questions to Mother - Seeing images in meditation - Berlioz -Music - Mothers organ music - Destiny
1954-11-03 - Body opening to the Divine - Concentration in the heart - The army of the Divine - The knot of the ego -Strengthening ones will
1954-11-10 - Inner experience, the basis of action - Keeping open to the Force - Faith through aspiration - The Mothers symbol - The mind and vital seize experience - Degrees of sincerity -Becoming conscious of the Divine Force
1954-12-22 - Possession by hostile forces - Purity and morality - Faith in the final success -Drawing back from the path
1955-02-09 - Desire is contagious - Primitive form of love - the artists delight - Psychic need, mind as an instrument - How the psychic being expresses itself - Distinguishing the parts of ones being - The psychic guides - Illness - Mothers vision
1955-03-02 - Right spirit, aspiration and desire - Sleep and yogic repose, how to sleep - Remembering dreams - Concentration and outer activity - Mother opens the door inside everyone - Sleep, a school for inner knowledge - Source of energy
1955-03-23 - Procedure for rejection and transformation - Learning by heart, true understanding - Vibrations, movements of the species - A cat and a Russian peasant woman - A cat doing yoga
1955-04-13 - Psychoanalysts - The underground super-ego, dreams, sleep, control - Archetypes, Overmind and higher - Dream of someone dying - Integral repose, entering Sachchidananda - Organising ones life, concentration, repose
1955-04-27 - Symbolic dreams and visions - Curing pain by various methods - Different states of consciousness - Seeing oneself dead in a dream - Exteriorisation
1955-05-18 - The Problem of Woman - Men and women - The Supreme Mother, the new creation - Gods and goddesses - A story of Creation, earth - Psychic being only on earth, beings everywhere - Going to other worlds by occult means
1955-05-25 - Religion and reason - true role and field - an obstacle to or minister of the Spirit - developing and meaning - Learning how to live, the elite - Reason controls and organises life - Nature is infrarational
1955-06-01 - The aesthetic conscience - Beauty and form - The roots of our life - The sense of beauty - Educating the aesthetic sense, taste - Mental constructions based on a revelation - Changing the world and humanity
1955-06-15 - Dynamic realisation, transformation - The negative and positive side of experience - The image of the dry coconut fruit - Purusha, Prakriti, the Divine Mother - The Truth-Creation - Pralaya - We are in a transitional period
1955-06-22 - Awakening the Yoga-shakti - The thousand-petalled lotus- Reading, how far a help for yoga - Simple and complicated combinations in men
1955-06-29 - The true vital and true physical - Time and Space - The psychics memory of former lives - The psychic organises ones life - The psychics knowledge and direction
1955-07-06 - The psychic and the central being or jivatman - Unity and multiplicity in the Divine - Having experiences and the ego - Mental, vital and physical exteriorisation - Imagination has a formative power - The function of the imagination
1955-07-13 - Cosmic spirit and cosmic consciousness - The wall of ignorance, unity and separation - Aspiration to understand, to know, to be - The Divine is in the essence of ones being - Realising desires through the imaginaton
1955-07-20 - The Impersonal Divine - Surrender to the Divine brings perfect freedom - The Divine gives Himself - The principle of the inner dimensions - The paths of aspiration and surrender - Linear and spherical paths and realisations
1955-08-17 - Vertical ascent and horizontal opening - Liberation of the psychic being - Images for discovery of the psychic being - Sadhana to contact the psychic being
1955-10-05 - Science and Ignorance - Knowledge, science and the Buddha - Knowing by identification - Discipline in science and in Buddhism - Progress in the mental field and beyond it
1955-10-12 - The problem of transformation - Evolution, man and superman - Awakening need of a higher good - Sri Aurobindo and earths history - Setting foot on the new path - The true reality of the universe - the new race - ...
1955-10-19 - The rhythms of time - The lotus of knowledge and perfection - Potential knowledge - The teguments of the soul - Shastra and the Gurus direct teaching - He who chooses the Infinite...
1955-11-02 - The first movement in Yoga - Interiorisation, finding ones soul - The Vedic Age - An incident about Vivekananda - The imaged language of the Vedas - The Vedic Rishis, involutionary beings - Involution and evolution
1955-11-09 - Personal effort, egoistic mind - Man is like a public square - Natures work - Ego needed for formation of individual - Adverse forces needed to make man sincere - Determinisms of different planes, miracles
1955-11-16 - The significance of numbers - Numbers, astrology, true knowledge - Divines Love flowers for Kali puja - Desire, aspiration and progress - Determining ones approach to the Divine - Liberation is obtained through austerities - ...
1955-11-23 - One reality, multiple manifestations - Integral Yoga, approach by all paths - The supreme man and the divine man - Miracles and the logic of events
1955-12-07 - Emotional impulse of self-giving - A young dancer in France - The heart has wings, not the head - Only joy can conquer the Adversary
1955-12-14 - Rejection of life as illusion in the old Yogas - Fighting the adverse forces - Universal and individual being - Three stages in Integral Yoga - How to feel the Divine Presence constantly
1955-12-28 - Aspiration in different parts of the being - Enthusiasm and gratitude - Aspiration is in all beings - Unlimited power of good, evil has a limit - Progress in the parts of the being - Significance of a dream
1956-01-04 - Integral idea of the Divine - All things attracted by the Divine - Bad things not in place - Integral yoga - Moving idea-force, ideas - Consequences of manifestation - Work of Spirit via Nature - Change consciousness, change world
1956-01-11 - Desire and self-deception - Giving all one is and has - Sincerity, more powerful than will - Joy of progress Definition of youth
1956-01-18 - Two sides of individual work - Cheerfulness - chosen vessel of the Divine - Aspiration, consciousness, of plants, of children - Being chosen by the Divine - True hierarchy - Perfect relation with the Divine - India free in 1915
1956-01-25 - The divine way of life - Divine, Overmind, Supermind - Material body for discovery of the Divine - Five psychological perfections
1956-02-01 - Path of knowledge - Finding the Divine in life - Capacity for contact with the Divine - Partial and total identification with the Divine - Manifestation and hierarchy
1956-02-08 - Forces of Nature expressing a higher Will - Illusion of separate personality - One dynamic force which moves all things - Linear and spherical thinking - Common ideal of life, microscopic
1956-02-22 - Strong immobility of an immortal spirit - Equality of soul - Is all an expression of the divine Will? - Loosening the knot of action - Using experience as a cloak to cover excesses - Sincerity, a rare virtue
1956-02-29 - First Supramental Manifestation - The Golden Hammer
1956-03-07 - Sacrifice, Animals, hostile forces, receive in proportion to consciousness - To be luminously open - Integral transformation - Pain of rejection, delight of progress - Spirit behind intention - Spirit, matter, over-simplified
1956-03-14 - Dynamic meditation - Do all as an offering to the Divine - Significance of 23.4.56. - If twelve men of goodwill call the Divine
1956-03-28 - The starting-point of spiritual experience - The boundless finite - The Timeless and Time - Mental explanation not enough - Changing knowledge into experience - Sat-Chit-Tapas-Ananda
1956-04-11 - Self-creator - Manifestation of Time and Space - Brahman-Maya and Ishwara-Shakti - Personal and Impersonal
1956-04-18 - Ishwara and Shakti, seeing both aspects - The Impersonal and the divine Person - Soul, the presence of the divine Person - Going to other worlds, exteriorisation, dreams - Telling stories to oneself
1956-04-25 - God, human conception and the true Divine - Earthly existence, to realise the Divine - Ananda, divine pleasure - Relations with the divine Presence - Asking the Divine for what one needs - Allowing the Divine to lead one
1956-05-02 - Threefold union - Manifestation of the Supramental - Profiting from the Divine - Recognition of the Supramental Force - Ascent, descent, manifestation
1956-05-23 - Yoga and religion - Story of two clergymen on a boat - The Buddha and the Supramental - Hieroglyphs and phonetic alphabets - A vision of ancient Egypt - Memory for sounds
1956-05-30 - Forms as symbols of the Force behind - Art as expression of contact with the Divine - Supramental psychological perfection - Division of works - The Ashram, idle stupidities
1956-06-06 - Sign or indication from books of revelation - Spiritualised mind - Stages of sadhana - Reversal of consciousness - Organisation around central Presence - Boredom, most common human malady
1956-06-13 - Effects of the Supramental action - Education and the Supermind - Right to remain ignorant - Concentration of mind - Reason, not supreme capacity - Physical education and studies - inner discipline - True usefulness of teachers
1956-06-20 - Hearts mystic light, intuition - Psychic being, contact - Secular ethics - True role of mind - Realise the Divine by love - Depression, pleasure, joy - Heart mixture - To follow the soul - Physical process - remember the Mother
1956-06-27 - Birth, entry of soul into body - Formation of the supramental world - Aspiration for progress - Bad thoughts - Cerebral filter - Progress and resistance
1956-07-04 - Aspiration when one sees a shooting star - Preparing the bodyn making it understand - Getting rid of pain and suffering - Psychic light
1956-07-18 - Unlived dreams - Radha-consciousness - Separation and identification - Ananda of identity and Ananda of union - Sincerity, meditation and prayer - Enemies of the Divine - The universe is progressive
1956-08-01 - Value of worship - Spiritual realisation and the integral yoga - Symbols, translation of experience into form - Sincerity, fundamental virtue - Intensity of aspiration, with anguish or joy - The divine Grace
1956-08-08 - How to light the psychic fire, will for progress - Helping from a distance, mental formations - Prayer and the divine - Grace Grace at work everywhere
1956-08-15 - Protection, purification, fear - Atmosphere at the Ashram on Darshan days - Darshan messages - Significance of 15-08 - State of surrender - Divine Grace always all-powerful - Assumption of Virgin Mary - SA message of 1947-08-15
1956-08-22 - The heaven of the liberated mind - Trance or samadhi - Occult discipline for leaving consecutive bodies - To be greater than ones experience - Total self-giving to the Grace - The truth of the being - Unique relation with the Supreme
1956-08-29 - To live spontaneously - Mental formations Absolute sincerity - Balance is indispensable, the middle path - When in difficulty, widen the consciousness - Easiest way of forgetting oneself
1956-09-12 - Questions, practice and progress
1956-09-26 - Soul of desire - Openness, harmony with Nature - Communion with divine Presence - Individuality, difficulties, soul of desire - personal contact with the Mother - Inner receptivity - Bad thoughts before the Mother
1956-10-03 - The Mothers different ways of speaking - new manifestation - new element, possibilities - child prodigies - Laws of Nature, supramental - Logic of the unforeseen - Creative writers, hands of musicians - Prodigious children, men
1956-10-10 - The supramental race in a few centuries - Condition for new realisation - Everyone must follow his own path - Progress, no two paths alike
1956-10-17 - Delight, the highest state - Delight and detachment - To be calm - Quietude, mental and vital - Calm and strength - Experience and expression of experience
1956-10-24 - Taking a new body - Different cases of incarnation - Departure of soul from body
1956-10-31 - Manifestation of divine love - Deformation of Love by human consciousness - Experience and expression of experience
1956-11-14 - Conquering the desire to appear good - Self-control and control of the life around - Power of mastery - Be a great yogi to be a good teacher - Organisation of the Ashram school - Elementary discipline of regularity
1956-12-05 - Even and objectless ecstasy - Transform the animal - Individual personality and world-personality - Characteristic features of a world-personality - Expressing a universal state of consciousness - Food and sleep - Ordered intuition
1956-12-12 - paradoxes - Nothing impossible - unfolding universe, the Eternal - Attention, concentration, effort - growth capacity almost unlimited - Why things are not the same - will and willings - Suggestions, formations - vital world
1956-12-19 - Preconceived mental ideas - Process of creation - Destructive power of bad thoughts - To be perfectly sincere
1956-12-26 - Defeated victories - Change of consciousness - Experiences that indicate the road to take - Choice and preference - Diversity of the manifestation
1957-01-23 - How should we understand pure delight? - The drop of honey - Action of the Divine Will in the world
1957-02-07 - Individual and collective meditation
1957-02-20 - Limitations of the body and individuality
1957-03-22 - A story of initiation, knowledge and practice
1957-04-03 - Different religions and spirituality
1957-04-17 - Transformation of the body
1957-04-24 - Perfection, lower and higher
1957-05-01 - Sports competitions, their value
1957-05-15 - Differentiation of the sexes - Transformation from above downwards
1957-05-29 - Progressive transformation
1957-06-05 - Questions and silence - Methods of meditation
1957-07-03 - Collective yoga, vision of a huge hotel
1957-07-10 - A new world is born - Overmind creation dissolved
1957-07-31 - Awakening aspiration in the body
1957-08-07 - The resistances, politics and money - Aspiration to realise the supramental life
1957-08-14 - Meditation on Sri Aurobindo
1957-09-11 - Vital chemistry, attraction and repulsion
1957-09-25 - Preparation of the intermediate being
1957-10-16 - Story of successive involutions
1957-10-23 - The central motive of terrestrial existence - Evolution
1957-10-30 - Double movement of evolution - Disappearance of a species
1957-11-27 - Sri Aurobindos method in The Life Divine - Individual and cosmic evolution
1957-12-18 - Modern science and illusion - Value of experience, its transforming power - Supramental power, first aspect to manifest
1958-01-01 - The collaboration of material Nature - Miracles visible to a deep vision of things - Explanation of New Year Message
1958-01-08 - Sri Aurobindos method of exposition - The mind as a public place - Mental control - Sri Aurobindos subtle hand
1958-03-05 - Vibrations and words - Power of thought, the gift of tongues
1958-03-12 - The key of past transformations
1958-03-19 - General tension in humanity - Peace and progress - Perversion and vision of transformation
1958-04-16 - The superman - New realisation
1958-04-30 - Mental constructions and experience
1958-06-18 - Philosophy, religion, occultism, spirituality
1958-07-16 - Is religion a necessity?
1958-07-23 - How to develop intuition - Concentration
1958-08-15 - Our relation with the Gods
1958-08-27 - Meditation and imagination - From thought to idea, from idea to principle
1958-09-03 - How to discipline the imagination - Mental formations
1958-10-01 - The ideal of moral perfection
1958-11-04 - Myths are True and Gods exist - mental formation and occult faculties - exteriorization - work in dreams
1960-07-12 - Mothers Vision - the Voice, the ashram a tiny part of myself, the Mothers Force, sparkling white light compressed - enormous formation of negative vibrations - light in evil
1960-07-18 - triple time vision, Questions and Answers is like circling around the Garden
1960-07-23 - The Flood and the race - turning back to guide and save amongst the torrents - sadhana vs tamas and destruction - power of giving and offering - Japa, 7 lakhs, 140000 per day, 1 crore takes 20 years
1960-07-26 - Mothers vision - looking up words in the subconscient
1960-08-10 - questions from center of Education - reading Sri Aurobindo
20.06 - Translations in French
2.01 - Indeterminates, Cosmic Determinations and the Indeterminable
2.01 - The Preparatory Renunciation
2.01 - The Therapeutic value of Abreaction
2.02 - Surrender, Self-Offering and Consecration
2.02 - The Bhakta.s Renunciation results from Love
2.02 - The Synthesis of Devotion and Knowledge
2.03 - Renunciation
2.04 - Concentration
2.04 - The Forms of Love-Manifestation
2.04 - Yogic Action
2.05 - Renunciation
2.05 - The Cosmic Illusion; Mind, Dream and Hallucination
2.05 - The Line of Light and The Impression
2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion
2.06 - Works Devotion and Knowledge
2.07 - The Mother Relations with Others
2.07 - The Release from Subjection to the Body
2.08 - Concentration
2.09 - Human representations of the Divine Ideal of Love
2.09 - Meditation
2.0 - Reincarnation and Karma
2.1.02 - Classification of the Parts of the Being
2.1.02 - Combining Work, Meditation and Bhakti
2.1.02 - Nature The World-Manifestation
2.10 - Conclusion
2.10 - The Realisation of the Cosmic Self
2.10 - The Vision of the World-Spirit - Time the Destroyer
2.11 - The Vision of the World-Spirit - The Double Aspect
2.12 - The Position of The Sefirot
2.12 - The Realisation of Sachchidananda
2.13 - Exclusive Concentration of Consciousness-Force and the Ignorance
2.15 - Selection of Sparks Made for The Purpose of The Emendation
2.16 - Fashioning of The Vessel
2.16 - Power of Imagination - On the Inspiration and Writing of the Poem
2.18 - The Evolutionary Process - Ascent and Integration
2.18 - The Soul and Its Liberation
2.19 - Union, Gestation, Birth
2.2.3 - Depression and Despondency
2.23 - Man and the Evolution
2.23 - The Conditions of Attainment to the Gnosis
2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man
2.25 - The Triple Transformation
2.26 - The First and Second Unions
2.27 - The Two Types of Unions
2.29 - The Worlds of Creation, Formation and Action
2.3.01 - Aspiration and Surrender to the Mother
2.3.01 - Concentration and Meditation
2.3.07 - The Mother in Visions, Dreams and Experiences
23.09 - Observations I
230h Personality and its Transformations - The Necessity and Nature of Inspiration - Inspiration and Understanding
23.10 - Observations II - Inspiration and Effort - Inspiration during Sleep - Writing and Concentration
23.11 - Observations III - Aspiration
2.31 - The Elevation Attained Through Sabbath
2.32 - Prophetic Visions - Contact and Union with the Divine
2.4.02 - Bhakti, Devotion, Worship
24.05 - Vision of Dante
2.4.1 - Human Relations and the Spiritual Life
2.4.2 - Interactions with Others and the Practice of Yoga
2.4.3 - Problems in Human Relations
27.04 - A Vision
28.01 - Observations
28.02 - An Impression
3.00.2 - Introduction
30.04 - Intuition and Inspiration in Art
3.00 - Introduction
3.02 - Aspiration
3.02 - On Thought - Introduction
3.02 - The Motives of Devotion
3.03 - The Four Foundational Practices
3.03 - The Godward Emotions
3.04 - Immersion in the Bath
3.04 - The Way of Devotion
3.05 - The Conjunction
3.05 - The Physical World and its Connection with the Soul and Spirit-Lands
3.08 - Purification
3.1.01 - Invitation
3.1.02 - Spiritual Evolution and the Supramental
3.1.04 - Transformation in the Integral Yoga
3.1.05 - A Vision of Science
3.1.09 - Revelation
3.1.12 - A Child.s Imagination
3.1.1 - The Transformation of the Physical
3.14 - Of the Consecrations
3.15 - Of the Invocation
3.2.02 - Vision
3.2.03 - Conservation and Progress
32.12 - The Evolutionary Imperative
33.01 - The Initiation of Swadeshi
3.4.01 - Evolution
34.04 - Hymn of Aspiration - Fiction-Writing and Sadhana
3.5.02 - Religion
36.07 - An Introduction To The Vedas - Rebirth, Evolution, Heredity - Rebirth and Soul Evolution - Involution and Evolution - The Foundation - Appendix II - A Clarification
38.01 - Asceticism and Renunciation - Meditation
3 - Commentaries and Annotated Translations
4.01 - Introduction
4.01 - Prayers and Meditations
4.02 - Divine Consolations.
4.02 - The Integral Perfection
4.03 - The Psychology of Self-Perfection
4.04 - Conclusion
4.04 - The Perfection of the Mental Being
4.06 - Purification-the Lower Mentality
4.07 - Purification-Intelligence and Will
4.08 - The Liberation of the Spirit
4.09 - The Liberation of the Nature
4.10 - The Elements of Perfection - The Fundamental Realisations - Four Bases of Realisation - Three Realisations for the Soul - Foundations of the Sadhana
4.11 - The Perfection of Equality - Realisation and Transformation - The Three Transformations - Preparation for the Supramental Change
4.1.3 - Imperfections and Periods of Arrest
4.13 - The Action of Equality
4.17 - The Action of the Divine Shakti
4.21 - The Gradations of the supermind - Conditions for the Psychic Opening - The Psychic and the Relation with the Divine
4.2.3 - Vigilance, Resolution, Will and the Divine Help - The Psychic Condition - The Psychic Fire and Some Inner Visions - Psychisation and Spiritualisation
4.2.5 - Dealing with Depression and Despondency
4.25 - Towards the supramental Time Vision
430H - Self-Deception - A Vision of the Universal Self
4.3.4 - Accidents, Possession, Madness - The Meaning of Spiritual Transformation - Ascension or Rising above the Head - Ascent and Dissolution - Sensations in the Inner Centres
4.4 - Additional Aphorisms
5.02 - Perfection of the Body
5.06 - Supermind in the Evolution
5.1.01 - Ilion
5.2.01 - Word-Formation
5.2.02 - The Meditations of Mandavya
6.08 - Intellectual Visions
6.09 - Imaginary Visions
6.0 - Conscious, Unconscious, and Individuation
7.5.29 - The Universal Incarnation
90 days of no masturbation
a canto of Savitri a day until completion
Achieving Oneness With The Higher Soul _ Meditations for Soul Realization
Anilbaran Roy Interviews and Conversations
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Annihilation of Caste
AQAL Meditation
Aspects of Evocation
A Study Of Dogen His Philosophy and Religion
Auroville dictionary of Sri Aurobindos terms
Awaken Every Day 365 Buddhist Reflections to Invite Mindfulness and Joy
Becoming the Compassion Buddha Tantric Mahamudra for Everyday Life
Being and knowing in wholeness Chinese Chan, Tibetan Dzogchen, and the logic of immediacy in contemplation
Big Mind Meditation
Big Mind (ten perfections)
Blazing P1 - Preconventional consciousness
Blazing P2 - Map the Stages of Conventional Consciousness
Blazing P3 - Explore the Stages of Postconventional Consciousness
Bodhinyana a collection of Dhamma talks
BOOK I. - Augustine censures the pagans, who attributed the calamities of the world, and especially the sack of Rome by the Goths, to the Christian religion and its prohibition of the worship of the gods
BOOK II. - A review of the calamities suffered by the Romans before the time of Christ, showing that their gods had plunged them into corruption and vice
BOOK IX. - Of those who allege a distinction among demons, some being good and others evil
BOOK VIII. - Some account of the Socratic and Platonic philosophy, and a refutation of the doctrine of Apuleius that the demons should be worshipped as mediators between gods and men
BOOK VI. - Of Varros threefold division of theology, and of the inability of the gods to contribute anything to the happiness of the future life
BOOK XI. - Augustine passes to the second part of the work, in which the origin, progress, and destinies of the earthly and heavenly cities are discussed.Speculations regarding the creation of the world
BOOK XII. - Of the creation of angels and men, and of the origin of evil
BOOK XIV. - Of the punishment and results of mans first sin, and of the propagation of man without lust
BOOK XIX. - A review of the philosophical opinions regarding the Supreme Good, and a comparison of these opinions with the Christian belief regarding happiness
BOOK X. - Porphyrys doctrine of redemption
BOOK XXII. - Of the eternal happiness of the saints, the resurrection of the body, and the miracles of the early Church
BOOK XXI. - Of the eternal punishment of the wicked in hell, and of the various objections urged against it
BOOK XX. - Of the last judgment, and the declarations regarding it in the Old and New Testaments
BS 1 - Introduction to the Idea of God
Buddhahood Without Meditation A Visionary Account Known as Refining One's Perception
CHAPTER 26 - Continues the description of a method for recollecting the
CHAPTER 28 - Describes the nature of the Prayer of Recollection and sets down
CHAPTER 35 - Describes the recollection which should be practised after
Choiceless Awareness A Selection of Passages for the Study of the Teachings of J. Krishnamurti
Civilization and Its Discontents
Collected Fictions
Compassionate Action
Concentration (book)
concentration (quotes)
Confusion Arises as Wisdom Gampopa's Heart Advice on the Path of Mahamudra
Contemplation and Action
Conversations of Socrates
Conversations With God An Uncommon Dialogue
Creative Evolution
Cultivating the Empty Field The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi
cwsa (descriptions)
daily inspiration video
Deep Meditation
Depth Psychology Meditations in the Field
Dion Fortune
Economy of Truth Practical Maxims and Reflections
Education As a Force for Social Change
Education in the New Age
ENNEAD 02.05 - Of the Aristotelian Distinction Between Actuality and Potentiality.
ENNEAD 02.07 - About Mixture to the Point of Total Penetration.
ENNEAD 03.03 - Continuation of That on Providence.
ENNEAD 03.08a - Of Nature, Contemplation, and of the One.
ENNEAD 03.08b - Of Nature, Contemplation and Unity.
ENNEAD 04.03 - Psychological Questions.
ENNEAD 04.04 - Questions About the Soul.
ENNEAD 04.05 - Psychological QuestionsIII. - About the Process of Vision and Hearing.
ENNEAD 04.06a - Of Sensation and Memory.
ENNEAD 04.06b - Of Sensation and Memory.
ENNEAD 05.02 - Of Generation and of the Order of Things that Follow the First.
ENNEAD 05.02 - Of Generation, and of the Order of things that Rank Next After the First.
Entrance To The Great Perfection A Guide To The Dzogchen Preliminary Practices
Evolution II
Ex Oblivione
fictional characters
fictional place
Game Dev Inspiration
God is the answer to every question.
google terms and conditions
Guided Buddhist Meditations Essential Practices on the Stages of the Path
guided meditations
highest possible goals or visions
Hojoki Visions of a Torn World
Holy Bible King James Version
Holy Bible New International Version
How to Practice Shamatha Meditation The Cultivation of Meditative Quiescene
Information Science
Initiation Into Hermetics
injunctions by tier
Inscription on Faith in Mind - One is All
Inscription on Trust in the Mind
Intelligent Life Buddhist Psychology of Self-Transformation
Introduction To The Middle Way Chandrakirti's Madhyamakavatara with Commentary by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
Introduction Zen Buddhism
Ken Wilber - Thought as Passion
L08 - Neuropsychology of Symbolic Representation
Letters on Occult Meditation
Levels of appreciation of Savitri
Levels of Interpretation
Levels of relation to God
Liber 2 - The Message of The Master Therion
Liber 6 - Elementary instructions on Qabbalah
Liber 8 - conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel
Logical Investigations
Love and Compassion Is My Religion A Beginner's Book Into Spirituality
Machik's Complete Explanation Clarifying the Meaning of Chod
manifestation of God
Meditation Advice to Beginners
Meditation Centers
meditation (Savitri quotes)
Meditation The First and Last Freedom
mental perfection
Mind at Ease Self-Liberation through Mahamudra Meditation
Mind Training The Great Collection
Mining for Wisdom Within Delusion Maitreya's Distinction Between Phenomena and the Nature of Phenomena and Its Indian and Tibetan Commentaries
Mixed Collection
Mortimers Reading list (1972 edition)
Mysterium Coniunctionis
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neon Genesis Evangelion The End of Evangelion
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
On Education
On Interpretation
Ontology (information science)
Opening the Hand of Thought Foundations of Zen Buddhist Practice
Pantheisticon A Modern English Translation
pareto distribution
Phenomenology of Perception
Philosophy of Education
Physical Inspiration
physical perfection
Pointing-out instructions
Prayers And Meditations
Primordial Purity Oral Instructions on the Three Words That Strike the Vital Point
programs (Education)
Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness
questions about God
Questions And Answers 1929-1931
Questions And Answers 1950-1951
Questions And Answers 1953
Questions And Answers 1954
Questions And Answers 1955
Questions And Answers 1956
Questions And Answers 1957-1958
questions (full-list)
realisation of God
recreational drugs
Reflections on Silver River
Religion and Science
Renunciation and Empowerment of Buddhist Nuns in Myanmar-Burma Building a Community of Female Faithful
Revelations of Divine Love
roguelike celebration
Satipahna The Direct Path to Realization
SB 1.1 - Questions by the Sages
Science Fiction
Sefer Yetzirah The Book of Creation In Theory and Practice
Selected Non-Fictions
Self-Liberation Through Seeing with Naked Awareness
Sivananda Companion to Yoga Sivananda Companion to Yoga
Socratic questioning
states meditation
Straight From The Heart Buddhist Pith Instructions
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
The 36 Questions that lead to Love
The Abolition of Man
The Act of Creation
The Act of Creation text
The Anapanasati Sutta A Practical Guide to Mindfullness of Breathing and Tranquil Wisdom Meditation
The Book of Secrets Keys to Love and Meditation
The Confessions of Saint Augustine
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya
The Consolation of Philosophy
the Contortionist
The Dharani Sutra The Sutra of the Vast, Great, Perfect, Full, Unimpeded Great Compassion Heart Dharani of the Thousand-Handed, Thousand
the Divine Action
the Divine Compassion
the Divine Incarnation
the Divine Manifestation
the Divine Perfection
the Divine Potion
the Divine Protection
the Divine Relations
the Divine Revealation
The Divinization of Matter Lurianic Kabbalah, Physics, and the Supramental Transformation
The Doors of Perception & Heaven and Hell
The effective fullness of our concentration on the one thing needful to the exclusion of all else will be the measure of our self-consecration to the One who is alone desirable.
The Essentials of Buddhist Meditation
The Essentials of Education
The Externalization of the Hierarchy
the Fashioners
The Foundation of Buddhist Practice (The Library of Wisdom and Compassion Book 2)
the God of Computation
The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra
The Great Secret of Mind Special Instructions on the Nonduality of Dzogchen
The Heart of Compassion The Thirty-seven Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva
The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones The Practice of View, Meditation, and Action A Discourse Virtuous in the Beginning, Middle, and End
The House of Asterion
The Imitation of Christ
the Information Age
The Instructions of Gampopa A Precious Garland of the Supreme Path
The Integral Perfection
The Interior Castle or The Mansions
The Interpretation of Dreams
The Jewel Ornament of Liberation The Wish-Fulfilling Gem of the Noble Teachings
the Junction
The Last Question
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya
The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Bible Spiritual Recovery from Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse
the need for concentration
the need for consecration
the need for purification
The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha A Complete Translation of the Anguttara Nikaya
the object of adoration
Theological Fiction
the Path of Devotion
the Path of Self-Perfection
The Path Of Serenity And Insight An Explanation Of Buddhist Jhanas
the Place of Incarnation
the Place where Inspiration comes from
the Place where visions come from
The Practice of Magical Evocation
the Question
The Recognition Sutras Illuminating a 1,000-Year-Old Spiritual Masterpiece
The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China
the Solution
the source of inspirations
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
The Suttanipata An Ancient Collection of the Buddha's Discourses Together with its Commentaries
The Three Questions
The Way of Perfection
things that help increase inspiration
tier 0 actions
Tilopa's Mahamudra Upadesha The Gangama Instructions with Commentary
Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission A Commentary on the Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena
Turning Confusion into Clarity A Guide to the Foundation Practices of Tibetan Buddhism
Understanding the Mind An Explanation of the Nature and Functions of the Mind
vision of God
where do realizations come from?
Wisdom and the Religions
wordlist (inspiration)
select ::: Being, God, injunctions, media, place, powers, subjects,
favorite ::: cwsa, everyday, grade, mcw, memcards (table), project, project 0001, Savitri, the Temple of Sages, three js, whiteboard,
temp ::: consecration, experiments, knowledge, meditation, psychometrics, remember, responsibility, temp, the Bad, the God object, the Good, the most important, the Ring, the source of inspirations, the Stack, the Tarot, the Word, top priority, whiteboard,

--- DICTIONARIES (in Dictionaries, in Quotes, in Chapters)

ionian ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians; Ionic. ::: n. --> A native or citizen of Ionia.

ionic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians.
Pertaining to the Ionic order of architecture, one of the three orders invented by the Greeks, and one of the five recognized by the Italian writers of the sixteenth century. Its distinguishing feature is a capital with spiral volutes. See Illust. of Capital.
Of or pertaining to an ion; composed of ions. ::: n.

ionidium ::: n. --> A genus of violaceous plants, chiefly found in tropical America, some species of which are used as substitutes for ipecacuanha.

ion ::: n. --> One of the elements which appear at the respective poles when a body is subjected to electro-chemical decomposition. Cf. Anion, Cation.

ionian ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians; Ionic. ::: n. --> A native or citizen of Ionia.

ionic ::: a. --> Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians.
Pertaining to the Ionic order of architecture, one of the three orders invented by the Greeks, and one of the five recognized by the Italian writers of the sixteenth century. Its distinguishing feature is a capital with spiral volutes. See Illust. of Capital.
Of or pertaining to an ion; composed of ions. ::: n.

ionidium ::: n. --> A genus of violaceous plants, chiefly found in tropical America, some species of which are used as substitutes for ipecacuanha.

ion ::: n. --> One of the elements which appear at the respective poles when a body is subjected to electro-chemical decomposition. Cf. Anion, Cation.

Ionian or Ionic School A school of Greek philosophers of the 5th and 6th centuries BC in Ionia, considered to have been founded by Thales of Miletus (640-550 BC) and including Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Heraclitus, Diogenes of Apollonia, Archelaus, and Hippo. They were astronomers, geometers, and geographers who sought to explain the universe in terms of matter, movement, and force. Thales and Hippo make the cosmic element water the primordial originating element; Anaximenes and Diogenes of Apollonia make it the cosmic element air; Heraclitus, the cosmic element fire. Anaxagoras postulates a supreme hierarchical mind (nous) as imparting evolutionary form and order to chaos, the undeveloped substance of nature.

ion over the planet Venus, is one of the lumin¬

ion over tame beasts. Hariel is invoked against

Ioniel—in Solomonic lore, one of the 2 princes

ion also over Israel, although, traditionally, it is


Ionization ::: The process of adding one or more electrons to, or removing one or more electrons from, atoms or molecules, thereby creating ions. High temperatures, electrical discharges, or nuclear radiations can cause ionization.

Ionize ::: To split off one or more electrons from an atom, thus leaving it with a positive electric charge. The electrons usually attach to other atoms or molecules giving them a negative charge.

Ionizing Radiation::: Any radiation capable of displacing electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby producing ions. Some examples are alpha, beta, gamma, x-rays, neutrons, and ultraviolet light. High doses of ionizing radiation may produce severe skin or tissue damage.

ion channels ::: Integral membrane proteins possessing pores that allow certain ions to diffuse across cell membranes, thereby conferring selective ionic permeability.

ion exchangers ::: Membrane transporters that translocate one or more ions against their concentration gradient by using the electrochemical gradient of other ions as an energy source.

ionotropic (ionotropic receptors) ::: Receptors in which the ligand binding site is an integral part of the receptor molecule.

ion pumps ::: see transporters.

--- QUOTES [1500 / 4360 - 500 / 695277] (in Dictionaries, in Quotes, in Chapters)

KEYS (10k)

  787 Sri Aurobindo
   92 The Mother
   19 Sri Ramakrishna
   16 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   16 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
   15 Albert Einstein
   10 Swami Vivekananda
   10 Epictetus
   10 Aleister Crowley
   9 Claudio Naranjo
   9 Anonymous
   8 Stephen King
   8 Jean Gebser
   8 Friedrich Nietzsche
   7 Terry Pratchett
   7 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   7 H P Lovecraft
   7 Dion Fortune
   7 Bertrand Russell
   6 William Blake
   6 Bill Hicks
   5 Taigen Dan Leighton
   5 Saint John of the Cross
   5 Saint Augustine
   5 Ralph Waldo Emerson
   5 J R R Tolkien
   5 Howard Gardner
   5 Frank Herbert
   5 Bruce Lee
   5 Arthur C Clarke
   4 Yamamoto Tsunetomo
   4 Plato
   4 Marcus Aurelius
   4 Kabir
   4 Jorge Luis Borges
   4 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   4 Jiddu Krishnamurti
   4 Jetsun Milarepa
   4 Heraclitus
   4 Henry David Thoreau
   4 Georg C Lichtenberg
   4 Chamtrul Rinpoche
   4 Alfred North Whitehead
   3 Saint Thomas Aquinas
   3 Robert Anton Wilson
   3 Richard P Feynman
   3 R Buckminster Fuller
   3 Miyamoto Musashi
   3 Mark Twain
   3 Maimonides
   3 Leo Tolstoy
   3 Leonardo da Vinci
   3 Ken Wilber
   3 Isaac Asimov
   3 Henri Bergson
   3 Guru Rinpoche
   3 G K Chesterton
   3 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
   3 Francis Bacon
   3 Eliphas Levi
   3 Confucius
   3 Bodhidharma
   3 Blaise Pascal
   3 Benjamin Disraeli
   3 Aristotle
   3 Abraham Maslow
   2 Winston Churchill
   2 William James
   2 William Gibson
   2 Ursula K Le Guin
   2 Thomas Keating
   2 Thomas a Kempis
   2 Teilhard de Chardin
   2 Stephen Covey
   2 Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
   2 Socrates
   2 Sigmund Freud
   2 Shunryu Suzuki
   2 Santoka Taneda
   2 Saint Teresa of Avila
   2 Robert Heinlein
   2 Publilius Syrus
   2 Peter J Carroll
   2 Padampa Sangye
   2 Nolini Kanta Gupta
   2 Nikola Tesla
   2 Michel de Montaigne
   2 Meister Eckhart
   2 Karl Popper
   2 Joseph Campbell
   2 Ibn Arabi
   2 Haruki Murakami
   2 George R R Martin
   2 Gabor Mate
   2 Fyodor Dostoevsky
   2 Franz Kafka
   2 Dalai Lama XIV
   2 C S Lewis
   2 Bram Stoker
   2 Baruch Spinoza
   2 Arthur Schopenhauer
   2 Arthur Koestler
   2 Amir Khusrau
   2 Alfred Korzybski
   2 Albert Camus
   1 Zig Ziglar
   1 Zhuangzi
   1 Wu Hsin
   1 William Wordsworth
   1 William S Burroughs
   1 William Butler Yeats
   1 Wikipedia
   1 Voltaire
   1 Vincent van Gogh
   1 Viktor Frankl
   1 Valmiki
   1 T S Eliot
   1 Townsend and Gebhardt
   1 Tilopa
   1 Thomas S Kuhn
   1 Thomas Carlyle
   1 Thich Nhat Hanh
   1 The Sutra on the Buddha's Bequeathed Teaching
   1 There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment.
   1 The Book of Wisdom
   1 The Bab
   1 Terence McKenna
   1 Swetaswatara Upanishad VI.18
   1 Susan Sontag
   1 Steve Pavlina
   1 Steve Jobs
   1 Soren Kierkegaard
   1 Socrates?
   1 Simone de Beauvoir
   1 Sigmund Freud.
   1 Shri Singha
   1 Sheng yen
   1 Shams Tabrizi
   1 Samael Aun Weor
   1 Salvador Dali
   1 Saisei Muro
   1 Saint Robert Bellarmine
   1 Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
   1 Saint Isaac of Syria
   1 Saadi
   1 Rudolf Steiner
   1 Roger Bacon
   1 Robert Fritz
   1 Robert Burns
   1 Roald Dahl
   1 Rig Veda
   1 Rene Descartes
   1 Rabindranath Tagore
   1 Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
   1 Proclus
   1 Porphyry
   1 Philo
   1 Philip K Dick
   1 Pema Chodron
   1 P D Ouspensky
   1 Paulo Coelho
   1 Patrick Henry
   1 Patanjali
   1 Owen Barfield
   1 Osho
   1 Oscar Wilde
   1 Orson Welles
   1 Orson Scott Card
   1 Nyogen Senzaki
   1 Norbert Wiener
   1 Niels Bohr
   1 Nicolas Chamfort
   1 Nichiren
   1 Niccolo Machiavelli
   1 Nelson Mandela
   1 Neem Karoli Baba
   1 Napoleon Bonaparte
   1 Nagarjuna
   1 M Scott Peck
   1 Mozart
   1 Mortimer J Adler
   1 Mme Jeanne Roland
   1 Miriam
   1 Mingyur Rinpoche
   1 Michio Kaku
   1 Michelangelo
   1 Mehmet Murat ildan
   1 Max Planck
   1 Master Yoda
   1 Masaaki Hatsumi
   1 Mark Winborn
   1 Marijn Haverbeke
   1 Margaret Drabble
   1 Mansoor al- Hallaj
   1 Manly P Hall
   1 Major Kusanagi
   1 Mahatma Gandhi
   1 Mage
   1 Machig Labdron
   1 Ludwig Wittgenstein
   1 Lucius Annaeus Seneca
   1 Lowell
   1 Louise Colet
   1 Lewis Mumford
   1 Leonardo Da Vinci
   1 Lawrence Durrell
   1 Lao Tzu
   1 Khyentse Rinpoche
   1 Kevin Mitnick
   1 Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
   1 Kapila
   1 Joseph Joubert
   1 John of Salisbury
   1 John Milton
   1 Jim Rohn
   1 Jim Carrey
   1 Jigme Lingpa
   1 Jeffrey J Kripal
   1 Jean Piaget
   1 Jean-Paul Sartre
   1 Jean Baudrillard
   1 James K Bowers
   1 James Joyce
   1 Jalaluddin Rumi
   1 Izumi Shikibu
   1 Isabel Allende
   1 Isaac Newton
   1 H W F Hegel
   1 Hippocrates
   1 H G Wells
   1 Henri Poincare
   1 Hazrat Inayat Khan
   1 Hayao Miyazaki
   1 Hakuin Ekaku
   1 Hafiz
   1 Godard
   1 Giorgio de Chirico
   1 Gertrude Stein
   1 George Carlin
   1 Gary Gygax
   1 F Scott Fitzgerald
   1 François de La Rochefoucauld
   1 Farley Mowat
   1 Everard and Morris
   1 Ernst & Young
   1 Erik Erikson
   1 E O Wilson
   1 Edward Vernon Rickenbacker
   1 Edward Schon
   1 Edgar Allan Poe
   1 Dzogchen Rinpoche
   1 Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
   1 Drucker
   1 Douglas Adams
   1 Dogen Zenji
   1 Dogen Zenji?
   1 Diogenes
   1 Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche
   1 Desiderius Erasmus
   1 Deepak Chopra
   1 Dante Alighieri
   1 C N Parkinson
   1 Cioran
   1 Cicero
   1 Chuck Palahniuk
   1 Charles Baudelaire
   1 Carlos Castaneda
   1 Carl Jung
   1 Byron Katie
   1 Buddhist Meditations from the Japanese
   1 Brian Tracy
   1 Brandon Sanderson
   1 Book of Wisdom
   1 Bob Marley
   1 Bhagavad Gita XI. 38
   1 BHAGAVAD GITA Benjamin Franklin
   1 Beethoven
   1 Barbara Max Hubbard
   1 Bankei
   1 Ayn Rand
   1 Augustus De Morgan
   1 Ashley Vance?
   1 Arthur Conan Doyle
   1 Anthony Robbins
   1 Anonymous Proverb
   1 Ancient Egyptian Proverb
   1 Anaxagoras
   1 Amos Tversky
   1 All recognition requires memory. What is recognized must have been cognized before. The process works as cognize
   1 Alfred Adler
   1 Aldous Huxley
   1 Ada Lovelace
   1 Abu Hamid al-Ghazali


   27 Anonymous
   5 Toba Beta
   4 Robert Louis Stevenson
   4 John Green
   4 Emil Aarestrup
   4 Arthur Conan Doyle
   4 Aesop
   3 William Shakespeare
   3 Rumi
   3 L J Shen
   3 Leo Tolstoy
   3 Joan Didion
   3 Charles Cros
   3 Barack Obama
   3 Aristotle
   2 Winston S Churchill
   2 W H Auden
   2 Wayne Dyer
   2 Washington Irving
   2 Victor Hugo
   2 Tony Robbins
   2 Tarryn Fisher
   2 Russ Harris
   2 Prince
   2 Plato
   2 Patrick Lencioni
   2 Nicholas Sparks
   2 Matt Fraction
   2 Marion Zimmer Bradley
   2 Marcus Aurelius
   2 Mahatma Gandhi
   2 Louise Penny
   2 Liane Moriarty
   2 Laozi
   2 Lao Tzu
   2 Karen McQuestion
   2 John Dewey
   2 Joe Hill
   2 J K Rowling
   2 Jeff Hardy
   2 Hal Elrod
   2 Graeme Simsion
   2 Fiona Apple
   2 Eug ne Ionesco
   2 Drake
   2 Douglas Adams
   2 Dion Fortune
   2 Dean Koontz
   2 Dalai Lama
   2 Charles Dickens
   2 Cary Grant
   2 Carl Sagan
   2 Brion Gysin
   2 Bren Brown
   2 Bob Dylan
   2 Anais Nin

1:Never Explain Anything ~ H P Lovecraft,
2:Action is a highroad to self-esteem. ~ Bruce Lee,
3:Education is at a turning point ~ Howard Gardner,
4:Life itself is a quotation. ~ Jorge Luis Borges,
5:Fiction is the truth inside the lie. ~ Stephen King,
6:Books are a uniquely portable magic. ~ Stephen King,
7:Not why the addiction, but why the pain. ~ Gabor Mate,
8:My religion is not deceiving myself. ~ Jetsun Milarepa,
9:Faith is a passionate intuition. ~ William Wordsworth,
10:War is ninety percent information. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte,
11:Ants, fighting together, will vanquish the lion. ~ Saadi,
12:Beauty is the purgation of superfluities. ~ Michelangelo,
13:Freeing oneself from words is liberation. ~ Bodhidharma,
14:Intuition is the whisper of the soul. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
15:A prudent question is one-half of wisdom. ~ Francis Bacon,
16:Whence come these beings? What is this creation? ~ Rig Veda,
17:Every question does not deserve an answer. ~ Publilius Syrus,
18:Love is not consolation. It is light. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
19:Of all our possessions, wisdom alone is immortal. ~ Socrates?,
20:Luminous beings are we... not this crude matter. ~ Master Yoda,
21:Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. ~ Aristotle,
22:Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci,
23:The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms. ~ Socrates,
24:The new idea either finds a champion or dies. ~ Edward Schon,
25:The possession of wisdom leadeth to true happiness. ~ Porphyry,
26:The road goes ever on and on. ~ J R R Tolkien, Bilbo Baggins ,
27:Growth is hard, regression is easy ~ Ken Wilber, One Taste p.5,
28:He who allows oppression shares the crime. ~ Desiderius Erasmus,
29:Imagination is more important than knowledge. ~ Albert Einstein,
30:Live out of your imagination, not your history. ~ Stephen Covey,
31:Quotations every day of the year. ~ James Joyce, Finnegans Wake ,
32:Trust is the highest form of human motivation ~ Stephen Covey,
33:We come to God by love and not by navigation. ~ Saint Augustine,
34:Proper preparation for the future consists of forming good personal habits. ~ Epictetus,
35:We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
36:The only evil is inattention. It is the father of stupidity and the grandfather of the twins, suffering and sorrow. ~ Wu Hsin,
37:The wise call by the name 'self-surrender' the offering of oneself to God through devotion. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
38:A jnani has no karma [that is, a jnani performs no actions]. That is his experience. Otherwise he is not a jnani. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
39:However much one may have studied books, it is all futile unless one has love and devotion for God, unless one has the desire to realize Him. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
40:The Psychic’s Choice at the Time of DeathThe psychic being at the time of death chooses what it will work out in the next birth and determines the character and conditions of the new personality. Life is for the evolutionary growth by experience in the conditions of the Ignorance till one is ready for the higher light. ~ Sri Aurobindo, 532.php">CWSA.php">532 ,
41:I would rather die of passion than of boredom ~ Vincent van Gogh,
42:You've taken away my looks, my identity, by just a glance. By making me drink the wine of love-potion, You've intoxicated me by just a glance; My fair, delicate wrists with green bangles in them, Have been held tightly by you with just a glance. I give my life to you, Oh my cloth-dyer, You've dyed me in yourself, by just a glance. I give my whole life to you Oh, Nijam, You've made me your bride, by just a glance. ~ Amir Khusrau,
43:One great cause of failure is lack of concentration. ~ Bruce Lee,
44:A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
45:Eternity is in love with the productions of time. ~ William Blake,
46:Faith is the union of God and the soul. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
47:Intellectual passion drives out sensuality. ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
48:A religion without a goddess is halfway to atheism. ~ Dion Fortune,
49:My religion is to live and die without regret. ~ Jetsun Milarepa,
50:Suffering is the way for Realization of God. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
51:A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
52:on the waterthe reflectionof a wanderer ~ Santoka Taneda,
53:My fondness for good books was my salvation. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
54:Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often. ~ Mark Twain,
55:Magic is just science that we don't understand yet. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
56:Any suggestion about Sadhana? Patient aspiration. ~ The Mother,
57:Definitions create conditions. ~ Alfred Korzybski, Manhood of Humanity ,
58:Its not what the vision is, its what the vision does. ~ Robert Fritz,
59:Research is the highest form of adoration ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
60:Perfection is achieved only on the point of collapse. ~ C N Parkinson,
61:Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation. ~ Saint Augustine,
62:His creation never had a beginning and will never have an end. ~ The Bab,
63:Pray, lest ye enter into temptation. ~ Anonymous, The Bible Luke,
64:Put no faith in salvation through the political order. ~ Saint Augustine,
65:The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. ~ Aristotle,
66:Wet with morning dewI go in the direction I want ~ Santoka Taneda,
67:Be quiet, darling. Let pattern recognition have its way. ~ William Gibson,
68:Concentration is the root of all the higher abilities in man. ~ Bruce Lee,
69:Naturally, I seek consolation in other people's suffering. ~ Paulo Coelho,
70:The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil. ~ Cicero,
71:Confession of our faults is the next thing to innocence. ~ Publilius Syrus,
72:Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth. ~ Pema Chodron,
73:God is the answer to every question. ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan,
74:The future is a race between education and catastrophe. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
75:To live effectively is to live with adequate information. ~ Norbert Wiener,
76:What do you say we lighten things up and talk about abortion? ~ Bill Hicks,
77:When I close my eyes my vision is even more powerful. ~ Giorgio de Chirico,
78:Concentration is one of the happiest things in my life. ~ Haruki Murakami,
79:Devotion to duty is the highest form of worship of God. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
80:Devotion to duty is the highest form of worship of God. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
81:Education serves to keep people idiotic and manipulable. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
82:I had evoked - and the book was indeed all I had suspected. ~ H P Lovecraft,
83:Listen, the next revolution is gonna be a revolution of ideas. ~ Bill Hicks,
84:Cultivate love and devotion for God and so pass your days. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
85:Go then, there are other worlds than these. ~ Stephen King, The Gunslinger ,
86:In meditation, silently and serenely, all words are transcended. ~ Sheng yen,
87:Fixation is the way to death. Fluidity is the way to life. ~ Miyamoto Musashi,
88:For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union. ~ Aleister Crowley,
89:I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
90:Man has become disconnected from his faith in perceptions. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
91:Man's greatest wisdom is to choose his obsession well. ~ Eliphas Levi,
92:The right question is usually more important than the right answer. ~ Plato,
93:Thinking in isolation and with pride ends in being an idiot. ~ G K Chesterton,
94:What is important is to spread confusion, not eliminate it. ~ Salvador Dali,
95:Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive. ~ Bill Hicks,
96:For millions of years you have slept. This morning, will you not wake? ~ Kabir,
97:You do not pass through imagination or else we'll know where You are.You are He who is everywhereYet You are nowhere.Where are You?In my annihilationis my annihilation's .... annihilation And You are found.... in my annihilation. ~ Mansoor al- Hallaj,
98:The path to success is to take massive, determined action. ~ Anthony Robbins,
99:The true creator is necessity, which is the mother of our invention. ~ Plato,
100:When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it. ~ Sigmund Freud,
101:You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension. ~ Nikola Tesla,
102:Charm is getting the answer yes without asking a clear question. ~ Albert Camus,
103:Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. ~ Socrates,
104:Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty. ~ Mark Twain,
105:Man is divine so long as he is in communion with the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
106:There are three sources of belief: reason, custom, inspiration. ~ Blaise Pascal,
107:What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
108:All Art is interpretation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings Art,
109:Any genuinely loving relationship is one of mutual psychotherapy. ~ M Scott Peck,
110:If you marry the dharma, realizations will be your children. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
111:In the silence of the heart burns the steady fire of aspiration. ~ The Mother,
112:Is any man skillful enough to have fashioned himself? ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
113:To be an object of attraction for all women, you must desire none ~ Eliphas Levi,
114:We have all the answers. It is the questions we do not know. ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky,
115:Who are the true philosophers? Those whose passion is to love the truth. ~ Plato,
116:For he who leaps into the void owes no explanation to those who watch. ~ Godard,
117:He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet. ~ Joseph Joubert,
118:The imagination is not a state: it is the human existence itself. ~ William Blake,
119:The sphinx was the riddle, not the riddler. - Maester Aemon ~ George R R Martin,
120:Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. ~ Aristotle,
121:The true state of things is not to be found in one direction alone. ~ Dogen Zenji?,
122:you can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will. ~ Stephen King,
123:All renews itself, nothing perishes. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.06 - The Transformation of Dream Life,
124:A sense of duty is useful in work, but offensive in relations. ~ Bertrand Russell,
125:Before we love with our heart, we already love with our imagination. ~ Louise Colet,
126:Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace. ~ Confucius,
127:Get in my lobby. Were starting the case now. ~ Major Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell ,
128:Men despise religion. They hate it and are afraid it may be true. ~ Blaise Pascal,
129:The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand,
130:All that exists is but the manifestation of the Supreme Being. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
131:If you do not study, the inertia will go on increasing. ~ The Mother, On Education ,
132:Meditation: There is nothing to do. It is about undoing ~ Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche,
133:Quotations when engraved upon the memory give you good thoughts. ~ Winston Churchill,
134:Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye. ~ Bill Hicks,
135:Do not entertain hopes for realization, but practice all your life. ~ Jetsun Milarepa,
136:One should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
137:The criterion is within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
138:The root of dissatisfaction: always looking for the next thing. ~ Dzogchen Rinpoche,
139:Too little liberty brings stagnation, and too much brings chaos. ~ Bertrand Russell,
140:Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
141:In contemplation, one's mind should be stable and unmoving, like a wall. ~ Bodhidharma,
142:The only serious question in life is whether to kill yourself or not. ~ Albert Camus,
143:Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one. ~ Voltaire,
144:All books will become light in proportion as you find light in them. ~ Mortimer J Adler,
145:In a state without thoughts, without distraction, abandon the watcher. ~ Padampa Sangye,
146:Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. ~ Epictetus,
147:We do not learn; and what we call learning is only a process of recollection. ~ Plato,
148:We meet no ordinary people in our lives. ~ C S Lewis, Inspirational Christian Library ,
149:We who think we are about to die will laugh at anything. ~ Terry Pratchett, Night Watch ,
150:What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self-actualization. ~ Abraham Maslow,
151:You should realize that everything you see is like a dream or illusion. ~ Bodhidharma,
152:Do what you will, this world's a fiction and is made up of contradiction ~ William Blake,
153:I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die. ~ Isaac Asimov,
154:One of the goals of education should be to teach that life is precious. ~ Abraham Maslow,
155:Savitri is a mantra for the transformation of the world. ~ The Mother, (to Udar Pinto) ,
156:Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. ~ Albert Einstein,
157:the uniting of man and God, the two sides of the transformation. Effort and Grace. ~ ,
158:Charm is the seal of the gods upon woman. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
159:God is our name for the last generalization to which we can arrive. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
160:It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. ~ Winston Churchill,
161:Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate. ~ J R R Tolkien,
162:The formula 'Two and two make five' is not without its attractions. ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky,
163:After ‘tis cold, none heeds, none hinders. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
164:Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. ~ Isaac Asimov,
165:The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory but progress. ~ Karl Popper,
166:There is no greater invitation to love than loving first. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
167:Thy youth is but a noon, of night take heed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Translations 3.1.11 - Appeal,
168:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. ~ William Butler Yeats,
169:For others’ bliss who lives, he lives indeed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Translations 3.1.11 - Appeal,
170:God is inexhaustibly attainable in the totality of our action. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
171:No one I am, I who am all that is. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems Liberation - I,
172:The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trial. ~ Confucius,
173:The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake. ~ Meister Eckhart,
174:A million lotuses swaying on one stem, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.12 - The Heavens of the Ideal,
175:Even if no salvation should come, I want to be worthy of it at every moment. ~ Franz Kafka,
176:It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority. ~ Benjamin Franklin,
177:One needs a vision of the promised land in order to have the strength to move. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
178:To know how to wait is to put time on one's side. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953 ,
179:Assent to thy high self, create, endure. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
180:Formal education will make you a living. Self education will make you a fortune. ~ Jim Rohn,
181:Replace the eagerness for fame by the aspiration for perfection. ~ The Mother, On Education ,
182:Sometimes the title IS the story, and the rest is just an explanation. ~ James K Bowers,
183:Take care of the kingdom of the heart, and the rest will come in addition. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
185:The naked woman's body is a portion of eternity too great for the eye of man. ~ William Blake,
186:All religions are precious pearls strung upon the golden thread of divinity. ~ Samael Aun Weor,
187:Desire, the troubled seed of things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
188:Habit is nothing but an operation of memory. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Book III,
189:The greater his aspiration and concentration, the more he finds the Eternal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
190:When the right causes and conditions come together, anything can appear. ~ Khyentse Rinpoche,
191:Faith that is allergic to questioning is just fundamentalist blind dogma. ~ Taigen Dan Leighton,
192:I never found the companion that was (is) so companionable as solitude. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
193:It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover. ~ Henri Poincare,
194:Solitude is as needful to the imagination as society is wholesome for the character. ~ Lowell,
195:What is the use of a realization that fails to reduce your disturbing emotions? ~ Guru Rinpoche,
196:A hundred years of education is nothing compared with one moment spent with God! ~ Shams Tabrizi,
197:Death has no reality except as a process of life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.06 - The Transformation of Dream Life,
198:Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. ~ J R R Tolkien,
199:Imagination the free-will of Truth, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The Glory and Fall of Life,
200:I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. ~ Albert Einstein,
201:When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~ Viktor Frankl,
202:Our plans may fail, God’s purpose cannot. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Facts and Opinions,
203:Success comes from curiosity, concentration, perseverance and self criticism. ~ Albert Einstein,
204:That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons death may die. ~ H P Lovecraft,
205:The Bliss that is creation’s splendid grain ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.13 - In the Self of Mind,
206:The zero covers an immortal face. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
207:Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so. ~ Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ,
208:A god come down and greater by the fall. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
209:Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born. ~ Nikola Tesla,
210:Devotion is the key which opens the door to liberation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human ,
211:Force is a self-expression of Existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.13 - The Divine Maya,
212:If you speak beautifully but behave badly, you become the worst of practitioners. ~ Padampa Sangye,
213:It is wonderful what tricks our dreams play us, and how conveniently we can imagine. ~ Bram Stoker,
214:One description of faith involves letting go of our resistance to receiving. ~ Taigen Dan Leighton,
215:People are not disturbed by things, but by the views they take of them. ~ Epictetus, Enchiridion ,
216:Progress: is the sign of the divine influence in creation. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III ,
217:The Enigma’s knot is tied in human kind. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
218:The mirror is not the same as its reflection. Being is not the same as appearing ~ Claudio Naranjo,
219:We have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions. ~ Carl Jung,
220:A library is the first step of a thousand journeys, portal to a thousand worlds. ~ Orson Scott Card,
221:He has need of darkness to perceive some light ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
222:If you knew the secret of life, you too would choose no other companion but love. ~ Jalaluddin Rumi,
223:Never tell a lie: absolute condition for safety on the path ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
224:Speak not my secret name to hostile Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
225:The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
226:The genuine priest always feels something higher than compassion. ~ Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel,
227:There is no better way to exercise the imagination than the study of the law. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
228:The world has seen thousands of prophets, and the world has yet to see millions ~ Swami Vivekananda,
229:Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
230:Aversion is not equality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.11 - The Perfection of Equality,
231:Blake encourages us to fully engage our imagination in questioning of reality. ~ Taigen Dan Leighton,
232:In the stream Rushing past To the dusty world, My fleeting form Casts no reflection. ~ Dogen Zenji,
233:Real practice has no purpose or direction, so it can include everything that comes. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
234:Sometimes thinking is like talking to another person, but that person is also you. ~ Terry Pratchett,
235:The biggest coward is a man who awakens a woman's love with no intention of loving her. ~ Bob Marley,
236:The Truth is sure to prevail in spite of all oppositions. ~ The Mother, White Roses 124,
237:An outer renunciation by itself does not liberate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV The Second Sex,
238:A subtle link of union joins all life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.02 - The Kingdom of Subtle Matter,
239:Books cannot teach God, but they can destroy ignorance; their action is negative. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
240:If there is no creation, there must be disintegration. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Ourselves,
241:If there were no suffering, man would not know his limitations, would not know himself. ~ Leo Tolstoy,
242:It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God - but to create him. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
243:Limitation is mortality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda 1.02 - The Doctrine of the Mystics,
244:Savitri the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo's vision. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I ,
245:When the restrictions you have do not limit you, this is what we mean by practice. ~ Shunryu Suzuki,
246:All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. ~ Frank Herbert,
247:An idea, to be suggestive, must come to the individual with the force of revelation. ~ William James,
248:A vast surrender was his only strength ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
249:Concentration of the powers of the mind is our only instrument to help us see God. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
250:Genius is patience. ~ Anonymous Proverb, reported in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations 10th ed. (1919),
251:He has need of death to find a greater life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
252:Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days. ~ Zig Ziglar,
253:People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons. From within. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
254:The reaction of a mentality headed for a fall, is only too typical of man in transition. ~ Jean Gebser,
255:True appreciation of his own value will make a man really indifferent to insult. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
256:What is the seal of liberation? - No longer being ashamed in front of oneself. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
257:All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. ~ Albert Einstein, Relativity ,
258:Intelligence is not the ability to store information, but to know where to find it. ~ Albert Einstein,
259:The risk of not deciding is often the greatest of all risks to the organization. ~ Everard and Morris,
260:Those who self-righteously value their own contradictions are mighty on this Earth. ~ Peter J Carroll,
261:Even the body has its intuitions. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.05 - The Divine Personality,
262:Lift me up out of this illusion, Lord. Heal my perception, so that I may know only reality. ~ Bill Hicks,
263:Man is too weak to bear the Infinite’s weight. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
264:Mind is a passage, not a culmination. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.14 - The Supermind as Creator,
265:My primary goal of hacking was the intellectual curiosity, the seduction of adventure. ~ Kevin Mitnick,
266:One man’s perfection still can save the world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 07.05 - The Finding of the Soul,
267:The affairs of the world will go on forever, do not delay the practice of meditation. ~ Jetsun Milarepa,
268:A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one. ~ Heraclitus,
269:It is harder to fight pleasure than to fight emotion. ~ Heraclitus,
270:All men have the capacity of knowing themselves and acting with moderation. ~ Heraclitus,
271:All things come into being through opposition and all are in flux like a river ~ Heraclitus,
272:Silence is the maturation of wisdom. ~ Maimonides,
273:In accordance with the divine wisdom, genesis can only take place through destruction. ~ Maimonides,
274:That which is produced with intention has passed over from non-existence to existence. ~ Maimonides,
275:You become what you give your attention to. ~ Epictetus,
276:Control thy passions lest they take vengeance on thee. ~ Epictetus,
277:Prefer enduring satisfaction to immediate gratification. ~ Epictetus,
278:Check your passions that you may not be punished by them. ~ Epictetus,
279:Faithfulness is the antidote to bitterness and confusion. ~ Epictetus,
280:What is a child? Ignorance. What is a child? Want of instruction. ~ Epictetus,
281:Religion is to mysticism what popularization is to science ~ Henri Bergson,
282:The pure present is an ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future. In truth, all sensation is already memory. ~ Henri Bergson,
283:To perceive means to immobilize. To say this is to say that we seize, in the act of perception, something which outruns perception itself. ~ Henri Bergson,
284:This therefore is Mathematics: She reminds you of the invisible forms of the soul; She gives life to her own discoveraies; She awakens the mind and purifies the intellect; She brings light to our intrinsic ideas; She abolishes oblivion and ignorance which are ours by birth. ~ Proclus,
285:Will, therefore, is the unbroken determination to exercise free choice as well as self-restraint, in spite of the unavoidable experience of shame and doubt in infancy. ~ Erik Erikson,
286:Jung's vision for [The Red Book] was ... significantly influenced in form, style, content by The Bible, Dante's Divine Comedy, Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Goethe's Faust, medieval illuminated manuscripts, the illuminated works of William Blake. ~ Mark Winborn,
287:Doubt can only be removed by action. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
288:Wishes are premonitions of abilities. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
289:There is nothing but quotations left for us. Our language is a system of quotations. ~ Jorge Luis Borges,
290:The riddles of God are more satisfying than the solutions of man. ~ G K Chesterton, In Defense of Sanity ,
291:Through the study of books one seeks God; by meditation one finds him. ~ Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina,
292:'To change one's life: 1. Start immediately. 2. Do it flamboyantly. 3. No exceptions.' ~ William James,
293:You never receive blessings just from asking. Blessings come when you have got devotion. ~ Guru Rinpoche,
294:You never receive blessings just from asking. Blessings come when you have got devotion. ~ Guru Rinpoche,
295:An immutable Power has made this mutable world; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
296:A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. ~ Bruce Lee,
297:Masked the high gods act; the doer is hid by his working. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
298:Necessity fashionsAll that the unseen eye has beheld. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
299:The measure of the sincerity is the measure of the success.23 April 1968 ~ The Mother, On Education ,
300:There is a zero sign of the Supreme. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
301:We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. ~ C S Lewis, The Abolition of Man (1943) ,
302:A contradiction founds the base of life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.04 - The Kingdoms of the Little Life,
303:All was a limitless sea that heaved to the moon. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
304:Day after day our aspiration will grow and our faith will intensify. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
305:He who reigns within himself and rules his passions, desires, and fears is more than a king. ~ John Milton,
306:I never give answers. I lead on from one question to another. That is my leadership. ~ Rabindranath Tagore,
307:In that God who illumines the reason, desiring liberation I seek my refuge. ~ Swetaswatara Upanishad VI.18,
308:The moment I decided to let them have their way, the irritation disappeared. ~ Osho, The Book of Secrets ,
309:The philosophy of laughter will never have anything in common with the religion of tears. ~ Eliphas Levi,
310:The supreme authority for the interpretation of Scripture is vested in each individual. ~ Baruch Spinoza,
311:The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
312:While life remains, action is unavoidable. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 1.12 - The Divine Work,
313:Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake? ~ Leonardo da Vinci,
314:Without order nothing can exist, without chaos nothing can evolve. ~ Oscar Wilde, (check capitalization) ,
315:Contemplation within activity is a million times better than contemplation within stillness. ~ Hakuin Ekaku,
316:Every one interprets everything in terms of there own experience, belief and perception. ~ Aleister Crowley,
317:Every parting gives a foretaste of death, every reunion a hint of the resurrection. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer,
318:Knowledge is incomplete without action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Action and the Divine Will,
319:Learn to see, and then you'll know that there is no end to the new worlds of our vision. ~ Carlos Castaneda,
320:The game I play is a very interesting one. It's imagination, in a tight straightjacket. ~ Richard P Feynman,
321:To our gaze God’s light is a darkness, His plan is a chaos. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
322:Truth is the secret of life and power. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Civilisation and Barbarism,
323:Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. ~ William S Burroughs,
324:A Calm that cradles Fate upon its knees. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 7.5.29 - The Universal Incarnation,
325:Action solves the difficulties which action creates. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Facts and Opinions,
326:All quarrels proceed from egoism. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Problems in Human Relations,
327:Beyond a certain point, the whole universe becomes a continuous process of initiation. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
328:Do not seek illumination unless you seek it as a man whose hair is on fire seeks a pond. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
329:each individual has a Word, a divine imperative that drives the figure's revelations ~ Mage, Order of Hermes ,
330:Eviller fate there is none than life too long among mortals. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
331:It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder. ~ Albert Einstein,
332:Let each suffering pave the wave to transformation. With my Blessings. ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother ,
333:Magick is the art of causing changes in consciousness to occur in accordance with the will. ~ Dion Fortune,
334:One cannot have the vision of God as long as one has these three- shame, hatred, and fear. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
335:Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem, in my opinion, to characterize our age. ~ Albert Einstein,
336:Sight is the essential poetic gift. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry Poetic Vision and the Mantra,
337:The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure ~ Joseph Campbell,
338:The Mind creates the chain and not the body. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Conclusion and Summary,
339:We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning. ~ Jean Baudrillard,
340:A constant aspirations conquers all defects. With my Blessings. ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother May 21,
341:Depression is your avatar telling you it's tired of being the character you're trying to play. ~ Jim Carrey,
342:Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric. ~ Bertrand Russell,
343:Each question is three thousand questions, and a good question provides more questions. ~ Taigen Dan Leighton,
344:Ego is the principal knot. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.04 - The Perfection of the Mental Being,
345:Every word first looks around in every direction before letting itself be written down by me. ~ Franz Kafka,
346:Here to fulfil himself was God’s desire. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
347:Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
348:Love is a seeking for mutual possession. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.03 - The Godward Emotions,
349:Secrecy, censorship, dishonesty, and blocking of communication threaten all the basic needs. ~ Abraham Maslow,
350:The mind pre-eminently is man; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga 5.02 - Perfection of the Body,
351:The only atonement for a wrong thing done is to do the right thing on the next occasion. ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta,
352:There can be no firm foundation in sadhana without equality, samata. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II ,
353:The sword has to be more than a simple weapon; it has to be an answer to life's questions. ~ Miyamoto Musashi,
354:Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind. Then there is abiding in the Seer's own form. ~ Patanjali,
355:Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work. ~ Stephen King, On Writing ,
356:Compassion to all creatures is the condition of sainthood. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II Swaraj,
357:Don't listen to the person who has the answers; listen to the person who has the questions ~ Albert Einstein,
358:Don't make a big distinction between fiction and non-fiction. These are arbitrary distinctions. ~ Farley Mowat,
359:Each time you have to make progress, you have to undergo an examination. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
360:In deliberation we may hesitate; but a deliberated act must be performed swiftly. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
361:It is our lack of faith that creates our limitations. With my blessings, ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother ,
362:Only those who sympathise can help. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Problems in Human Relations,
363:Renunciation of desires: the essential condition for realisation. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
364:To know and to will are two operations of the human mind. ~ Leonardo da Vinci, Notesboooks Philosophy,
365:Truth born too soon might break the imperfect earth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
366:Aggression is necessary for self-preservation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin The Awakening Soul of India,
367:All things shall change in God's transfiguring hour. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
368:God is love and beauty as well as purity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Religion as the Law of Life,
369:Heavenly voices to us are a silence, those colours a whiteness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
370:I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned. ~ Richard P Feynman,
371:Liberation is self-possession, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga - Involution and Evolution,
372:Meditation being on a single thought, the other thoughts are kept away. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks 294,
373:Realisations are the essence of knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV 4.22 - The supramental Thought and Knowledge,
374:The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
375:The principal mark of genius is not perfection but originality, the opening of new frontiers. ~ Arthur Koestler,
376:The principle of the Yoga is rejection-throwing out of the being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II ,
377:To let the mind become vast and open like the sky, is the key instruction for enhancing practice. ~ Shri Singha,
378:Vision only opens, it does not embrace. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.02 - The Status of Knowledge,
379:Within the armor is the butterfly and within the butterfly - is the signal from another star. ~ Philip K Dick,
380:All existence here is a universal Life that takes form of Matter. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.06 - The Transformation of Dream Life,
381:All self-fulfilment is satisfaction of being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.14 - The Supermind as Creator,
382:All that denies must be torn out and slain ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
383:An eternal instant is the cause of the years. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
384:His soul was freed and given to her alone. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
385:The consciousness of each of us is evolution looking at itself and reflecting upon itself. ~ Teilhard de Chardin,
386:The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. ~ Albert Einstein,
387:The greatest have their limitations. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad A Commentary on the Isha Upanishad,
388:The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries. ~ Rene Descartes,
389:There is an hour for knowledge, an hour to forget and to labour. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
390:What is God? God is the perfection that we must aspire to realise. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
391:A fiery portion of the Wonderful, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The Yoga of the King The Yoga of the Souls Release,
392:All great poetic utterance is discovery. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry Poetic Vision and the Mantra,
393:Always the blood is wiser and knows what is hid from the thinker. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
394:And all the while within us works His love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.2.02 - The Meditations of Mandavya,
395:And crying for a direction in the void ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life,
396:Faith is not intellectual belief but a function of the soul. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Baha i Faith,
397:Hard are God’s terms and few can meet them of men who are mortal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
398:The depth of the heart, the retired corner, and the forest are the three places for meditation. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
399:There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
400:The true religion has always been one from the beginning, and will always be the same. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
401:Time is a manifestation of the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
402:What you contemplate, you touch. What you enter into in imagination, you make yourself one with. ~ Dion Fortune,
403:All action is surrounded by a complexity of forces. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I 5.4.01 - Occult Knowledge,
404:All impurity is a confusion of working. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.03 - The Purified Understanding,
405:And in the heart of the worst the best shall be born by my wisdom. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
406:Destroy the darkness of delusion with the brightness of wisdom. ~ The Sutra on the Buddha's Bequeathed Teaching,
407:Even in the worm is a god and it writhes for a form and an outlet. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
408:Hail to Thee, Master of the world, who triumphest over all darkness. ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations ,
409:He who is himself in bonds cannot easily free others. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
410:In absolute silence sleeps an absolute Power. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
411:Mire is the man who hears not the gods when they cry to his bosom. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
412:Mystical explanations are thought to be deep; the truth is that they are not even shallow. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
413:She is the golden bridge, the wonderful fire. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
414:Successful assimilation depends on mastery. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human On Original Thinking,
415:Supermind is the vast self-extension of the Brahman that contains and develops. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine ,
416:The goal of evolution is also its cause. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature,
417:Unity is as strong a principle in Nature as division. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.21 - The Ascent of Life,
418:We must live as a nation before we can live in humanity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Opinion and Comments,
419:With pain and labour all creation comes. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 06.02 - The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain,
420:Yoga is the science which teaches us how to get these perceptions [direct experiences of God]. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
421:And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. ~ Nelson Mandela,
422:Clouds from Zeus come and pass; his sunshine eternal survives them. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
423:Equality is the very sign of liberation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.11 - The Perfection of Equality,
424:For many men, the acquisition of wealth does not end their troubles, it only changes them. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca,
425:If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. ~ William Blake,
426:If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
427:Ignorance is a self-oblivion of Being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.15 - Reality and the Integral Knowledge,
428:The idea of God, infinity, or spirit stands for the possible attempt at an impossible conception. ~ Edgar Allan Poe,
429:The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude. ~ Aldous Huxley,
430:The only rational way of educating is to be an example - if one can't help it, a warning example. ~ Albert Einstein,
431:There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. ~ Hippocrates,
432:To be equal is to be infinite and universal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.13 - The Action of Equality,
433:Two are the angels of God whom men worship, strength and enjoyment. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
434:When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. ~ Confucius,
435:All things embrace in death and the strife and the hatred are ended. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
436:A wide Compassion leans to embrace earth’s pain; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 7.5.29 - The Universal Incarnation,
437:But there is never any end when one has loved. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.2.02 - The Meditations of Mandavya,
438:Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
439:He who knows himself properly can very soon learn to know all other men. It is all reflection. ~ Georg C Lichtenberg,
440:It is an absolute and virtually divine perfection to know how to enjoy our being rightfully. ~ Michel de Montaigne,
441:Man his passion prefers to the voice that guides from the immortals. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
442:Prayer is not a form of words but an aspiration. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II The Need of the Moment,
443:The Formless and the Formed were joined in her: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
444:The longer I live, the more uninformed I feel. Only the young have an explanation for everything. ~ Isabel Allende,
445:The taste for quotations (and for the juxtaposition of incongruous quotations) is a Surrealist taste. ~ Susan Sontag,
446:Time was Eternity’s transparent robe. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
447:What seemed the source and end was a wide gate, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
448:You cannot utterly die while the Power lives untired in your bosoms; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
449:Prudens quaestio dimidium scientiae. (To ask the proper question is half of knowing.) ~ Roger Bacon, Doctor Mirabilis ,
450:Surely the steel grows dear in the land when a traitor can flourish.” ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
451:The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
452:Their jobs are location-independent[9] such as IT, writing, teaching, and handicraft.[10] ~ Wikipedia, Global Nomad ,
453:The knot of the Ignorance is egoism. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad: The Inhabiting Godhead Life and Action,
454:The ordinary man is not yet a rational being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Curve of the Rational Age,
455:The Word that ushers divine experience ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
456:Aviation is proof that given, the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible. ~ Edward Vernon Rickenbacker,
457:By itself the intelligence can only achieve talent. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Beauty,
458:Every man is not only himself, he is that which he represents. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Facts and Opinions,
459:It is vision that sees Truth, not logic. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Poetry and Art Bertrand Russell,
460:Just sit there right now, don't do a thing. Just rest....You can use my soft words as a cushion for your head. ~ Hafiz,
461:Soul determines Form & Action & is not determined by them. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad The Isha Upanishad,
462:The difference between passion and addiction is that between a divine spark and a flame that incinerates. ~ Gabor Mate,
463:The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution. ~ Bertrand Russell,
464:The psychic is the support of the individual evolution ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I 1.05 - The Ascent of the Sacrifice - The Psychic Being,
465:The Unknown is not the Unknowable. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine The Two Negations,
466:This darkness hides our nobler destiny. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
467:Whenever anything is being accomplished, it is being done, I have learned, by a monomaniac with a mission. ~ Drucker,
468:Worlds were many, but the Self was one. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
469:yoga: union with the Divine - by extension: the path which leads to this union ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
470:You only have to doze a moment, and all is lost. For ruin and salvation both have their source inside you. ~ Epictetus,
471:Action solves the difficulties which action creates. Inaction can only paralyse and slay. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin ,
472:Fearless of death they must walk who would live and be mighty for ever. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
473:How can I have more and more faith and calm, Mother? Aspiration and will. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
474:I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. ~ Anonymous, The Bible Matthew 13:35,
475:Man’s conscience is a creation of his evolving nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Good,
476:Nature’s vision climbs beyond her acts. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life,
477:Nobler must kings be than natures of earth on whom Zeus lays no burden. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
478:Strong poisons are the only salvation in desperate diseases. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II The New Ideal,
479:Such a reaction, the reaction of a mentality headed for a fall, is only too typical of man in transition. ~ Jean Gebser,
480:The feeble tremble before opinion, the foolish defy it, the wise judge it, the skilful direct it. ~ Mme Jeanne Roland,
481:The tongue is always an easily erring member. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Depression and Despondency,
482:When weak or injured always continue training as you should always be able to adapt in any condition. ~ Masaaki Hatsumi,
483:Whores perform the same function as priests, but far more thoroughly. ~ Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love (1973). ,
484:Wrong could not come where all was light and love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
485:You, Lord, reign forever; your throne endures from generation to generation ~ Anonymous, The Bible Lamentations 5:19,
486:A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power. ~ Brian Tracy,
487:Flee idleness... for no one is more exposed to such temptations than he who has nothing to do. ~ Saint Robert Bellarmine,
488:Heaven is too high for outstretched hands to seize. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
489:How beautiful is the day when one can offer one's devotion to Sri Aurobindo. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I ,
490:I had no ambition to be a writer because the books I read were too good, my standards were too high. ~ Haruki Murakami,
491:Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Quotations and Originality ,
492:Perseverance: the decision to go to the very end ... [and] is patience in action ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
493:Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
494:There are many parts of us that do not wish to work, so the moment you begin to work, friction starts. ~ P D Ouspensky,
495:...unless men work at occultism as they work for the prizes of their professions they will not achieve. ~ Dion Fortune,
496:Vision is the characteristic power of the poet. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry Poetic Vision and the Mantra,
497:Each through his nature He leads and the world by the lure of His wisdom. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
498:In the garden of literature, the highest and the most charismatic flowers are always the quotations. ~ Mehmet Murat ildan,
499:No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude. ~ Karl Popper,
500:The profession of love to God which is insufficient to restrain from disobedience to God is a lie. ~ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali,
501:The senses there were outlets of the soul; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
502:The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets through many a dark night. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
503:Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn't. ~ Mark Twain,
504:Yoga demands mastery over the nature, not subjection to the nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Desire,
506:Nothing but a radical change of consciousness can deliver the world from its present obscurity. ~ The Mother, On Education ,
507:She has a secret of will power which no other nation possesses. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II The New Ideal,
508:...spirituality alone will not take a man far in the Mysteries; he must have intellectual powers as well. ~ Dion Fortune,
509:The mind is a thing that dwells in diffusion, in succession. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.04 - Concentration,
510:The only thing worth learning is to unlearn. The way to do this is to question everything you think you know. ~ Byron Katie,
511:There should be a science of discontent. People need hard times to develop psychic muscles. ~ Frank Herbert, Dune (1965) ,
512:All Nature is a display and a play of God, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga - Involution and Evolution,
513:Commercialism is still the heart of modern civilisation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Civilisation and Culture,
514:In relation to the universe the Supreme is Brahman. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.01 - The Object of Knowledge,
515:Lost in these imaginary illusions I forgot my destiny - that of the hunted. ~ Jorge Luis Borges, The Garden Of Forking Paths ,
516:Renunciation is an indispensable instrument of our perfection. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
517:Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write. ~ H G Wells,
518:The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein,
519:The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays. ~ Soren Kierkegaard,
520:Time is a convention of movement, not a condition of existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad The Isha Upanishad,
521:Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and they will come forth, later, in uglier ways." ~ Sigmund Freud,
522:Vision is not sufficient; one must become what inwardly one sees. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Self-Realisation,
523:Yea, the soul of a man too is mightyMore than the stone and the mortar! ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
524:A sun of wisdom in a miracled grove. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
525:Even if one's head were to be suddenly cut off, he should be able to do one more action with certainty. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
526:Mental boldness: let your mind be capable of foreseeing the perfections of tomorrow. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
527:Never get excited, nervous or agitated. Remain perfectly calm in the face of all circumstances. ~ The Mother, On Education ,
528:People do not seem to realise that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
529:The imagination is like a knife which may be used for good or evil purposes. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931 ,
530:The lyric which is poetry’s native expression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry The Course of English Poetry - II,
531:The principle of division is not proper to Matter, but to Mind. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.25 - The Knot of Matter,
532:The supreme divine nature is founded on equality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.11 - The Perfection of Equality,
533:Thought for a godlike birthBroadens the mould of our mortality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems Evolution - II,
534:Without love the acquisition of knowledge only increases confusion and leads to self-destruction. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
535:All problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.01 - The Human Aspiration,
536:All you need to do is to trust God. Following the path of devotion, one should leave everything to God. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
537:Do not read to satisfy curiosity or to pass the time, but study such things as move your heart to devotion. ~ Thomas a Kempis,
538:Gratitude: A humble recognition of all that the Divine has done and is doing for you. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
539:I had found my religion: nothing seemed more important to me than a book. I saw the library as a temple. ~ Jean-Paul Sartre,
540:Life is the most precious of all treasures. Even one extra day of life is worth more than ten million ryo of gold. ~ Nichiren,
541:Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere, doing something else, being someone else. ~ Isaac Asimov,
542:Perfection cannot come without self-knowledge and God-knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita Above the Gunas,
543:The condition of freedom is the search for truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings The Revival of Indian Art,
544:The heart is the meeting place of God and the Soul. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II The Soul and India’s Mission,
545:To dye oneself with paints in order to have a rosier or a paler complexion is a lying counterfeit. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
546:What we are, we know not; what we know, we cannot effect. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Action and the Divine Will,
547:... almost any idea which jogs you out of your current abstractions may be better than nothing. (575) ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
548:And always the shadow of nameless fear hung about the sealed trap-doors and the dark, windowless elder towers. ~ H P Lovecraft,
549:But please remember: this is only a work of fiction. The truth, as always, will be far stranger. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
550:Evolution is an inverse action of the involution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man,
551:For a subject people there is no royal road to emancipation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I The Leverage of Faith,
552:His business is to suggest and not to impose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings A System of National Education,
553:If you want union in the world, first unify the different parts of your own being. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother III ,
554:In some sense, gravity does not exist; what moves the planets and the stars is the distortion of space and time. ~ Michio Kaku,
555:Knowledge will not come without self-communion, without light from within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin In Either Case,
556:Perfect attachment to the Divine replaces all vital attractions and passions ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II 128,
557:The pure intellectual direction travels away from life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.05 - The Divine Personality,
558:There is no other way than to persevere. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
559:We try many ways to be awake, but our society still keeps us forgetful. Meditation is to help us remember. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
560:When the past is always with you, it may as well be present; and if it is present, it will be future as well. ~ William Gibson,
561:Without heroism man cannot grow into the Godhead. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Ultimate of Life,
562:A deeper interpretation greatened Truth, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The Yoga of the King,
563:All our existence is a constant creation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda Surya Savitri,
564:All pain and suffering are a sign of imperfection, of incompleteness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
565:all suffering in the evolution is a preparation of strength and bliss ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Self-Realisation,
566:All the values of the mind are constructions of ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV 4.22 - The supramental Thought and Knowledge,
567:For the physical plane the work always repeated is the foundation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Work and Yoga,
568:Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life. ~ Terry Pratchett, Jingo ,
569:Good, not utility, must be the principle and standard of good. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Good,
570:In the absence of willpower the most complete collection of virtues and talents is wholly worthless. ~ Aleister Crowley,
571:Intuition is the father of new knowledge, while empiricism is nothing but an accumulation of old knowledge. ~ Albert Einstein,
572:Renunciation must be for us merely an instrument and not an objec. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
573:The Age of Nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not perish, is to build the Earth. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
574:The aspiration is always the sign of the possibility and perseverance leads to the certitude of the realisation. ~ The Mother,
575:Will coloured by desire is an impure will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga Purification - Intelligence and Will,
576:Activate yourself to duty by remembering your position, who you are, and what you have obliged yourself to be. ~ Thomas a Kempis,
577:Disillusionment in living is finding that no one can really ever be agreeing with you completely in anything. ~ Gertrude Stein,
578:Does not the discipline of the scientific spirit just commence when one no longer harbours any conviction? ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
579:Helped are the souls that wait more than strengths soon fulfilled and exhausted. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
580:Imagination grows by exercise and contrary to common belief is more powerful in the mature than in the young. ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
581:Let every page of this Book be filled with song-for it is a Book of incantation! ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA Book 4,
582:One's first step in wisdom is to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything. ~ Georg C Lichtenberg,
583:Our chains are either a play or an illusion or both play & illusion. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad The Isha Upanishad,
584:Our Generation has had no Great war, no Great Depression. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives. ~ Chuck Palahniuk,
585:The inner must change before the outermost can follow. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I Transformation and the Body,
586:The lower is for us the first condition of the higher. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.07 - The Knowledge and the Ignorance,
587:There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights. ~ Bram Stoker,
588:The song that nerves the nation’s heart is in itself a deed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I The Writing on the Wall,
589:The song that nerves the nation’s heart is in itself a deed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I The Writing on the Wall,
590:To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great. ~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
591:All is one in self, but all is variation in the phenomenon. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.05 - The Divine Truth and Way,
592:All spiritual experience is experience of the Infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
593:Boundary lines, of any type, are never found in the real world itself, but only in the imagination of the mapmakers. ~ Ken Wilber,
594:Easy are mortalHearts to be bent by Fate and soon we consent to our fortunes. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
595:It is by the thought that we dissipate ourselves in the phenomenal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.04 - Concentration,
596:It is only when you touch the higher that you realize how low we may be among the possibilities of creation. ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
597:Order is indeed the law of life, but not an artificial regulation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Diversity in Oneness,
598:Problems are the creations of mental ignorance seeking for knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.27 - The Gnostic Being,
599:Reason is science, it is conscious art, it is invention. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Reason as Governor of Life,
600:Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other. ~ Dalai Lama XIV,
601:The Divine's love and knowledge must always govern our thoughts and actions. 24 July 1954 ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
602:To be in full union with the Divine is the final aim. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II 1.1.02 - The Aim of the Integral Yoga,
603:All finites are in their spiritual essence the Infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
604:Civilization advances by extending the number of operations we can perform without thinking about them. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
605:Desire always creates perturbation and even its fulfilment does not satisfy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Desire,
606:God in man is the whole revelation and the whole of religion. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II The Glory of God in Man,
607:Love is the power and passion of the divine self-delight. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.01 - Love and the Triple Path,
608:No anti-vital culture can survive. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - V,
609:...One must not go into the vital world without a special purpose or command and a special protection. ~ The Mother, White Roses ,
610:Religion has to be lived, not learned as a creed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings A System of National Education,
611:Religion is the seeking after the spiritual, the suprarational. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Beauty,
612:Sheer objectivity brings us down from art to photography. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry Poetic Vision and the Mantra,
613:The beginning of Ignorance is a limitation of Knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.07 - The Knowledge and the Ignorance,
614:When the aspiration is awake each day brings us nearer to the goal. With my blessings, ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother ,
615:And channel to earth-mind the wizard ray ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
616:An education that seeks competition rather than collaboration is the reflection of a society that is deeply ill. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
617:Essential mentality is idealistic and a seeker after perfection. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.03 - The Threefold Life,
618:From step to step, from truth to truth, we shall climb ceaselessly until we reach the perfect realisation of tomorrow. ~ The Mother,
619:If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been due more to patient attention, than to any other talent. ~ Isaac Newton,
620:Religion is in the human mind the first native. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India Indian Spirituality and Life - I,
621:The animal prepares human intelligence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.18 - The Evolutionary Process - Ascent and Integration,
622:to interpret every manifestation of existence as a direct message from the infinite Chaos to himself personally ~ Peter J Carroll,
623:A diversity in oneness is the law of the manifestation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man,
624:A little philosophy inclineth mans mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth mans minds about to religion. ~ Francis Bacon,
625:Death is his mask and immortality is his self-revelation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works,
626:It is when one feels like a blind man that one begins to be ready for the illumination. ~ The Mother, Some Answers From The Mother ,
627:Longing is like the rosy dawn. After the dawn out comes the sun. Longing is followed by the vision of God. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
628:Mind-Energy, Life-Energy, material Energy are different dynamisms of one World-Force. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.06 - The Transformation of Dream Life,
629:Specialisation paralyses, ultra-specialisation kills. Palaeontology is littered with such catastrophes. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
630:The future is in the hands of those who can give tomorrow's generations valid reasons to live and hope. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
631:The vital and physical life, a human edition of the animal round. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Civilisation and Culture,
632:All variations resolve themselves into an unity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads The Philosophy of the Upanishads,
633:But for one who has faith in the Divine Grace, the return to the Light becomes easy. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1953 ,
634:Divine compassion which strengthens the arm and clarifies the knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
635:Faith is the first condition of success in every great undertaking. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I The Leverage of Faith,
636:In the subconscient knowledge or consciousness is involved in action, for action is the essence of Life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, TLD 1.08-9,
637:It is requisite for the relaxation of the mind that we make use, from time to time, of playful deeds and jokes. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
638:Nothing goes by luck in composition. It allows of no tricks. The best you can write will be the best you are. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
639:One step firmly taken makes easier all the others. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga Purification - The Lower Mentality,
640:Raja-Yoga is the science of religion, the rationale of all worship, all prayers, forms, ceremonies, and miracles. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
641:Teachers must be encouraged - I almost said 'freed', to pursue an education that strives for depth of understanding. ~ Howard Gardner,
642:That knowledge which purifies the mind and heart alone is true Knowledge, all else is only a negation of Knowledge. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
643:Vital forces want neither liberation nor transformation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Attacks by the Hostile Forces,
644:Whatever the difficulty if we keep truly quiet the solution will come. With my blessings, ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother ,
645:Where there is life, there is always a hope of better things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Curve of the Rational Age,
646:Words fail us when we seek, not to express Him who Is, but merely to attain to the expression of the powers that environ Him. ~ Philo,
647:An integral knowledge is the aim of the conscious evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine Memory,
648:A single occupation, a single aim, a single joy - the Divine. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II 1.02 - The Divine Is with You,
649:Development into forms is an imperative rule of effective manifestation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.01 - Life and Yoga,
650:How should I meditate? Fix your mind on the aspiration and dismiss everything else. ~ The Mother, More Answers From The Mother ,
651:If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you. ~ Steve Jobs,
652:No human law is the absolute expression of the divine justice, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Heraclitus - VI,
653:Only in the spiritual self can we possess the true unity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.08 - The Liberation of the Spirit,
654:Regard the nation as a necessary unit but no more in a common humanity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin The Doctrine of Sacrifice,
655:Sometimes it seems the only accomplishment my education ever bestowed on me was the ability to think in quotations. ~ Margaret Drabble,
656:Surrender to the Feet of the Guru is the real mantra, in which there will be no fear of Maya's delusion. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
657:The collective dream is the hypnosis of social conditioning. Only sages, psychotics & geniuses manage to break free. ~ Deepak Chopra,
658:The Lord is there, not only in that self, but in Nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Fullness of Spiritual Action,
659:The realisation of the Self as Sachchidananda is the aim of human existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Self-Realisation,
660:The stars are laboratories in which the evolution of matter proceeds in the direction of large molecules. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
661:Wisdom is like unto a beacon set on high, which radiates its light even in the darkest night. ~ Buddhist Meditations from the Japanese,
662:An all-inclusive concentration is the difficult achievement towards which we must labour ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga ,
663:Fear is more even of a nervous sensation than an emotion. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.05 - The Instruments of the Spirit,
664:Identification with the body is an error, not an illusion. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II The Adwaita of Shankaracharya,
665:Nature creates and acts, the Soul enjoys her creation and action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Field and its Knower,
666:Speaking personally, you can have my gun, but you'll take my book when you pry my cold, dead fingers off of the binding. ~ Stephen King,
667:The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanations of complex facts. ... Seek simplicity and distrust it. ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
668:The main business of the heart, its true function is love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.14 - The Power of the Instruments,
669:There is no I nor thou, but only one divine Self equal in all embodiments. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
670:There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment., ~ There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment.,
671:All action is prayer. All trees are desire-fulfilling. All water is the Ganga. All land is Varanasi. Love everything. ~ Neem Karoli Baba,
672:And I would tell myself that the realm beyond the wall was not more lasting merely, but more lovely and radiant as well. ~ H P Lovecraft,
673:A progressively perfect realisation in the body is the aim of human evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Self-Realisation,
674:Aspiration is a call to the Divine, will is the pressure of the conscious force on Nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II ,
675:Calmness is the criterion of spiritual progress. Plunge the purified mind into the Heart. Then the work is over. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
676:Division of consciousness is the basis of the Ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine Supermind,
677:Form has a certain fixity which limits. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - VI,
678:Knowledge is the foundation of a constant living in the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.01 - Love and the Triple Path,
679:Obey thy nature and fulfil thy fate: Accept the difficulty and godlike toil ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
680:Perfection is progressive, evolutive in Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 1.07 - Standards of Conduct and Spiritual Freedom,
681:Rhythm is the most potent, founding element of poetic expression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry Recent English Poetry - II,
682:The conclusion is always the same: love is still the most powerful and still the most unknown energy of the world. ~ Teilhard de Chardin,
683:The materialist idea mistakes a creation for the creative Power. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.01 - The Object of Knowledge,
684:Then with a magic transformation's speed They rushed into each other and grew one ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 07.05 - The Finding of the Soul,
685:The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. ~ H P Lovecraft,
686:The rational being is only a middle term of Nature’s evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The End of the Curve of Reason,
687:We must be governed by the guide within rather than by the opinions of men. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
688:Where there is no limitation, there can be no pain. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads The Philosophy of the Upanishads,
689:A deep spiritual calm no touch can swayUpholds the mystery of this Passion-play. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems Life-Unity,
690:A depression is always unreasonable as it leads nowhere. It is the most subtle enemy of the Yoga. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
691:A perfected community also can exist only by the perfection of its individuals. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
692:Don't just teach your children to read...Teach them to question what they read.Teach them to question everything. ~ George Carlin,
693:If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
694:I, like all artists in Western cultures, am a shaman...come in the guise of a heal perception by using...'jokes'. ~ Bill Hicks,
695:In all action there is an imperative of existence that seeks to be fulfilled. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.27 - The Gnostic Being,
696:In the full realisation the body is within us, not we in it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II The Adwaita of Shankaracharya,
697:It is a truth of the Infinite, one in an infinite diversity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man,
698:Necessity is the child of the spirit’s free self-determination. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Karma and Freedom,
699:One should be able to see the faults of others without hatred. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Problems in Human Relations,
700:Prakriti has to reveal itself as shakti of the Purusha. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.03 - The Psychology of Self-Perfection,
701:The characteristic of Life is desire and the instinct of possession. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Civilisation and Barbarism,
702:The complete soul possesses all its self and all Nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga - Involution and Evolution,
703:The human person is the sum total of a 15 billion year chain of unbroken evolution now thinking about itself ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
704:The mind can hardly conceive unity except as an abstraction, a sum or a void. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad The Worlds - Surya,
705:The real problem of humanity is the following: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and god-like technology. ~ E O Wilson,
706:The supreme Self is one, but the souls of the Self are many. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man,
707:The true quiet is within and no other will give you the condition you want. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II 1.3.03 - Quiet and Calm,
708:Truth and error live always together in the human evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man,
709:What needs our time are kinder beings, not more intelligent beings. Intelligence without goodness is a failed mutation. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
710:Yes, this is the true love, which is a force; it is the union that enables new possibilities to be realised... ~ The Mother, On Education ,
711:Yoga of Bhakti is a matter of the heart and not of the intellect. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.02 - The Motives of Devotion,
712:All error is a disfiguration of some misunderstood fragments of truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.12 - The Way of Equality,
713:A man must be strong and free in himself before he can live usefully for others. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Opinion and Comments,
714:If it were possible to meet the Beloved while laughing and in a state of comfort, why should one suffer the anguish of separation? ~ Kabir,
715:Library terror - that feeling of being hopelessly overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of available books... ~ Owen Barfield, Night Operation ,
716:Most of what goes on today is a dissolution; but it is not just a dissolution, for “dissolution” also contains a “solution.” ~ Jean Gebser,
717:One must do things with all the ardour of one's soul, with all the strength of one's will. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1950-1951 ,
718:One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence. ~ Lewis Mumford,
719:So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. ~ Anonymous, The Bible Revelation 3:16,
720:To fix the mind on God is very difficult, in the beginning, unless one practices meditation in solitude. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
721:To give a person an opinion one must first judge well whether that person is of the disposition to receive it or not. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
722:What is expressed is always only a part of what is behind. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV The Power of Expression and Yoga,
723:And the Name, foundation of eternity, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The World of Falsehood,
724:Ask: 'Who am I?' until well-established in the conviction that a Higher Power guides us. That is firmness of faith. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
725:Death is just a concept. Reinterpret it. Give it a more magical sense. Accept the disappearance towards a transformation. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
726:Desire is limitation and insecurity in a hunger for pleasure and satisfaction. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
727:Drunkenness is temporary suicide: the happiness that it brings is merely negative, a momentary cessation of unhappiness. ~ Bertrand Russell,
728:It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not. ~ J R R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring ,
729:Life creates institutions; institutions do not create, but express and preserve life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Passing Thoughts,
730:Life-force is the dynamisation of a consciousness which exceeds it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.01 - The Object of Knowledge,
731:Love is a passion and it seeks for two things, eternity and intensity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.03 - The Godward Emotions,
732:Music deepens the emotions and harmonises them with each other. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings The National Value of Art,
733:One who is not self-ruler, cannot be master of his surroundings. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.11 - The Perfection of Equality,
734:Part of the maturity of the sciences is an appreciation of which questions are best left to other disciplinary approaches. ~ Howard Gardner,
735:Perfect love is inconsistent with the admission of the motive of fear. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.03 - The Godward Emotions,
736:Reason can only establish half-lights and a provisional order. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Ultimate of Life,
737:Seek in reading and thou shalt find in meditation; knock in prayer and it shall be opened in contemplation. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
738:The behavior of a human being in sexual matters is often a prototype for the whole of his other modes of reaction in life. ~ Sigmund Freud.,
739:The Master of man and his infinite Lover,He is close to our hearts, had we vision to see. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 3.1.02 - Who,
740:The one close to me now,even my own body-these toowill soon become clouds,floating in different directions. ~ Izumi Shikibu,
741:The physical consciousness is constitutionally ignorant. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Difficulties of the Physical Nature,
742:The strength of every particular individual is the strength of God and not his own. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Facts and Opinions,
743:The touch of his hands is the alchemist of a miraculous transformation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga The Mystery of Love,
744:The way to liberation is to turn from the outward to the inward. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works,
745:Transform reason into ordered intuition; let all thyself be light. This is thy goal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays In Philosophy And Yoga ,
746:Yoga is the unravelling of the knot of Life’s difficulty. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.03 - The Psychology of Self-Perfection,
747:Yoga is the unravelling of the knot of Life’s difficulty. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.03 - The Psychology of Self-Perfection,
748:A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist. ~ R Buckminster Fuller,
749:An opulent beauty of passionate differenceThe recurring beat that moments God in Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.01 - The World-Stair,
750:...Big Bang which was really the roaring laughter of God voluntarily getting lost for the millionth time. ~ Ken Wilber, Up From Eden p. 328,
751:Freedom and not a skilful subjection is the true means of mastery. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature,
752:God is Beauty and Delight hidden in the variation of his masks and forms. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Beauty,
753:I have remarked very clearly that I am often of one opinion when I am lying down and of another when I am standing up. ~ Georg C Lichtenberg,
754:In all pursuits, intellectual or active, your one motto should be, Remember and Offer. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1929-1931 ,
755:It is the mind that turns concrete realities into abstractions. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III Experiences and Realisations,
756:Men in general judge more from appearances than from reality. All men have eyes, but few have the gift of penetration. ~ Niccolo Machiavelli,
757:Psychotherapy may begin with the primitive, but it must end with the divine, for both are integral factors in the human mind. ~ Dion Fortune,
758:Should I try meditation? It is not necessary if your work is a constant offering to the Divine. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I ,
759:The man who prays, the prayer, and the God to whom he prays all have reality only as manifestations of the Self. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
760:The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon. ~ Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings ,
761:To break up the form is to injure the spirit’s self-expression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India “Is India Civilised?” - I,
762:A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. ~ Francis Bacon, Atheism ,
763:All grief is born of the shrinking of the ego from the contacts of existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Conclusion and Summary,
764:All we have done is ever still to do.All breaks and all renews and is the same. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
765:A pure intuition is a rare occurrence in our mental activity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine Supermind,
766:For the most part men are the slaves of their associations. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads On Translating the Upanishads,
767:Go on practicing. Your concentration will be as easy as breathing. That will be the crown of your achievements. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
768:It is only the Grace that can bring the real supramental change. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I The Supramental Transformation,
769:Kali (Iron Lords of Time)Am love, am passion; I create the world.I am the only Brahma. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems Kama,
770:Science, philosophy and religion are bound to converge as they draw nearer to the whole. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon Of Man ,
771:Some of the roots of role-playing games (RPGs) are grounded in clinical and academic role assumption and role-playing exercises. ~ Gary Gygax,
772:The beginning of wisdom, perfection and beatitude is the vision of the One. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Self-Realisation,
773:The essential is to think that anything you are doing has to become the occasion for slashing. You must examine this well. ~ Miyamoto Musashi,
774:The joy of perfect union can come only when what has to be done is done. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II 1.04 - Relationship with the Divine,
775:The nation must exist before it can sacrifice its interests for a higher good. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin The Doctrine of Sacrifice,
776:There can be no immortality of the body without supramentalisation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I Transformation and the Body,
777:What we call unconsciousness is simply other-consciousness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.12 - The Realisation of Sachchidananda,
778:Absolute equality is non-existent in this world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Formation of the Nation-Unit - The Three Stages,
779:All experience lies within us as passive or potential memory. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings A System of National Education,
780:All world is expression or manifestation, creation by the Word. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda Brihaspati,
781:At the top of the head or above it is the right place for yogic concentration in reading or thinking. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II ,
782:Being dwelling in consciousness upon itself for bliss, this is the divine Tapas. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.04 - Concentration,
783:By repeating with grit and determination 'I am not bound I am Free' one really becomes so - one really becomes free. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
784:Error is continually the handmaid and pathfinder of Truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine The Two Negations,
785:I felt for the tormented whirlwinds Damned for their carnal sins Committed when they let their passions rule their reason. ~ Dante Alighieri,
786:I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
787:Which of Sri Aurobindo's books should I start with?The Life Divine.My blessings.11 March 1941 ~ The Mother, On Education ,
788:Like this cup, you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you wisdom unless you first empty your cup? ~ Nyogen Senzaki,
789:Look at the simplicity of the Truth with a straight and simple gaze. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Depression and Despondency,
790:Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination... go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. ~ Mozart,
791:Nobody can really help—only the Divine Grace. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Interactions with Others and the Practice of Yoga,
792:One can give not only one’s soul, but all one’s powers to the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II 1.2.09 - Consecration and Offering,
793:Our works are part of an indivisible cosmic action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 1.07 - Standards of Conduct and Spiritual Freedom,
794:The Riddle of the WorldIf you can solve it, you will be immortal, but if you fail you will perish. ~ The Mother, On Education ,
795:Purification is an essential means towards self-perfection. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.04 - The Perfection of the Mental Being,
796:The cause of the distress of a living entity is forgetfulness of his relationship with God. ~ Anonymous, The Bhagavad Gita As It Is PURPORT,
797:The Dragon of the dark foundations keepsUnalterable the law of Chance and Death; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
798:The hand that sent Jupiter spinning through heaven,Spends all its cunning to fashion a curl. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 3.1.02 - Who,
799:There is no loftier mission than to approach the Divinity nearer than other men, and to disseminate the divine rays among mankind. ~ Beethoven,
800:The soul does not move, but motion of Nature takes place in its perfect stillness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad The Isha Upanishad,
801:When nothing whatsoever is conceptualized,How could you possibly go astray?Dissolve your conceptions,And rest. ~ Machig Labdron,
802:When waking up every morning, let us pray for a day of complete consecration. With my blessings ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother 19 June,
803:A great Negation was the Real’s faceProhibiting the vain process of Time: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 10.01 - The Dream Twilight of the Ideal,
804:All force is power or means of a secret spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - V,
805:Division ceased to be, for God was there. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The World of Falsehood,
806:Each form and way of being has its own appropriate way of the delight of being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.23 - Man and the Evolution,
807:Every breath of life is a breath too of death. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.10 - The Vision of the World-Spirit - Time the Destroyer,
808:God is always God, but the views which people and nations may take of him vary. No higher view is known than that of love. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
809:If birth is a becoming, death also is a becoming, not by any means a cessation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.03 - The Supreme Divine,
810:Immensity was exceeded by a look,A Face revealed the crowded Infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
811:It takes a great talent and skill to conceal one's talent and skill. ~ François de La Rochefoucauld, Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Mixims ,
812:Nationalism tempered by expediency is like the French despotism tempered by epigrams. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Opinion and Comments,
813:Nationalism tempered by expediency is like the French despotism tempered by epigrams. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Opinion and Comments,
814:Self-blame and self-condemnation, are the beginning of true ethics. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine Delight of Existence,
815:The enemy only has images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy. ~ Bruce Lee,
816:The English Bible is a translation, but it ranks among the finest pieces of literature in the world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Poetry and Art ,
817:The finite is a circumstance and not a contradiction of the infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
818:The idea is a mighty force, even when it has no physical power behind it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin: The Right of Association Speech,
819:Whatever is mechanical and artificial is inoperative for good. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings A System of National Education,
820:What help is in prevision to the driven?Safe doors cry opening near, the doomed pass on. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 06.01 - The Word of Fate,
821:When you realise that the distinction between inner and outer is in the mind only, you are no longer afraid. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
822:Will: power of consciousness turned towards effectuation. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II Elements of Yoga,
823:A Light there is that leads, a Power that aids; Unmarked, unfelt it sees in him and acts: ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
824:All education is the art of making men ethical (sittlich), of transforming the old Adam into the new Adam. ~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
825:By virtue of Creation, and still more the Incarnation, nothing here below is profane for those who know how to see. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
826:Clarity of mind means clarity of passion; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves. ~ Blaise Pascal,
827:Desire is the root of all sorrow, disappointment, affliction. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga Purification - The Lower Mentality,
828:Destruction is the first condition of progress. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.10 - The Vision of the World-Spirit - Time the Destroyer,
829:Even if the vilest sinner worships me with exclusive devotion, he should be accounted a saint, for he has rightly resolved. ~ BHAGAVAD GITA Albert Einstein,
831:If one wants to do a divine work upon earth, one must come with tons of patience and endurance. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954 ,
832:In centering prayer, the sacred word is not the object of the attention but rather the expression of the intention of the will. ~ Thomas Keating,
833:It is forces that effect great political changes, not moral sentiments or vague generosities. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin The Elections,
834:Love does not grow on trees or brought in the market, but if one wants to be "loved" one must first know how to give unconditional love. ~ Kabir,
835:Oh Khusrau, the river of loveRuns in strange directions.One who jumps into it drowns,And one who drowns, gets across. ~ Amir Khusrau,
836:One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, and compassion. ~ Simone de Beauvoir,
837:Only what the man admires and accepts, becomes part of himself; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings A System of National Education,
838:Poetry is a highly charged power of aesthetic expression of the soul of man. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry New Birth or Decadence?,
839:Purification is not complete till it brings about liberation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.04 - The Perfection of the Mental Being,
840:Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not. In either case the idea is quite staggering. ~ Arthur C Clarke,
841:The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God”. Stillness is the sole requisite for the realisation of the Self as God. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
842:The human mind’s picture of heaven is the incessant repetition of an eternal monotone. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
843:The real question of life after death isn't whether or not it exists, but even if it does what problem this really solves. ~ Ludwig Wittgenstein,
844:United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs. ~ Patrick Henry,
845:Action solves the difficulties which action creates. Inaction can only paralyse and slay. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Facts and Opinions,
846:All is one Being, one Consciousness, one even in infinite multiplicity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
847:All philosophies are mental fabrications. There has never been a single doctrine by which one could enter the true essence of things. ~ Nagarjuna,
848:Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson,
849:Each nation is a Shakti or power of the evolving spirit in humanity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India “Is India Civilised?” - I,
850:I believe that it is his message; all the rest are the preparations, but Savitri is the message. ~ The Mother, In 1963 to Satprem (MA 1963:86),
851:In concentration and silence we must gather strength for the right action. With my blessings. ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother November 8th,
852:It is possible to be one with all, yet above all. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.11 - The Vision of the World-Spirit - The Double Aspect,
853:It is the idea which expresses itself in matter and takes to itself bodies. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin: The Right of Association Speech,
854:It is the tears, the bloodProdigally spent that build a nation’s greatness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories - I Act III,
855:Knowledge must be aggressive, if it wishes to survive and perpetuate itself. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Civilisation and Barbarism,
856:Let us go to sleep with a prayer and wake with an aspiration for the New and Perfect Creation. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II 1.01 - The Human Aspiration,
857:Man, sole awake in an unconscious world,Aspires in vain to change the cosmic dream. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
858:Mind is not the destined archangel of the transformation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Necessity of the Spiritual Transformation,
859:Mystic daughter of Delight,Life, thou ecstasy,Let the radius of thy flightBe eternity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 1.06 - The Transformation of Dream Life,
860:Not for a changeless littleness were you meant,Not for vain repetition were you built ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 04.03 - The Call to the Quest,
861:The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light. ~ Joseph Campbell,
862:The ethical imperative comes not from around, but from within him and above him. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Good,
863:True nature of the gods is that of magical images shaped out of the astral plane by mankind's thought and influenced by the mind ~ Dion Fortune,
864:We must gather ourselves in a calm resolution and an unshakable certitude. With my blessings. ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother November 9th,
865:We must rest at nothing less than the All, nothing short of the utter transcendence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
866:Cessation of thought and other vibrations is the climax of the inner silence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV 4.22 - The supramental Thought and Knowledge,
867:Chaff are men’s armiesThreshed by the flails of Fate; ‘tis the soul of the hero that conquers. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
868:Death is only a shedding of the body, not a cessation of the personal existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram 3.04 - The Spirit in Spirit-Land after Death,
869:Each member of our being has its own proper principles of purification. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.03 - The Purified Understanding,
870:In the night a million stars ariseTo watch us with their ancient friendly eyes. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems Perigone Prologuises,
871:It is difficult to get rid of all habits. They must be faced with a steady determination. With my blessings, ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother ,
872:Love and serve men, but beware lest thou desire their approbation. Obey rather God within thee. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human Bhakti,
873:Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear. ~ Bertrand Russell,
874:No action, however vast, exhausts the original power from which it proceeds. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.12 - The Origin of the Ignorance,
875:The genius of Japan lies in imitation and improvement, that of India in origination. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II The Asiatic Role,
876:The white passion of God-ecstasyThat laughs in the blaze of the boundless heart of Love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.13 - In the Self of Mind,
877:Through all its differences and discords humanity is striving to become one. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin: The Right of Association Speech,
878:Time voyages with Thee upon its prow,—And all the future’s passionate hope is Thou. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 7.5.61 - Because Thou Art,
879:Until man in his heart is ready, a profound change of the world conditions cannot come. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Internationalism,
880:Will not past action come in the way of sadhana? Complete consecration to the Divine wipes out what one has been in the past. ~ The Mother,
881:All things are wrapped in the dynamic One:A subtle link of union joins all life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.02 - The Kingdom of Subtle Matter,
882:Behind all intelligent action there must be an intelligent will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.14 - The Passive and the Active Brahman,
883:Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. ~ Anonymous, The Bible Psalms 46:10,
884:By the swift vibration of a nerveLinks its mechanic throbs to light and love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.04 - The Kingdoms of the Little Life,
885:Find out who you are, but don't cling to any definition. Mutate as many times as necessary to live in the totality of your being. ~ Claudio Naranjo,
886:From the standpoint of Yoga it is not so much what you do but how you do it that matters most. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II 2.04 - Yogic Action,
887:Immeasurable ecstasy where TimeAnd Space have fainted in a swoon sublime! ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.2.02 - The Meditations of Mandavya,
888:Man is at present only partly liberated from the animal involution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga The Gradations of the Supermind,
889:Nations that conquer widest, perish first, Sapped by the hate of an uneasy world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories - I Act III,
890:Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
891:Renunciation is to go to the extreme, but also enjoyment is to be equally integral. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Conclusion and Summary,
892:Science and Philosophy are never entirely dispassionate and disinterested. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Reason as Governor of Life,
893:The human mind is an instrument not of truth but of ignorance and error. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Problems in Human Relations,
894:The very first necessity for spiritual perfection is a perfect equality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.11 - The Perfection of Equality,
895:To the natural unredeemed economic man beauty is a thing otiose or a nuisance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Civilisation and Barbarism,
896:We shouldn't stick too close to everyday reality but give room to the reality of the heart, of the mind, and of the imagination. ~ Hayao Miyazaki,
897:When an institution, organization, or nation loses its capacity to inspire high individual performance, its great days are over. ~ Howard Gardner,
898:A divided nature is the worst possible condition for this path. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram Acceptance as a Disciple,
899:All relations of Soul and Nature are circumstances in the eternity of Brahman. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Field and its Knower,
900:In a flaming moment of apocalypseThe Incarnation thrust aside its veil. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 10.04 - The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real,
901:It is in the silence of the mind that the strongest and freest action can come. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV 4.22 - The supramental Thought and Knowledge,
902:Man needs freedom of thought and life and action in order that he may grow. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The End of the Curve of Reason,
903:Material universe a form and movement of the Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - V,
904:Not alone the mind in its troubleGod beholds, but the spirit behind that has joy of the torture. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
905:Purification and freedom are the indispensable antecedents of perfection. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.10 - The Elements of Perfection,
906:Should you ask me what is the first thing in religion, I should reply that the first, second, and third thing therein is humility. ~ Saint Augustine,
907:Spiritual truth is a truth of the spirit, not a truth of the intellect. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man,
908:Surrender to the Divine is the best emotional protection. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II Surrender to the Divine Will,
909:The individual is a self-expression of the universal and the transcendent. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.06 - Reality and the Cosmic Illusion,
910:The patterns of thinking of a little groupFixed a traditional behaviour’s law. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.04 - The Kingdoms of the Little Life,
911:When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say. ~ George R R Martin,
912:Above blind fate and the antagonist powersMoveless there stands a high unchanging Will; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
913:All possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine The Two Negations,
914:All things are there as the spirit’s powers and means and forms of manifestation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.20 - The Philosophy of Rebirth,
915:Always he journeys, but nowhere arrives; He would guide the world, himself he cannot guide ... ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
916:Ananda is the secret principle of all being and the support of all activity of being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.23 - Man and the Evolution,
917:An imperfection dogs our highest strength;Portions and pale reflections are our share. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.12 - The Heavens of the Ideal,
918:Compression without removal often increases the force of these things instead of destroying them. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Food,
919:He has need of darkness to perceive some lightAnd need of grief to feel a little bliss. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
920:He is always with us, aware of what we are, of all our thoughts, of all our feelings and all our actions. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I ,
921:I have realized why corrupt politicians do nothing to improve the quality of public school education. They are terrified of educated voters. ~ Miriam,
922:In Yoga friendship can remain, but attachment has to fall away. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
923:It is God-realisation and God-expression which is the object of our Yoga. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga The Nature of the Supermind,
924:Its disguises are endless and it will cling to every shred of possible self-concealment. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
925:Man as a whole is always a complex being, even man savage or degenerate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Infrarational Age of the Cycle,
926:Pain and suffering are necessary results of the Ignorance in which we live. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Depression and Despondency,
927:Perfection comes by renunciation of desires and surrender to a higher Will. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Practical Concerns in Work,
928:Reason only gives to Force the plan of its action and a system to administer. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Curve of the Rational Age,
929:Self-fulfilment by self-immolation, to grow by giving is the universal law. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda 2 - Other Hymns to Agni,
930:Silence of the being is the first natural aim of the Yoga. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness,
931:Strength men desire in their masters;All men worship success and in failure and weakness abandon. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
932:The divine detachment must be the foundation for a divine participation in Nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.04 - The Secret of Secrets,
933:The idea is only a partial expression of the spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - VI,
934:The lotus of the eternal knowledge and the eternal perfection is a bud closed and folded up within us. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga ,
935:True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awaking of consciousness which goes through successive stages. ~ Ancient Egyptian Proverb,
936:A certain kind of Agnosticism is the final truth of all knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine The Two Negations,
937:A Light there is that leads, a Power that aids;Unmarked, unfelt it sees in him and acts. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
938:All birth is a progressive self-finding, a means of self-realisation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga - Involution and Evolution,
939:All other things have a portion of everything, but Mind is infinite and self-ruled, and is mixed with nothing but is all alone by itself. ~ Anaxagoras,
940:All souls are merely determinations of the universal Soul. Bodies taken separately are only varied and transient forms of material substance. ~ Kapila,
941:A Word is spoken or a Light is shown,A moment sees, the ages toil to express. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
942:Form is delimitation—Name and Shape out of the vast illimitable Truth of infinite existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.13 - The Divine Maya,
943:In each heart, the Divine's Presence is the promise of future and possible perfections. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II 1.02 - The Divine Is with You,
944:Passion requires focused direction, and that direction must come from three other areas: your purpose, your talents, and your needs. ~ Steve Pavlina,
945:Perhaps science does not develop by the accumulation of individual discoveries and inventions ~ Thomas S Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions ,
946:Reason stops short of the Divine and only compromises with the problems of life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Religion as the Law of Life,
947:The emergence of the Purusha is the beginning of liberation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III Inner Detachment and the Witness Attitude,
948:The exceptional individual is the future type, the forerunner. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Necessity of the Spiritual Transformation,
949:The high gods look on man and watch and chooseToday’s impossibles for the future’s base. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
950:The objective is created as a ground of manifestation for the subjective. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.15 - Reality and the Integral Knowledge,
951:The supersession of dualism in biology begins to occur in this science at the moment when the ‘time’ factor is taken into consideration. ~ Jean Gebser,
952:To wisdom belongs the intellectual apprehension of eternal things; to knowledge, the rational knowledge of temporal things. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
953:To wisdom belongs the intellectual apprehension of things eternal; to knowledge, the rational apprehension of things temporal. ~ Saint Augustine,
954:What the instincts and impulses seek after, the reason labours to make us understand. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Good,
955:As a matter of self-preservation, a man needs good friends or ardent enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter take him to task. ~ Diogenes,
956:A Witness dwells within our secrecies,The incarnate Godhead in the body of man. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 7.5.29 - The Universal Incarnation,
957:Beyond words, above thoughts the flame of an intense aspiration must always burn, steady and bright. My love and blessings are with you. ~ The Mother,
958:Born politicians do not care to outpace by too great a stride the speedily accomplishable fact. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Facts and Opinions,
959:Chit is an action of Being, not of the Void. What it sees, that becomes. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad: Brahman Oneness of God and the World,
960:(Darshan Message) Sri Aurobindo's message is an immortal sunlight radiating over the future. 15 August 1972 1wordlist AUTHORS BOOKS-INFO cats CHEATSHEETS COMMANDS d20 dc-empty define-1355 DICTIONARIES DICTIONARIES-2020-03-23 DOCS.RACKET DOCS.RACKET_W_LINKS goodreads_books_data goodreads_books_data-raw GRAMMER keys keys_2020-03-29 keys_2020-06-04 keys_2020-06-05 keys_2020-06-27 keys-2020-08-14 keys-2020-10-13 keys.bak-2020-02-11 keys-bak-2020-09-14 LISTS MEDIA_LISTS MEM_AUDIO_199 most new_keys_subject_tagged new_keys_subject_tagged.php_tagged new_keys_subject_tagged_r NEWLIB PARTIAL_FORMATTED plants PROGRAMS QUOTES RESUMES sedrnS19w sss_7418_2019-12-18 style.css subjects subjects_wo_periods syn syn1 synonyms temp temp1 temp_11 test5 todo twitter_full_s TWITTER-RIPS VG WEB_ADDRESSES WIKI wordincarnate_SA_4500 wordincarnate_SA_clean wordincarnate_SA_clean2 WORDLIST wordlist wordlist (3rd copy) wordlist (another copy) wordlist-broken maybe wordlist-config wordlist (copy) wordlist-ru wordlist-temp wordlist-u ZZ ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I ,
961:Even oneness is a representation and exists in relation to multiplicity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad: Brahman Oneness of God and the World,
962:How difficult it is to find a good name for a function is a good indication of how clear a concept it is that ~ Marijn Haverbeke, Eloquent Javascript ,
963:However man's mind may tire or fail his flesh, A will prevails cancelling his conscious choice . ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
964:In the twilight of life, God will not judge us on our earthly possessions and human successes, but on how well we have loved. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
965:Looking at you from within the Self, I never leave you.How can this fact be known to your externalised vision? ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Padamalai 37,
966:Offer, first, all your actions as a sacrifice to the Highest and the One in you and to the Highest and the One in the world; ~ Sri Aurobindo, (CWSA 19) ,
967:One attains God through japa. By repeating the name of God secretly and in solitude one receives divine grace. Then comes His vision. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
968:Prakriti is the action of the All-conscient. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.13 - Exclusive Concentration of Consciousness-Force and the Ignorance,
969:The chain of Karma only binds the movement of Nature and not the soul. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad: The Inhabiting Godhead Life and Action,
970:The characteristic law of Spirit is self-existent perfection and immutable infinity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.03 - The Threefold Life,
971:The outer life-result can only endure if it is founded on inner realities. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Ultimate of Life,
972:The world which we perceive is a tiny fraction of the world which we can perceive, which is a tiny fraction of the perceivable world. ~ Terence McKenna,
973:Today I escaped from anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions--not outside. ~ Marcus Aurelius, Book 9 Verse 13 ,
974:To him who looks upon the world rationally, the world in its turn presents a rational aspect. The relation is mutual. ~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
975:We can no longer assert any single proposition, unless we guard ourselves by enumerating countless conditions which must be assumed. ~ Aleister Crowley,
976:All recognition requires memory. What is recognized must have been cognized before. The process works as cognize, then name, and subsequently recognize., ~ All recognition requires memory. What is recognized must have been cognized before. The process works as cognize, then name and subsequently recognize.,
977:All Yoga is a seeking after the Divine, a turn towards union with the Eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.07 - The Supreme Word of the Gita,
978:Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
979:Every morning may our thoughts rise fervently towards Thee, asking Thee how we can manifest and serve Thee best. ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations ,
980:Forewilled by the gods, Alexander,All things happen on earth and yet we must strive who are mortals, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
981:God being Supreme Wisdom uses everything for His supreme purposes and out of evil cometh good. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Opinion and Comments,
982:How can one attempt seeing truth without knowing falsehood. It is the attempt to see the light without knowing darkness. It cannot be. ~ Frank Herbert,
983:How to avoid attacks of depression? Do not pay attention to the depression and act as if it was not there. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
984:Liberty is at once the condition of vigorous variation and the condition of self-finding. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Diversity in Oneness,
985:Nada is found within. It is a music without strings which plays in the body. It penetrates the inner and outer and leads you away from illusion. ~ Kabir,
986:O Thou who climb’dst to mind from the dull stone,Face now the miracled summits still unwon. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems Evolution - II,
987:Our ordinary intellectual notions are a stumbling-block in the way of knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.02 - The Status of Knowledge,
988:Philosophy and religion are the soul of Indian culture. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - II,
989:Repentance even helps provided it does not bring discouragement or depression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Depression and Despondency,
990:Sincerity ::: To allow no part of the being to contradict the highest aspiration towards the Divine ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II Agenda Vol 5,
991:The rejection of the object ceases to be necessary when the object can no longer ensnare us ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
992:The very idea of energy in action carries with it the idea of energy abstaining from action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.09 - The Pure Existent,
993:Thought is only a scout and pioneer; it can guide but not command or effectuate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.01 - The Object of Knowledge,
994:urage and jubilation. This is rising to a higher level. It is like the saying, “The more water there is, the higher the boat rises. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo,
995:What is needed of me that I may not fail to progress as I should? A constant and integral aspiration. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
996:You veil your eyes and complain that you cannot see the Eternal. If you wish to see Him, tear from your eyes the veil of the illusion. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
997:A death that eats and eating is devoured,This is the brutal image of the world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.2.02 - The Meditations of Mandavya,
998:All consciousness is one, but in action it takes on many movements. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga The Supramental Thought and Knowledge,
999:All human imaginations indeed correspond to some reality or real possibility. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.19 - The Planes of Our Existence,
1000:A revolutionary mysticism which seems to be the present drive of the Time Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Curve of the Rational Age,
1001:By having patience under all kinds of pressure you lay the foundations of peace. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II 7.05 - Patience and Perseverance,
1002:Early dawns cannot endure in their purity, so long as the race is not ready. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Infrarational Age of the Cycle,
1003:If one wishes to obtain a definite answer from Nature one must attack the question from a more general and less selfish point of view. (415) ~ Max Planck,
1004:III. THEOREMS: 1. Every intentional act is a Magical Act. 2. Every successful act has conformed to the postulate. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA Magick,
1005:Into inertia revolution sinks,In a new dress the old resumes its role; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.10 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind,
1006:Kama (Desire)My desireTakes many forms; I change and wheel and race,And with Me runs creation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems Kama,
1007:Not by Reason was creation madeAnd not by Reason can the Truth be seen ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.10 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind,
1008:Our mortal vision peers with ignorant eyes;It has no gaze on the deep heart of things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 10.03 - The Debate of Love and Death,
1009:Since all things are God, in all things thou seest just so much of God as thy capacity affordeth thee. ~ Aleister Crowley, The Vision and the Voice ,
1010:So long as one is not free from the ego sense, there can be no real freedom. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.08 - The Liberation of the Spirit,
1011:The evolution of the being of gnosis would be followed by an evolution of the being of bliss. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.27 - The Gnostic Being,
1012:The gunas have to be transcended if we would arrive at spiritual perfection. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.09 - The Liberation of the Nature,
1013:The passion of oneness two hearts are this momentDenies the steps of death for ever. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories - I Act II,
1014:The will of a single hero can breathe courage into the hearts of a million cowards. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings The Real Difficulty,
1015:Time and Space that are the conceptual movement and extension of the Godhead in us. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.08 - God in Power of Becoming,
1016:To perish is better for man or for nationNobly in battle, nor end disgraced by disease or subjection. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1017:Try to be spontaneous and simple like a child in your relations with me - it will save you from many difficulties. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I ,
1018:Vain are human power and human loveTo break earth’s seal of ignorance and death; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1019:A civilisation is to be judged by the power of its ideas. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - VI,
1020:A formless yearning passions in man’s heart,A cry is in his blood for happier things ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.04 - The Kingdoms of the Little Life,
1021:Aggression must be successful and creative if the defence is to be effective. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India “Is India Civilised?” - I,
1022:Called back her thoughts from speech to sit withinIn a deep room in meditation’s house. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 10.03 - The Debate of Love and Death,
1023:Imagination is the Discovering Faculty, pre-eminently. It is that which penetrates into the unseen worlds around us, the worlds of Science. ~ Ada Lovelace,
1024:Its absence left the greatest actions dull,Its presence made the smallest seem divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.01 - The Pursuit of the Unknowable,
1025:Mental man has not been Nature’s last effort or highest reach. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.18 - The Evolutionary Process - Ascent and Integration,
1026:Prakriti does not act for itself or by its own motion, but with the Self as lord. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.09 - The Release from the Ego,
1027:Spiritual intuition is always a more luminous guide than the discriminating reason. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.05 - The Divine Personality,
1028:The cause of mediocre work is neither the variety nor the number of activities, but lack of the power of concentration. ~ The Mother, On Education ,
1029:The luminous heart of the Unknown is she,A power of silence in the depths of God; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1030:The mind and the intellect are not the key-power of our existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Necessity of the Spiritual Transformation,
1031:There must be either an emptiness of the gunas or a superiority to the gunas. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.09 - The Liberation of the Nature,
1032:To know our souls and to be our selves, which must be the foundation of our true way of being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.27 - The Gnostic Being,
1033:Woman is in her right and even fulfills a sort of obligation when she takes pains to appear as a magical and supernatural creature. ~ Charles Baudelaire,
1034:All Nature dumbly calls to her aloneTo heal with her feet the aching throb of life ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1035:All Shastra is built on a number of preparatory conditions, dharmas; it is a means, not an end. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita Deva and Asura,
1036:A moment's sweetness of the All-Beautiful Cancelled the vanity of the cosmic whirl. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1037:God is pouring out his wrath upon the nations that acknowledge him not, upon the kingdoms that call not upon his name. ~ Anonymous, The Bible Psalm 78:3-4,
1038:Happy species endowed with infinite appreciation of pleasures and low sensitivity to pain would probably not survive the evolutionary battle ~ Amos Tversky,
1039:I am in love with no other than myself, and my very separation is my union... I am my beloved and my lover; I am my knight and my maiden. ~ Ibn Arabi,
1040:It is within us that the Reality must be found and the source and foundation of a perfected life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
1041:Nothing in God’s workings in this world is done by an abrupt action without procedure or basis. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita Deva and Asura,
1042:Our personality is never the same; it is a constant mutation and various combination. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.11 - The Modes of the Self,
1043:Our sight and sense are a fallible gaze and touchAnd only the spirit’s vision is wholly true. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 07.05 - The Finding of the Soul,
1044:Reason seeks to understand and interpret life by one kind of symbol only, the idea. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Curve of the Rational Age,
1045:Remember always the Divine and all you do will be an expression of the Divine Presence. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II 1.02 - The Divine Is with You,
1046:The claim to equality like the thirst for liberty is individualistic in its origin. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Curve of the Rational Age,
1047:The element of the vital being is not earth but air; it has more movement, less status. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.25 - The Triple Transformation,
1048:The form is the manifestation or appearance, the idea is the truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga 1.13 - The Stress of the Hidden Spirit,
1049:Yoga is the founding of all the life and consciousness in the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
1050:You might meet with many obstacles in your life. But if you are a true practitioner, you will use them as training grounds of the path. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
1051:All grief, revolt, impatience, trouble is a violence against the Master of the being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.13 - The Action of Equality,
1052:Any proposition containing the word "is" creates a linguistic structural confusion which will eventually give birth to serious fallacies. ~ Alfred Korzybski,
1053:Be perfectly sincere in your consecration to the Divine's work. This will assure you strength and success. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II Sincerity,
1054:Desire is the badge of subjection with its attendant discord and suffering. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad: The Inhabiting Godhead Life and Action,
1055:I am the light in stars, of flowersThe bloom, the nameless fragrance that pervadesCreation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 10.03 - The Debate of Love and Death,
1056:It is the legitimate function of the reason to justify to man his action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Office and Limitations of the Reason,
1057:Man ordinarily offers his sacrifice openly or under a disguise to his own ego. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Fullness of Spiritual Action,
1058:Our humanity is the conscious meeting place of the finite and the infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga - Involution and Evolution,
1059:Spirituality cannot be called upon to deal with life by a non-spiritual method. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man,
1060:The human mind is, in the mass, averse to a radical change of conception. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Creation of the Heterogeneous Nation,
1061:The native power of poetry is in its sight, not in its intellectual thought-matter. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry Poetic Vision and the Mantra,
1062:There is nothing that can be set down as impossible in the chances of the future. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Internationalism and Human Unity,
1063:The self or spirit has the joy of its own existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram Vedanta and Other Paths of Self-Realisation,
1064:The unregenerate vital is not grateful for a benefit, it resents being under an obligation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Ego and Its Forms,
1065:What is God? God is the perfection that we must aspire to realise. 8 November 1969 ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II "The Divine" and "Man" [17],
1066:When the mind and soul have chosen the goal, the rest is bound to follow. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Imperfections and Periods of Arrest,
1067:Adwaita is true, because the Many are only manifestations of the One. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga 1.13 - The Stress of the Hidden Spirit,
1068:A nation, race or people which loses its language cannot live its whole life or its real life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Diversity in Oneness,
1069:A witch ought never be frightened in the darkest forest, because she should be sure that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1070:Busy our hearts are weaving thoughts and images always:After their kind they see what here we call truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1071:Desire is the impurity of the Prana, the life-principle, and its chain of bondage. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.11 - The Perfection of Equality,
1072:Difficult is union with God when the self is not under governance; but when the self is well-subjected, there are means to come by it. ~ Bhagavad Gita XI. 38,
1073:God bestows more consideration on the purity of the intention with which our actions are performed than on the actions themselves. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo,
1074:If you are not prepared to resign or be fired for what you believe in, then you are not a worker, let alone a professional. You are a slave. ~ Howard Gardner,
1075:Life is a scale of the universal Energy in which the transition from inconscience to consciousness is managed. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.06 - The Transformation of Dream Life,
1076:Limitation by ignorance and error is the fundamental defect of an untransformed mind, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga 5.03 - The Divine Body,
1077:Mental realisation is useful at the beginning and prepares spiritual experience. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III Experiences and Realisations,
1078:Not merely peace, but fulfilment is what the heart of the world is seeking. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.12 - The Realisation of Sachchidananda,
1079:Not to kill emotion, but to turn it towards the Divine is the right way of the Yoga. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Bhakti,
1080:Not to kill emotion, but to turn it towards the Divine is the right way of the Yoga. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Bhakti,
1081:Order is not inconsistent with liberty but rather the condition for the right use of liberty. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga the Message,
1082:Purification of each member of our being profits by the clarifying of every other. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.03 - The Purified Understanding,
1083:Renunciation of all in desire is the condition of the free enjoyment of all. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad: The Inhabiting Godhead Life and Action,
1084:The day is not far distant when humanity will realize that biologically it is faced with a choice between suicide and adoration. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
1085:The widest spirituality does not exclude or discourage any essential human activity or faculty. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Reason and Religion,
1086:This now he willed to discover and exile, The element in him betraying God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1087:Throwing away the life does not improve the chances for the next time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Dealing with Depression and Despondency,
1088:We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. ~ T S Eliot,
1089:A burning Love from white spiritual fountsAnnulled the sorrow of the ignorant depths. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1090:Accommodation of mental structures to reality implies the existence of assimilatory schemata apart from which any structure would be impossible. ~ Jean Piaget,
1091:Accurate reading on a wide range of subjects makes the scholar; careful selection of the better makes the saint. ~ John of Salisbury, Bishop of Chartres ,
1092:Action in the world is given us first as a means for our self-development and self-fulfilment. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 1.12 - The Divine Work,
1093:All sin is an error of the will, a desire and act of the Ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.23 - The Conditions of Attainment to the Gnosis,
1094:God will bring people and events into our lives, and whatever we may think about them, they are designed for the evolution of His life in us. ~ Thomas Keating,
1095:I am one with God in my being and yet I can have relations with Him in my experience. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.03 - The Eternal and the Individual,
1096:If you find it complicated to answer someone's question, do not answer it, for his container is already full and does not have room for the answer ~ Ibn Arabi,
1097:I write to keep from going mad from the contradictions I find among mankind - and to work some of those contradictions out for myself. ~ Michel de Montaigne,
1098:Our being in its growth has stages through which it must pass. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - V,
1099:Our humanity is not the whole of the Reality or its best possible self-formation or self-expression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
1100:Purified mind is one that is necessarily passive and open to the knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.10 - The Realisation of the Cosmic Self,
1101:The fact that the captain of the ship can clearly see the port is of no use if the crew continues to paddle in different directions. ~ Townsend and Gebhardt,
1102:The function of India is to supply the world with a perennial source of light and renovation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II Ideals Face to Face,
1103:The function of India is to supply the world with a perennial source of light and renovation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II Ideals Face to Face,
1104:The harmony of the inner and outer man which is the true meaning of civilisation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India “Is India Civilised?” - I,
1105:The mind is the source of all experience, and by changing the direction of the mind, we can change the quality of everything we experience. ~ Mingyur Rinpoche,
1106:The scientist is Man the thinker mastering the forces of material Nature by knowing them. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Civilisation and Barbarism,
1107:The Son of God is also the Son of Man and both elements are necessary to the complete Christhood. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
1108:With weakness and selfishness, however spiritual in their guise or trend, he can have no dealing. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
1109:A greater perfection can only be arrived at by a higher power entering in and taking up the whole action of the being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga ,
1110:All delusions, without exception, are created as a result of self-centeredness. When you're free from self-centeredness, delusions won't be produced." ~ Bankei,
1111:Conversion of the aim of life from the ego to the Divine: instead of seeking ones own satisfaction, to have the service of the Divine as the aim of life. ~ ,
1112:Do not live to be happy, live to serve the Divine and the joy that you will experience will be beyond all expectations. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
1113:Equality like individualistic liberty may turn out to be not a panacea but an obstacle. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Curve of the Rational Age,
1114:I pick my favourite quotations and store them in my mind as ready armour, offensive or defensive, amid the struggle of this turbulent existence. ~ Robert Burns,
1115:It is not what happens to us, but how we interpret what happens to us, that becomes the basis of our convictions. ~ Manly P Hall, Horizon Fall-Winter 1944 p.66 ,
1116:Make your entire life an expression of your faith and love for your teacher. This is real dwelling with the Guru. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That Ch 32,
1117:Mechanical Nature is only a lower truth; it is the formula of an inferior phenomenal action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.04 - The Secret of Secrets,
1118:Our present nature is a derivation from Supernature and is not a pure ignorance but a half-knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
1119:Q:There are several asanas mentioned. Which of them is the best?M:Nididhyasana (one-pointedness of the mind) is the best. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talks 557,
1120:The beginning of wisdom is the sincere desire for instruction. To observe attentively its laws is to establish the perfect purity of the soul. ~ Book of Wisdom,
1121:The creative operation of God does not simply mold us like soft clay. It is a Fire that animates all it touches...that gives life. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
1122:The ego is the lynch-pin invented to hold together the motion of our wheel of nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.11 - The Boundaries of the Ignorance,
1123:The guardians of Eternity keep its lawFor ever fixed upon Truth’s giant base ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1124:The high gods watch in their silence,Mute they endure for a while that the doom may be swifter and greater. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1125:The perfection of man lies in the unfolding of the ever-perfect Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Necessity of the Spiritual Transformation,
1126:We have at a certain stage to liberate ourselves even from the desire of our liberation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Determinism of Nature,
1127:Where there is Isness, there God is. Creation is the giving of isness from God. And that is why God becomes where any creature expresses God. ~ Meister Eckhart,
1128:Word should express will: hence the Mystic Name of the Probationer is the expression of his highest Will. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA Book 4,
1129:Wrong will engenders wrong action of all these instruments. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine The Origin and Remedy of Falsehood,
1130:A certain amount of waste and friction is necessary and useful to all natural action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Inadequacy of the State Idea,
1131:A divine unity of supreme spirit and its supreme nature is the integral liberation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.09 - The Liberation of the Nature,
1132:All that we are on the outside is indeed conditioned by what is within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.10 - Knowledge by Identity and Separative Knowledge,
1133:Alone. Yes, that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym. ~ Stephen King,
1134:Being but one, she is capable of all; immutable in herself, she renews all things; she diffuses herself among the nations in saintly souls. ~ The Book of Wisdom,
1135:Change and unalterable conservation of energy in the change are the law, not destruction. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Heraclitus - V,
1136:Duties are external things, not stuff of the soul and cannot be the ultimate standard of action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 1.12 - The Divine Work,
1137:Individual perfection and liberation are not the whole sense of God’s intention in the world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.03 - The Threefold Life,
1138:Mental knowledge is not true knowledge; true knowledge is that which is based on the true sight. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Conclusion and Summary,
1139:Most anthologists of poetry or quotations are like those who eat cherries or oysters, first picking the best and ending by eating everything. ~ Nicolas Chamfort,
1140:Nothing in this book is an attempt to prevent the really resolute misery addicts from continuing their pursuit of frustration and failure. ~ Robert Anton Wilson,
1141:Personality is a composition of Nature,—but a mental Person, manomaya puruṣa. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.04 - The Perfection of the Mental Being,
1142:Phenomenon built Reality’s summer-houseOn the beaches of the sea of Infinity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1143:The cure from all difficulties can come only when the egoistic concentration upon one's desires and conveniences ceases. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
1144:The effort at governing political action by ethics is usually little more than a pretence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India Indian Polity - II,
1145:The Mother of all godheads and all strengthsWho, mediatrix, binds earth to the Supreme. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1146:The passions, even the passion for good, misrepresent the divine nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.08 - The Release from the Heart and the Mind,
1147:The passions, even the passion for good, misrepresent the divine nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.08 - The Release from the Heart and the Mind,
1148:The poetic word is a vehicle of the spirit, the chosen medium of the soul’s self-expression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry The Word and the Spirit,
1149:The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it. ~ Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment ,
1150:The regulating and beautiful arrangement of character and action is the art of life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings The National Value of Art,
1151:The Sun from which we kindle all our suns,The Light that leans from the unrealised Vasts, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1152:the value...of life is not so much to do conspicuous to do ordinary things with the perception of their enormous value. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
1153:The world is only a partial manifestation of the Godhead, it is not itself that Divinity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Theory of the Vibhuti,
1154:To keep constantly a concentrated and in-gathered attitude is more important than having fixed hours of meditation. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
1155:To live in the wideness of the Intuition is not possible with the limitation of the ego. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I 2.3.04 - The Higher Planes of Mind,
1156:Unless the soul is pure, it cannot have genuine love of God and single-minded devotion to the ideal. The mind wanders away to various objects. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1157:Yet mystery and imagination arise from the same source. This source is called darkness ... Darkness within darkness, the gateway to all understanding. ~ Lao Tzu,
1158:A civilisation which cannot burst through its current abstractions is doomed to sterility after a very limited period of progress. (575) ~ Alfred North Whitehead,
1159:Blessed is the man who knows his own weakness, because this knowledge becomes to him the foundation, root, and beginning of all Goodness. ~ Saint Isaac of Syria,
1160:Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic. ~ Frank Herbert,
1161:Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Of course, I could be wrong. ~ Terry Pratchett,
1162:God manifests Himself in the individual partially, but He stands behind the progress of the world wholly. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Facts and Opinions,
1163:Hasteners to action, violators of GodAre these great spirits who have too much love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 10.04 - The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real,
1164:Man is all Imagination. God is Man and exists in us and we in Him... The Eternal Body of Man is the Imagination, that is, God, Himself ~ William Blake, Laocoon ,
1165:The end of tamas is disintegration, dispersal of forces, failure of material. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram Care of Material Things,
1166:The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? ~ Anonymous, The Bible Psalms 27:1,
1167:The most common sort of lie is that by which a man deceives himself: the deception of others is a relatively rare offense. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ ,
1168:The nature of poetry is to soar on the wings of the inspiration to the highest intensities. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry Recent English Poetry - I,
1169:The objection to propaganda is not only its appeal to unreason, but still more the unfair advantage which it gives to the rich and powerful. ~ Bertrand Russell,
1170:The whole future of the Earth, as of religion, seems to me to depend on the awakening of our faith in the future. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Future of Man ,
1171:To express our gratitude to Sri Aurobindo we can do nothing better than to be a living demonstration of his teaching. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother I ,
1172:When desire ceases entirely, grief and all inner suffering also cease. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.23 - The Conditions of Attainment to the Gnosis,
1173:By right knowledge put steadily into practice liberation comes inevitably. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.07 - The Release from Subjection to the Body,
1174:Imagination’s great ensorcelling rodSummoned the unknown and gave to it a home, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1175:In the mind’s silence the Transcendent actsAnd the hushed heart hears the unuttered Word. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1176:Man is in his self a unique Person, but he is also in his manifestation of self a multiperson. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.25 - The Triple Transformation,
1177:No victory can be won without a fixed fidelity to the aim and a long effort. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
1178:The consciousness of union with the Divine is for the spiritual seeker the supreme knowledge. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV 4.22 - The supramental Thought and Knowledge,
1179:The growing of the love of God must carry with it in him an expansion of the knowledge of God. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga The Mystery of Love,
1180:The highest relation of the Soul to existence is the Purusha’s possession of Prakriti. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.18 - The Soul and Its Liberation,
1181:Their false compassion is called compassion and their false understanding is called understanding, for this is their most potent spell. ~ Aleister Crowley,
1182:The love of God is an infinite and absolute feeling which does not admit of any rational limitation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Reason and Religion,
1183:There was no act, no movement in its Vast:Life’s question met by its silence died on her lips, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.01 - The Pursuit of the Unknowable,
1184:The vision of God brings infallibly the adoration and passionate seeking of the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works,
1185:What counts now are the value-less facts, the material and the rational. All else is regarded with condescension as being of only sentimental value. ~ Jean Gebser,
1186:What is needed is care; a great deal of patience; and the laying aside of many preconceived opinions, wishful dreams, and the blind sway of demands. ~ Jean Gebser,
1187:Action Human and DivineKeep only my soul to adore eternallyAnd meet Thee in each form and soul of Thee. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 1.2.07 - Surrender,
1188:A cultivated eye without a cultivated spirit makes by no means the highest type of man. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings The National Value of Art,
1189:A dull gravitation drags us downTo the blind driven inertia of our base. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The Yoga of the King,
1190:A million faces wears her knowledge hereAnd every face is turbaned with a doubt. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.10 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind,
1191:Armed with the intuition of a blissTo which some moved tranquillity was the key, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1192:Every man seeks the brotherhood of his fellow and we can only live by fraternity with others. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin: The Right of Association Speech,
1193:Evolution means a bringing out of new powers which lay concealed in the seed or the first form. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry New Birth or Decadence?,
1194:Gesture (Mudra)I have drunk the Infinite like a giant’s wine.Time is my drama or my pageant dream. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems The Divinization of Matter: Lurianic Kabbalah, Physics, and the Supramental Transformation,
1195:Noble speechIs a high prelude fit for noble deeds;It is the lion’s roar before he leaps. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Plays and Stories - II Act III,
1196:Not by a little pain and not by a temperate labourTrained is the nation chosen by Zeus for a dateless dominion. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1197:Only an aggressive defence can be effective in the conditions of the modern struggle. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India “Is India Civilised?” - II,
1198:Philosophy is of course a creation of the mind but its defect is not that it is false. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV The Place of Study in Sadhana,
1199:The outer change is necessary but as a part of the inner change. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III The Danger of the Ego and the Need of Purification,
1200:There are desirable states of the soul which it is dangerous to rest in after they have been mastered. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
1201:The vision of faith penetrates into the remote future and turns the impossible into the possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I The Leverage of Faith,
1202:This is our human destiny; every moment of livingToil and loss have gained in the constant siege of our bodies. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1203:Through the spirit we come to the root of action and existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine The Origin and Remedy of Falsehood,
1204:Wealth is a force and it should be a means of circulation, a power in movement, as flowing water is a power in movement. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1955 ,
1205:What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books. ~ Thomas Carlyle,
1206:All things yield to a man and Zeus is himself his accompliceWhen like a god he wills without remorse or longing. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1207:And from the unsounded depths of the Unknown a reply came sublime and formidable and we knew that the earth was saved. ~ The Mother, Prayers And Meditations ,
1208:Each form is there because it is an expression of some power of That which inhabits it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.15 - Reality and the Integral Knowledge,
1209:Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation but as a question.[A caution he gives his students, to be wary of dogmatism.] ~ Niels Bohr,
1210:Friendship and love are indispensable notes in the harmony to which we aspire. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
1211:If you do not learn to deny yourself, you can make no progress in perfection. ~ Saint John of the Cross, The Collected Works of Saint John of the Cross (1991) ,
1212:It is rather a wider than a higher consciousness that is necessary for the liberation from the ego. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Ego and Its Forms,
1213:Morality is for the Western mind mostly a thing of outward conduct. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - IV,
1214:Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry. ~ Richard P Feynman,
1215:Only on the heart’s veiled door the word of flameIs written, the secret and tremendous Name. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 7.5.29 - The Universal Incarnation,
1216:Statesmanship is not summed up in the words prudence and caution, it has a place for strength and courage. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Opinion and Comments,
1217:The Inconscience is an inverse reproduction of the supreme superconscience. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.10 - Knowledge by Identity and Separative Knowledge,
1218:The intellect and life and emotion always grasp too much at things, fasten on premature certitudes. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga Faith and Shakti,
1219:The Wisdom was near, disguised by its own works,Of which the darkened universe is the robe. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1220:What is is only justifiable, finds its perfect sense and satisfaction by what can and will be. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.04 - The Divine and the Undivine,
1221:All life is only a lavish and manifold opportunity given us to discover, realise, express the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Good,
1222:Count not life nor death, defeat nor triumph, Pyrrhus.Only thy soul regard and the gods in thy joy or thy labour. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1223:Drama is the poet’s vision of some part of the world-act in the life of the human soul. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry The Course of English Poetry - II,
1224:He who sees God in all, will serve freely God in all with the service of love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age,
1225:In the hierarchy of our psychological functions the Thought is in a way nearest to this Self. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.01 - The Object of Knowledge,
1226:Intuition is an edge of light thrust out by the secret supermind. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine The Origin and Remedy of Falsehood,
1227:Mind is not the last term of evolution, not an ultimate aim, but, like body, an instrument. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature,
1228:Open yourself more and more to the Divine's force and your work will progress steadily towards perfection. With my Blessings. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
1229:Passions that crumble to ashes while they blazeKindled the common earth with their brief flame. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.05 - The Godheads of the Little Life,
1230:The Divine in life is Power possessed of self-mastery, but also of mastery of His world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Ultimate of Life,
1231:The past is our foundation, the present our material, the future our aim and summit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings A System of National Education,
1232:There can be an action in the Silence, undisturbed even as the universal action goes on in the cosmic Silence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II the Silence,
1233:There Matter is the Spirit’s firm density,An artistry of glad outwardness of self. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1234:The wisdom and love of God in turning our evil into His good does not absolve us of our moral responsibility. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Facts and Opinions,
1235:...thought immediately closes itself off since in its process of deduction discursive thought always excludes any openness in its compulsion to system. ~ Jean Gebser,
1236:True reconciliation proceeds always by a mutual comprehension leading to some sort of intimate oneness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.04 - Reality Omnipresent,
1237:What offering should be made that we may attain to the Eternal? To find the Eternal thou must offer him thy body, thy mind and all thy possessions. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1238:All has to be done by the working of the Mother's force aided by your aspiration, devotion and surrender. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother With Letters On The Mother ,
1239:All life is only a lavish and manifold opportunity given us to discover, realise, express the Divine. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Good,
1240:All movement forward implies a certain amount of friction and difficulty of adjustment ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Problem of Uniformity and Liberty,
1241:Both individual and universe are simultaneous and interrelated expressions of the same transcendent Being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.27 - The Gnostic Being,
1242:But not long had they run thus when Zarathustra became conscious of his folly, and shook off with one jerk all his irritation and detestation. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche,
1243:But no victory can be won without a fixed fidelity to the aim and a long effort. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
1244:Concentration should be all on the immediate step—whatever is being done at the time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III Experiences on the Higher Planes,
1245:If we have not equality, it is a sign that we are still pursued by the Ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 1.09 - Equality and the Annihilation of Ego,
1246:In man it is the ego idea which chiefly supports the falsehood of a separative existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.08 - The Liberation of the Spirit,
1247:Kali when she enters into a man cares nothing for rationality and possibility. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga 1.06 - The Greatness of the Individual,
1248:Large abiding realisations in Yoga do not usually come in trance but by a persistent waking sadhana. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Illness and Health,
1249:Never relax, for you will not attain to the possession of true spiritual delights if first you do not learn to deny your every desire. ~ Saint John of the Cross,
1250:Not only the making of new forms is creation, but preservation is creation, destruction itself is creation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I Bhawani Mandir,
1251:Our Yoga is not an ascetic Yoga: it aims at purity, but not at a cold austerity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
1252:Purification and consecration are two great necessities of sadhana. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III The Danger of the Ego and the Need of Purification,
1253:The Absolute is not a void or negation. It is all that is here in Time and beyond Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad: Brahman Oneness of God and the World,
1254:The main factor in meditation is to keep the mind active in its own pursuit without taking in external impressions or thinking of other matters. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,
1255:The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
1256:Train yourself, your mind, with the meditation techniques you have received, and don't twist the techniques to protect your delusion. ~ Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche,
1257:Absolute completeness is not feasible in the finite because it is alien to the self-conception of the finite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.13 - The Divine Maya,
1258:Action has to be complete and ungrudging, but also freedom of the soul from its works must be absolute. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Conclusion and Summary,
1259:Always our voices are prompted to speech for an end that we know not,Always we think that we drive, but are driven. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1260:A nation cannot be made,—it is an organism which grows under the stress of a principle of life within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I Shall India Be Free?,
1261:A yet unfound law of love is the only sure foundation possible for a perfect social evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The End of the Curve of Reason,
1262:Divine Love is based upon oneness and the psychic derives from the Divine Love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Revelations of Divine Love,
1263:Drinking if excessive affects the substance and quality of the energy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Interactions with Others and the Practice of Yoga,
1264:God as beauty, Srikrishna in Brindavan, Shyamasundara, is not only Beauty, He is also Love. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings The National Value of Art,
1265:In my opinion, there are two things that can absolutely not be carried to the screen: the realistic presentation of the sexual act and praying to God. ~ Orson Welles,
1266:Man’s consciousness of the divine within himself and the world is the supreme fact of his existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle Civilisation and Culture,
1267:Nature will not suffer human egoism to baffle for ever her fixed intention and necessity. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Imperfection of Past Aggregates,
1268:Or there repose and action are the sameIn the deep breast of God’s supreme delight. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life,
1269:"Perhaps our only sickness is to desire a truth which we cannot bear rather than to rest content with the fictions we manufacture out of each other. ~ Lawrence Durrell,
1270:The negative means can only be for the removal of that which stands in the way of the positive fulfilment. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
1271:The object of existence is not the practice of virtue for its own sake but ānanda, delight. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings The National Value of Art,
1272:There can be no national development without national liberty. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I Shall India be Free? - National Development and Foreign Rule,
1273:To possess its world is the nature of infinite spirit and the necessary urge in all being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.08 - The Liberation of the Spirit,
1274:All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~ J R R Tolkien,
1275:Change represents the constant shifting of apparent relations in an eternal Immutability. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad: Brahman Oneness of God and the World,
1276:Conscious dimly of births unfinished hid in our beingRest we cannot; a world cries in us for space and for fullness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1277:Earth cannot long resist the man whom Heaven has chosen;Gods with him walk; his chariot is led; his arm is assisted. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1278:India is the guru of the nations, the physician of the human soul in its profounder maladies. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - II Swaraj and the Coming Anarchy,
1279:Inspiration comes from above in answer to a state of concentration which is itself a call to it. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II The Divine Force in Work,
1280:In the lower actions of the mind the soul suffers Nature rather than possesses her. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga Purification - Intelligence and Will,
1281:It's the beauty within us that makes it possible for us to recognize the beauty around us. The question is not what you look at but what you see. ~ Henry David Thoreau,
1282:It waited for the fiat of the WordThat comes through the still self from the Supreme. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1283:Not mutual exclusiveness, but mutual inclusiveness is the divine truth of our individuality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.18 - The Soul and Its Liberation,
1284:Our attention must be fixed on the earth because our work is here. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother with Letters on The Mother Some Occult and Spiritual Experiences,
1285:Our lives are useful only in proportion as they help others by example or action or tend to fulfil God in man. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Opinion and Comments,
1286:Our lives are useful only in proportion as they help others by example or action or tend to fulfil God in man. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Opinion and Comments,
1287:Our present limited consciousness can only be a field of preparation, it can consummate nothing. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.01 - The Object of Knowledge,
1288:Power is divine; divinest of all is power over mortals.Power then the conqueror seeks and power the imperial nation, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1289:Reason is in its nature an imperfect light with a large but still restricted mission. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Office and Limitations of the Reason,
1290:Spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people's soul. ~ Rudolf Steiner,
1291:The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge to conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation. ~ Alfred Adler,
1292:The hidden Word was found, the long-sought clue,Revealed was the meaning of our spirit’s birth, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1293:The root of desire is the vital craving to seize upon that which we feel we have not. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga Purification - The Lower Mentality,
1294:The soul’s salvation cannot come without the soul’s perfection, without its growing into the divine nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita Above the Gunas,
1295:The worship of reason is arrogance and betrays a lack of intelligence. The rejection of reason is cowardice and betrays a lack of faith. ~ Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel,
1296:They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might ~ Anonymous, The Bible 2 Thessalonians 1:9,
1297:Union is as if in a room there were two large windows through which the light streamed in; it enters in different places but it all becomes one. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila,
1298:An individual salvation in heavens beyond careless of the earth is not our highest objective. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.18 - The Soul and Its Liberation,
1299:A total spiritual direction given to the whole life and the whole nature can alone lift humanity beyond itself. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
1300:However or from wheresoever it came, the only thing to do with a depression is to throw it out. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Depression and Despondency,
1301:It is the highest truth which the soul must seek out by thought and by life accomplish. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.12 - The Realisation of Sachchidananda,
1302:Leave to the night its phantoms, leave to the future its curtain!Only today Heaven gave to mortal man for his labour. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1303:Liberty is the first requisite for the sound health and vigorous life of a nation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I Shall India be Free? - The Loyalist Gospel,
1304:Life and treasure and fame to cast on the wings of a moment,Fiercer joy than this the gods have not given to mortals. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1305:Such is Savitri' s mission. This mission has two sessions or periods. The first, that of preparation; the second, that of fulfilment. ~ Nolini Kanta Gupta, On Savitri 6,
1306:The evolutionary intention acts through the evil as through the good. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine The Origin and Remedy of Falsehood,
1307:The intelligence coloured by desire is an impure intelligence and it distorts Truth. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga Purification - Intelligence and Will,
1308:The raising of men towards the Divine is in the end the one effective way of helping mankind. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.18 - The Soul and Its Liberation,
1309:There are people who are destined to taste only the poison in things, for whom any surprise is a painful surprise and any experience a new occasion for torture. ~ Cioran,
1310:The supramental descent is necessary for a dynamic action of the Truth in mind, vital and body. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I Transformation and the Body,
1311:The thoughts of unknown minds exalt me with their thrill;I carry the sorrow of millions in my lonely breast. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems The Cosmic Man,
1312:To be alone with the Divine is the highest of all privileged states for the sadhak. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Human Relations and the Spiritual Life,
1313:To conquer the lures of egoistic existence in this world is our first victory over ourselves. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.18 - The Soul and Its Liberation,
1314:We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away. ~ Zhuangzi,
1315:A Force may be in action or in quiescence, but when it rests, it is as much a Force as when it acts. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I The Sankhya-Yoga System,
1316:A philosophical system is only a section of the Truth which the philosopher takes as a whole. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV The Place of Study in Sadhana,
1317:A poet’s largeness and ease of execution,—succeeds more amply on the inferior levels of his genius. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry The Poets of the Dawn - II,
1318:Evolution proceeds relentlessly in its course trampling to pieces all that it no longer needs. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings The National Value of Art,
1319:He who is blind revolts and he who is limited struggles:Strife is not for the infinite; wisdom observes to accomplish. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1320:He who is blind revolts and he who is limited struggles:Strife is not for the infinite; wisdom observes to accomplish. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1321:How can one get rid of one's vanity and selfishness? By a complete consecration to the Divine and a loving surrender to the Divine's Will. Blessings. ~ The Mother,
1322:It is always a mistake to complain about the circumstances of our life, for they are the outward expression of what we are ourselves. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
1323:Mind is an expression not of Life, but of that of which Life itself is a less luminous expression. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.01 - The Object of Knowledge,
1324:Our ignorance is not entire; it is a limitation of consciousness. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.19 - Out of the Sevenfold Ignorance towards the Sevenfold Knowledge,
1325:Pollution is nothing but resources we're not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value. ~ R Buckminster Fuller, I Seem To Be A Verb ,
1326:This is the one thing needful, the chanting of God's name. All else is unreal. Love and devotion alone are real, and other things are of no consequence. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1327:Whatever work you do, do it as perfectly as you can. That is the best service to the Divine in man ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II Progress and Perfection in Work,
1328:When one is incapable of comforming to a discipline, one is also incapable of doing anything of lasting value in life. 16 Februrary 1967. ~ The Mother, On Education ,
1329:Wherever desire and ego harbour, passion and disturbance harbour with them and share their life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 1.10 - The Three Modes of Nature,
1330:At a certain stage in the path of devotion the religious man finds satisfaction in the Divinity with a form, at another stage in the formless Impersonal. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1331:By studying carefully what Sri Aurobindo has said on all subjects one can easily reach a complete knowledge of the things of this world. ~ The Mother, On Education ,
1332:Control over the lower impulsions is the first step towards realisation. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II 4.04 - Weaknesses,
1333:Egoistic desire is not a law for the soul that seeks liberation or aspires to its own original god-nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 1.08 - The Supreme Will,
1334:His past lives in him; it drives his future’s pace;His present’s acts fashion his coming fate. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 07.02 - The Parable of the Search for the Soul,
1335:Intellect void of the spirit can only pile up external knowledge and machinery and efficiency. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man,
1336:It is not necessary to deny the past experience in order to go forward to the new realisation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Time and Change of the Nature,
1337:It is only when the lower perversions are got rid of that the higher things in their truth can reign. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I The Sankhya-Yoga System,
1338:Mother, what is the difference between an ardent aspiration and a pulling down of force? It is the vital that pulls down and the psychic that aspires. ~ The Mother,
1339:Often it is Truth that wears a disguise in order to arrive unobserved near to its goal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine The Two Negations,
1340:The ecstasy of the spirit’s calm needs to be transformed by the ecstasy of the soul’s Ananda. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita The Fullness of Spiritual Action,
1341:The resistance with which we meet in the accomplishment of our work is proportional to its importance. With my blessings. ~ The Mother, Mantras Of The Mother 10 October,
1342:The words is and is not, which imply the agreement or disagreement of two ideas, must exist, explicitly or implicitly, in every assertion. (354) ~ Augustus De Morgan,
1343:True success is not measured by the amount of money that you have made. It is measured by the amount of wisdom and compassion that you have cultivated. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
1344:What is exactly meant by a sincere aspiration? An aspiration which is not mixed with any interested and egoistic calculation. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
1345:When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty........ but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. ~ R Buckminster Fuller,
1346:You can recreate a new world this very moment if you know how to create it, that is, if you are capable of changing your nature. ~ The Mother, Questions And Answers 1954 ,
1347:312. Each man of us has a million lives yet to fulfil upon this earth. Why then this haste and clamour and impatience? ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine And Human Karma[53],
1348:A synthesis is always possible, but amalgamation is not synthesis. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes and Other Writings of Historical Interest To Motilal Roy,
1349:Closeness of the human soul to the Divine is the object, and fear sets always a barrier and a distance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.03 - The Godward Emotions,
1350:Fear of the gods arose from man’s ignorance of God and his ignorance of the laws that govern the world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.03 - The Godward Emotions,
1351:It is always the same question: have you really read all those books? My answer is always the same: a library is a sign of desire, not of accomplishment. ~ Jeffrey J Kripal,
1352:It is impossible to think about the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is impossible for a bird to fly on only one wing. ~ Swami Vivekananda,
1353:It made of Space a marvel house of God,It poured through Time its works of ageless might, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1354:Let us do our best in all circumstances, leaving the result to the Divine's decision. 20 May 1954 ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II Surrender to the Divine Will [109],
1355:Love and devotion to the Divine is the central feeling of the psychic nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III The Emergence or Coming Forward of the Psychic,
1356:Physical science may give clues of process, but cannot lay hold on the reality of things. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Rebirth and Soul Evolution,
1357:The Bible is such a gargantuan collection of conflicting values that anyone can prove anything from it. ~ Robert Heinlein, Dr. Jacob Burroughs in The Number of the Beast. ,
1358:The essence of bondage is limitation & the chief circumstances of limitation are death, suffering and ignorance. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad The Isha Upanishad,
1359:The more you surrender to the Divine, the more will there be the possibility of perfection in you. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Practical Concerns in Work,
1360:The nature of art is to strive after a nobler beauty and more sustained perfection than life can give. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry Recent English Poetry - I,
1361:The perfect society will be that which most entirely favours the perfection of the individual. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Imperfection of Past Aggregates,
1362:All Nature is full of the secret Godhead and in labour to reveal him in her. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.10 - The Vision of the World-Spirit - Time the Destroyer,
1363:All the colour and variety of life is made of the intricate pattern of the weaving of the gunas. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.09 - The Liberation of the Nature,
1364:All things are by Time and the Will eternal that moves us,And for each birth its hour is set in the night or the dawning. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1365:Altruism does the works of compassion more often for its own sake than for the sake of the world it helps. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.03 - The Threefold Life,
1366:And at last I resolved to scale that tower, fall though I might; since it were better to glimpse the sky and perish, than to live without ever beholding day. ~ H P Lovecraft,
1367:A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it ~ Roald Dahl,
1368:Even a nation of strong men led by the weak, blind or selfish, becomes easily infected with the vices of its leaders. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin Facts and Opinions,
1369:Even imagined experiences (honestly imagined) can help to mental realisation and mental realisation can be a step to total realisation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II ,
1370:Genius can preserve its power even when it labours in shackles and refuses to put forth all its resources. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Suprarational Beauty,
1371:He is the Maker and the world he made,He is the vision and he is the Seer;He is himself the actor and the act, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 01.04 - The Secret Knowledge,
1372:Here all experience was a single plan,The thousandfold expression of the One.All came at once into his single view; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.01 - The World-Stair,
1373:In the communion of two meeting mindsThought looked at thought and had no need of speech; ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life,
1374:In the communion of two meeting mindsThought looked at thought and had no need of speech. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life,
1375:Man over woman, woman o’er man, over lover and foemanWrestling we strive to expand in our souls, to be wide, to be happy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1376:One must be careful that no force comes through one except the right forces. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Interactions with Others and the Practice of Yoga,
1377:Our spiritual orientation, the magnetism that draws the soul, is to eternal Being and not to eternal Non-Being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga 3.1.10 - Karma,
1378:Sadhana [means] the practice by which perfection, Siddhi, is attained; sadhaka, the Yogin who seeks by that practice the Siddhi. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 45,
1379:Some word that could incarnate highest TruthLeaped out from a chance tension of the soul, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life,
1380:The nation in modern times is practically indestructible, unless it dies from within. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle: Nation and Empire Real and Political Unities,
1381:There is an intuition which serves the intellect and an intuition which serves the heart and the life. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 3.05 - The Divine Personality,
1382:There is one Purusha—its action is according to the position and need of the consciousness at the time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I The Sankhya-Yoga System,
1383:The vault of heavenIs not a true similitude for manWhose space outgyres thought’s last horizon. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.2.02 - The Meditations of Mandavya,
1384:The very basis of this Yoga is bhakti and if one kills one’s emotional being there can be no bhakti. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Bhakti,
1385:Three are the words that sum up the first state of the Yoga of devotion, faith, worship, obedience. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human Partial Systems of Yoga,
1386:Zen questioning is a very gentle questioning. It is the kind of questioning that the Colorado River asks the Grand Canyon over centuries and centuries. ~ Taigen Dan Leighton,
1387:Do not let your mind labour in anticipation on a work that has to be done. The Power that acts in you will see to it at its own time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters On Yoga - II ,
1388:Even as death shall gather us all for memory’s clusters,All in their day who were great or were little, heroes or cowards. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1389:God works all his miracles by an evolution of secret possibilities which have been long prepared. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Infrarational Age of the Cycle,
1390:In the silent regions of thought which has come to itself and communes only with itself, the interests which move the lives of races and individuals are hushed. ~ H W F Hegel,
1391:Led or misled we are mortals and walk by a light that is given;Most they err who deem themselves most from error excluded. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1392:Led or misled we are mortals and walk by a light that is given;Most they err who deem themselves most from error excluded. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1393:Mental life is not a finished evolution of Nature; it is not yet firmly founded in the human animal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature,
1394:Mental perfection and moral are always closely allied to each other. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes and Other Writings of Historical Interest To N. K. Gogte,
1395:Nameless the austere ascetics without homeAbandoning speech and motion and desireAloof from creatures sat absorbed, alone. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 04.04 - The Quest,
1396:Progress should mean that we are always changing the world to fit the vision, instead we are always changing the vision. ~ G K Chesterton, "The Eternal Revolution " Orthodoxy,
1397:Standardization is one of the cornerstones of continuous improvement. The starting point for any improvement effort is knowing where the process stands now. ~ Ernst & Young,
1398:The desire of the exclusive liberation is the last desire that the soul in its expanding knowledge has to abandon. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad The Worlds - Surya,
1399:The development of capacities is not only permissible but right, when it can be made part of the Yoga ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II 1.2.09 - Consecration and Offering,
1400:The higher we project our view and our aspiration, the greater the Truth that seeks to descend upon us. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.27 - The Sevenfold Chord of Being,
1401:The manifestation of the Lord in life and works is the law of our being and the object of our world-existence. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad Conclusion and Summary,
1402:Three are the words that sum up the supreme state of the Yoga of devotion, love, ecstasy, surrender. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human Partial Systems of Yoga,
1403:Action without desire is possible, action without attachment is possible, action without ego is possible. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I The Sankhya-Yoga System,
1404:A cup is useful only when it is empty; and a mind that is filled with beliefs, with dogmas, with assertions, with quotations is really an uncreative mind. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti,
1405:A good novelist does not lead his characters, he follows them. A good novelist does not create events, he watches them happen and then writes down what he sees. ~ Stephen King,
1406:As if in different worlds they walked, though close ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge of Death and the Heart’s Grief and Pain,
1407:A touch of realisation is enough to set the higher mind knowledge or the illumined mind knowledge flowing. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV 4.22 - The supramental Thought and Knowledge,
1408:Born into the womb ::: Born into the womb of a HIPPU (a woman in a very low social position who is considered stupid and worthless) on a summer's day. ~ Saisei Muro,
1409:Ceremonies help the imagination and encourage it to see in the concrete that which cannot be immediately realised. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin The Boycott Celebration,
1410:Easily nations bow to a yoke when their virtue relaxes;Hard is the breaking fetters once worn, for the virtue has perished. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1411:Indian religion is Indian spiritual philosophy put into action and experience. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - IV,
1412:Knowledge is still incomplete if it gives us only an idea and cannot verify it in experience; ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.12 - The Realisation of Sachchidananda,
1413:Mankind is apt to bind itself by attachment to the means of its past progress forgetful of the aim. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Early Cultural Writings The National Value of Art,
1414:Mesmerized by the huge variety of perceptions, which are like the illusory reflections of the moon in water, beings wander endlessly in samsara's vicious cycle. ~ Jigme Lingpa,
1415:Not of the fire am I terrified, not of the sword and its slaying;Vileness of men appals me, baseness I fear and its voices. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1416:Often indeed one sees easily in others faults which are there in oneself but which one fails to see. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Problems in Human Relations,
1417:...peace and joy can be there permanently, but the condition of this permanence is that one should have the constant contact or indwelling of the Divine.. ~ The Mother,
1418:Self-knowledge is best learned not by contemplation, but actions. Strive to do your duty, and you will soon discover of what stuff you are made. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
1419:Suppression with inner indulgence in subtle forms is not a cure, but expression in outer indulgence is still less a cure. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Desire,
1420:The last inviolate secret hidesBehind the human glory of a Form,Behind the gold eidolon of a Name. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.02 - The Adoration of the Divine Mother,
1421:The more she plunged into love that anguish grew; Her deepest grief from sweetest gulfs arose. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 07.01 - The Joy of Union; the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge,
1422:There substance was a resonant harp of self,A net for the constant lightnings of the spirit, ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1423:The Sole in its solitude yearned towards the AllAnd the Many turned to look back at the One. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.03 - The House of the Spirit and the New Creation,
1424:The transition from the mind-self to the knowledge-self is the great and the decisive transition in the Yoga. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.22 - Vijnana or Gnosis,
1425:This body of ours is a symbol of our real being and everything is a symbol of some higher reality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III Symbols and Symbolic Visions,
1426:Tt is only by liberation and perfection and realisation of the truth of being that man can arrive at truth of living. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
1427:What is not real or vital to thought, imagination and feeling cannot be powerfully creative. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry The Movement of Modern Literature - II,
1428:What Nature aims at for the mass in a slow evolution, Yoga effects for the individual by a rapid revolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.03 - The Threefold Life,
1429:A free power of self-variation must be natural to a consciousness that is infinite. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine Brahman,
1430:Perversion comes by a conversion into lower forms—by transmission through the ego and the gunas. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.17 - The Action of the Divine Shakti,
1431:The errors of life and progress are more exuberant and striking but less fatal than the errors of decay and reaction. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin The Hughly Conference,
1432:The supramental influence must come first, the supramental transformation can only come afterwards. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I The Supramental Transformation,
1433:This observe, thy task in thy destiny noble or fallen;Time and result are the gods’; with these things be not thou troubled. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1434:To be and to become more and more what the Divine wants us to be should be our greatest preoccupation. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II 1.01 - The True Aim of Life,
1435:To hope for a true change of human life without a change of human nature is an irrational and unspiritual proposition. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
1436:World-force outlasts world-disillusion’s shock:Dumb, she is still the Word, inert the Power. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.06 - The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life,
1437:A fragile miracle of thinking clay,Armed with illusions walks the child of Time. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 09.02 - The Journey in Eternal Night and the Voice of the Darkness,
1438:All life for the achieved spiritual or gnostic consciousness must be the manifestation of the realised truth of spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.28 - The Divine Life,
1439:For man here is the result of an evolution and contains in himself the whole of that evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.12 - The Realisation of Sachchidananda,
1440:Get rid of the ego, observe all your actions as if they were another's, and you will avoid ninety-nine percent of the troubles that await you. ~ Aleister Crowley, Liber ABA 1.7,
1441:He props her dance upon a rigid base,His timeless still immutabilityMust standardise her creation’s miracle. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The Glory and Fall of Life,
1442:I am the inviolable Ecstasy; They who have looked on me, shall grieve no more. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri The Eternal Day The Souls Choice and the Supreme Consummation,
1443:I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings. ~ Albert Einstein,
1444:If you are wise you would become Brahman by such conviction; if not, even if you are repeatedly told it would be useless like offerings thrown on ashes. ~ Valmiki, Yoga Vasistha ,
1445:In spiritual matters mental logic easily blunders; intuition, faith, a plastic spiritual reason are here the only guides. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II 2.11 - The Guru,
1446:Intensity is not a guarantee of entire truth and correctness in an experience. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III The Danger of the Ego and the Need of Purification,
1447:Knowledge waits seated beyond mind and intellectual reasoning, throned in the luminous vast of illimitable self-vision. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.13 - The Divine Maya,
1448:Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them. ~ Frank Herbert, Dune ,
1449:Owing to an increased technologization and a false application of time to technology, the deficient mental structure—rational consciousness—will dig its own grave. ~ Jean Gebser,
1450:The ego sense must be replaced by a oneness with the transcendental Divine and with universal being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.08 - The Liberation of the Spirit,
1451:The enemy of all real religion, is human egoism, the egoism of the individual, the egoism of class and nation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle The Religion of Humanity,
1452:Thought perceptions come first—language comes to express the perceptions and itself leads to fresh thoughts. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV 4.22 - The supramental Thought and Knowledge,
1453:To control the mind the best and easiest method is to repeat constantly God's Name. Concentration is attained by fixing the attention on the sound of the Name. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1454:While a tardy Evolution’s coils wind onAnd Nature hews her way through adamantA divine intervention thrones above. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 01.04 - The Secret Knowledge,
1455:Your path may be different to your family, friends, and country. But despite what they may think, it does not mean that you are going in the wrong direction. ~ Chamtrul Rinpoche,
1456:All existence is a manifestation of the divine Existence and that which is within us is spirit of the eternal Spirit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita Above the Gunas,
1457:All human beings have a spiritual destiny which is near or far depending on each one's determination. One must will in all sincerity. ~ The Mother, Words Of The Mother II ,
1458:All Nature is an attempt at a progressive revelation of the concealed Truth, a more and more successful reproduction of the divine image. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga ,
1459:Desire is the lever by which the divine Life-principle effects its end of self-affirmation in the universe. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 3.04 - The Spirit in Spirit-Land after Death,
1460:Gnosis is the characteristic, illumined, significant action of spirit in its own native reality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 4.03 - The Psychology of Self-Perfection,
1461:Individual things are nothing but modifications of the attributes of God, or modes by which the attributes of God are expressed in a fixed and definite manner. ~ Baruch Spinoza,
1462:In the emergence of the gnostic being would be the hope of a more harmonious evolutionary order in terrestrial Nature. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.27 - The Gnostic Being,
1463:It is by the process of repeated impressions that consciousness was made to manifest in matter. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV Difficulties of the Physical Nature,
1464:Light, brooding Light! each smitten passionate cellIn a mute blaze of ecstasy preservesA living sense of the Imperishable. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems Light,
1465:Lo! This is self-awareness! It surpasses all avenues of speech and thought.I, Tilopa, have nothing to reveal. You should know it yourself through inward examination. ~ Tilopa,
1466:Man is a masterpiece of creation if for no other reason than that, all the weight of evidence for determinism notwithstanding, he believes he has free will. ~ Georg C Lichtenberg,
1467:Material things are not to be despised—without them there can be no manifestation in the material world. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Practical Concerns in Work,
1468:Spirit and material existence are highest and lowest rung of an orderly and progressive series. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.10 - The Realisation of the Cosmic Self,
1469:Spirit and material existence are highest and lowest rung of an orderly and progressive series. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.10 - The Realisation of the Cosmic Self,
1470:Spirit is a final evolutionary emergence because it is the original involutionary element and factor. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 2.24 - The Evolution of the Spiritual Man,
1471:The Beyond is not an annullation, but a transfiguration of all that we are here in our world of forms. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads The Supramental Godhead,
1472:The entire conquest of the body comes in fact by the conquest of the physical life-energy. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.07 - The Release from Subjection to the Body,
1473:The European talks of progress because by the aid of a few scientific discoveries, he has established a society which has mistaken comfort for civilization. ~ Benjamin Disraeli,
1474:The expression of the spiritual through the aesthetic sense is the constant sense of Indian art. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Future Poetry The Soul of Poetic Delight and Beauty,
1475:The generalisation of Yoga in humanity must be the last victory of Nature over her own delays and concealments. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.03 - The Threefold Life,
1476:The secret of our apparent bondage is the Spirit's play by which It consents to forget God-consciousness in the absorption of Nature's movement. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Isha Upanishad ,
1477:Three things are necessary for the salvation of man : to know what he ought to believe, to know what he ought to desire, and to know what he ought to do. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas,
1478:Time observation and Time movement are relative, but Time itself is real and eternal. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine Brahman,
1479:Until the final clarification and harmonising of the nature there are always contradictions in the being. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II Bhakti,
1480:Aberrations of the human mind are to a large extent due to the obsessional pursuit of some part-truth, treated as if it were a whole truth. ~ Arthur Koestler, Ghost in the Machine ,
1481:All life is fixed in an ascending scaleAnd adamantine is the evolving Law;In the beginning is prepared the close. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 03.04 - The Vision and the Boon,
1482:Always a few will be left whom the threatenings of Fate cannot conquer,Always souls are born whose courage waits not on fortune ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1483:Always a few will be left whom the threatenings of Fate cannot conquer,Always souls are born whose courage waits not on fortune ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1484:Always the life of mind and senses is the jurisdiction of death and limitation; beyond is the immortality. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads The Great Transition,
1485:Hear its cry when God’s moment changing our fate comes visoredSilently into our lives and the spirit too knows, for it watches. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems 5.1.01 - Ilion,
1486:He saw a lone immense high-curved world-pileErect like a mountain-chariot of the GodsMotionless under an inscrutable sky. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 02.01 - The World-Stair,
1487:If you spent one-tenth of the time you devoted to distractions like chasing women or making money to spiritual practice, you would be enlightened in a few years. ~ Sri Ramakrishna,
1488:It is always through something which she has formed in her evolution that Nature thus overpasses her evolution. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.04 - The Systems of Yoga,
1489:It is in God alone, by the possession of the Divine only that all the discords of life can be resolved. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.18 - The Soul and Its Liberation,
1490:No man or nation need be weak unless he chooses, no man or nation need perish unless he deliberately chooses extinction. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram - I Bhawani Mandir,
1491:One ought not to settle down into a fixed idea of one’s own incapacity or allow it to become an obsession. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II 1.2.01 - The Call and the Capacity,
1492:Our persistent consecration turns into knowledge of him all our knowing and into light of his power all our action. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita 2.03 - The Supreme Divine,
1493:renunciation of life cannot be the goal of life nor rejection of the world the object for which the world was created. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 2.05 - Renunciation,
1494:The aim of the Universal Mother is to embrace the Divine in her own play and creations and there to realise It. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 0.04 - The Systems of Yoga,
1495:The nearest thing Common Lisp has to a motto is the koan-like description, the programmable programming language. ~ , ,
1496:What separated Tesla from the competition was the willingness to charge after its vision without compromise, a complete commitment to execute to Musks standards. ~ Ashley Vance?,
1497:With relief, with humiliation, with terror, he understood that he too was a mere appearance, dreamt by another. ~ Jorge Luis Borges, Labyrinths Selected Stories and Other Writings,
1498:Ablaze upon creation’s quivering edge,Dawn built her aura of magnificent huesAnd buried its seed of grandeur in the hours. ~ Sri Aurobindo, Savitri 01.01 - The Symbol Dawn,
1499:A compromise is a bargain, a transaction of interests between two conflicting powers; it is not a true reconciliation. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine 1.04 - Reality Omnipresent,
1500:A man might sit still and motionless for ever and yet be as much bound to the Ignorance as the animal or the insect. ~ Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis Of Yoga 1.12 - The Divine Work,

*** NEWFULLDB 2.4M ***

1:I'm a living abortion. ~ Big Pun,
2: Incantation
~ Albert Samain,
3:indentation of ~ Sophia Knightly,
4:Inquisition. But ~ Bill O Reilly,
5: Insoumission
~ Charles Cros,
6:inspirational, science ~ Unknown,
7:mission impossible, ~ S L Morgan,
8:Moderation kills. ~ Joel Fuhrman,
9:Operation Blue Star ~ Mark Tully,
10:passionately ~ Louisa May Alcott,
11:Passion Decides Fate ~ Anonymous,
12:pig’s trotters, ~ Graeme Simsion,
13:protection. Others ~ Steve Alten,
14:Reflection in the mirror ~ Mario,
15:revolution, ~ Michel Houellebecq,
16:rise of frustration. ~ Anonymous,
17: Supplication
~ Charles Cros,
18:tergiversation ~ Patrick O Brian,
19:terrestrial ~ Urantia Foundation,
20:The Creation of Adam. ~ L J Shen,
21:The Inspiration You Seek ~ Rumi,
22:vacillation ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
23:vision cleared ~ Paul Pilkington,
24:5. Procrastination ~ Myles Munroe,
25:adumbration of ~ Ursula K Le Guin,
26:affectation, ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
27:alliteration, ~ Catherine Coulter,
28:attentional blindness ~ Anonymous,
29:attentive inattention ~ Anonymous,
30:benighted ~ Marion Zimmer Bradley,
31:bringing attention ~ Mark Henwick,
32:change my conviction. ~ Greg Iles,
33:Compassion is a verb. ~ Nhat Hanh,
34:conniption. ~ Denise Grover Swank,
35:conservations ~ Stephanie Laurens,
36:depositions—and ~ Nicholas Sparks,
37: Distraction
~ Emil Aarestrup,
38:elocution, ~ Doris Kearns Goodwin,
39:Hausdorff dimension ~ Nancy Kress,
40:Hope lies in action ~ Dean Koontz,
41:Huysmans' ‘Lá-Bas, ~ Dion Fortune,
42:I love imperfections. ~ Lady Gaga,
43:I love improvisation. ~ Nora Dunn,
44:I'm very opinionated. ~ Brian Eno,
45:Innovation accounting ~ Eric Ries,
46:It’s a relation-shit. ~ Matt Shaw,
47:It was a dandelion. ~ A L Jackson,
48:Life is improvisation. ~ Tina Fey,
49:Live with passion! ~ Tony Robbins,
50:Make No Distinctions ~ Lin Yutang,
51:Moses illusion. ~ Daniel Kahneman,
52:Name your intention. ~ Patti Digh,
53:New Living Translation ~ Jeremiah,
54:Passion trumps fear ~ Jen Sincero,
55:proportioned. While ~ Jules Verne,
56:puerile passion. ~ Julie Orringer,
57:quaestionairii. ~ Jerry Pournelle,
58:Repetition is beautiful. ~ Prince,
59: Resignation
~ Emil Aarestrup,
60:Reunion will come. ~ Atsuko Asano,
61:rootless affliction. ~ Nick Cohen,
62:She’ll be buried ~ Fiona McIntosh,
63:speculation ~ William Shakespeare,
64:tension Orinda had ~ Dick Francis,
65:The Art of Animation ~ Ed Catmull,
66:the good part, ~ Karen McQuestion,
67:The Impact Equation, ~ Todd Henry,
68:tremblors ~ Marion Zimmer Bradley,
69:universal separation. ~ Anonymous,
70:We are fictioneers. ~ Dean Koontz,
71:Wings of PURIFICATION ~ L J Smith,
72:Yoga is a life-saver. ~ Ione Skye,
73:9/11 COMMISSION REPORT ~ Anonymous,
74:Action is a unifier. ~ Eric Hoffer,
75:Act without expectation. ~ Lao Tzu,
76:appellation of ~ Washington Irving,
77:book of Revelation, ~ Paul Theroux,
78:cast-iron erection, on ~ M R James,
79:Chapter 2 Questions 11 ~ Anonymous,
80:Communication, for ~ Trudi Canavan,
81:compassion, that ~ Brian D McLaren,
82:Conclusions ~ William Sealy Gosset,
83:covenant relationship. ~ Anonymous,
84:Develop a depression. ~ Jeff Hardy,
85: Dissuasion
~ Anna de Noailles,
86:Don't trust anyone. ~ Kaleb Nation,
87:dour expression ~ Kathryn Le Veque,
88:Drawing is deception. ~ M C Escher,
89:embrase imperfection ~ Ali Edwards,
90:Emotions are choices. ~ Wayne Dyer,
91:Every civilization: ~ Hamza Yusuf,
92:Fiction Is My Addiction ~ Dr Seuss,
93:Heil Hitler, Y'all ~ Matt Fraction,
94:Her questioning would ~ Maya Banks,
95:historic eruptions, ~ Kate Messner,
96:hydra of revolution, ~ Leo Tolstoy,
97:indentations ~ Virginia Carmichael,
98:Jealousy’s a weak emotion. ~ Jay Z,
99:Knowledge is true opinion. ~ Plato,
100:La Pasionaria, ~ Carlos Ruiz Zaf n,
101:Life is opinion. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
102:MADE FOR TELEVISION. ~ John Irving,
103:Man is a bad animal. ~ Brion Gysin,
104:Meditation helps. ~ Isabel Allende,
105:Misery is optional. ~ Gary Paulsen,
106:Motion creates energy, ~ Hal Elrod,
107:Perfection is static, ~ Anais Nin,
108:Position yourself as a ~ Bob Burg,
109:procrastination, ~ George S Clason,
110:proportion than she ~ Val McDermid,
111:question authority ~ Timothy Leary,
112:Question everything. ~ Patti Smith,
113:questions around ~ Tracie Peterson,
114: Réconciliation
~ Charles Cros,
115:Religions die slowly. ~ Franz Marc,
116:seats in that election ~ Anonymous,
117:THE MISCONCEPTION: ~ David McRaney,
118:the relations were of a ~ Kai Bird,
119:transference. The ~ Wilfred R Bion,
120:transmogrification ~ Michael Wolff,
121:veneration ~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
122:You’re my exception, ~ Abbi Glines,
123:ablutions block ~ Duncan M Hamilton,
124:ACTION THIS DAY ~ Winston Churchill,
125:adumbration ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
126:Albion Forever! ~ Stephen R Lawhead,
127:All passion is madness. ~ H G Wells,
128:And I’m Hermione from— ~ Judy Blume,
129:and realization. ~ Michael Connelly,
130:an investigation? ~ Don J Donaldson,
131: A Son Ami Lion
~ Clement Marot,
132:back up the ventilation ~ Lee Child,
133:Be your own motivation. ~ Jon Jones,
134:Billions and billions. ~ Carl Sagan,
135:Change is an illusion. ~ Parmenides,
136:computationally ~ Sebastian Raschka,
137:consternation. ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
138:creation is recreation, ~ Anonymous,
139:Crowds create illusions. ~ Rajneesh,
140:cultural eutrophication, ~ Dan Egan,
141:dandelion fluff, ~ Melanie Benjamin,
142: Declamationen
~ Emil Aarestrup,
143:delineations of ~ Washington Irving,
144:Depression is inertia. ~ Wayne Dyer,
145:deputy information ~ David Ignatius,
146:distributed cognition ~ David Allen,
147:ego depletion. ~ Edward Slingerland,
148:Emotions are messy. ~ Ottilie Weber,
149:expostulation. ~ Arthur Conan Doyle,
150:fidelity critical. ~ Graeme Simsion,
151:Global vision, local win. ~ Jack Ma,
152:His vision blurred, and ~ S D Smith,
153:I'm great at boats! ~ Matt Fraction,
154:inspection. ~ James MacGregor Burns,
155:In union there is strength. ~ Aesop,
156:Karma is my religion. ~ Jewel E Ann,
157:Like zero direction ~ Lisi Harrison,
158:magic redistribution. ~ N K Jemisin,
159:Memory feeds imagination. ~ Amy Tan,
160:Moderation in all things. ~ Terence,
161:motion creates emotion. ~ Hal Elrod,
162:neutrino radiation ~ Randall Munroe,
163:peregrinations ~ Clark Ashton Smith,
164:resurrection ~ Edgar Rice Burroughs,
165:self-actualization. ~ David Keirsey,
166:separation ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
167:sex for reproduction ~ Peter Kreeft,
168:She suctioned her mouth, ~ T A Grey,
169:Sin is a gravitation. ~ Victor Hugo,
170:Solution: Winchester. ~ Jim Butcher,
171:Someday it all comes. ~ Joan Didion,
172:statistical fiction, ~ Louis Menand,
173:Strange indecision! ~ Anton Chekhov,
174:stultification, ~ Jordan Peterson,
175:Tension of opposites. ~ Mitch Albom,
176:The lady of situations. ~ T S Eliot,
177:the mullioned windows ~ Kate Morton,
178:The Relaxation Response ~ S J Scott,
179:Thought is not action. ~ John Green,
180:three billion of them. ~ Lexi Blake,
181:Title Page Dedication ~ Jack Gantos,
182:Wake up! Time to die! ~ Brion James,
183:walking contradiction. ~ Dan Harris,
184:Acceleration stalled ~ John P Kotter,
185:"Act without expectation." ~ Lao Tzu,
186:All memory is fiction. ~ Kwame Dawes,
187:and congratulations. ~ Melinda Leigh,
188:an ugly premonition ~ Danielle Steel,
189:bratwurst, Friday ~ Karen McQuestion,
190:Creation is crucial. ~ George Couros,
191:Death follows stagnation ~ T F Hodge,
192:emotionally incontinent, ~ Anne Holt,
193:Emotion is always new. ~ Victor Hugo,
194:employment situation? ~ John Grisham,
195:euhemerisation, ~ Henry Steel Olcott,
196:examination. “Sometimes ~ Jeff Brown,
197:Failure is not an option, ~ L J Shen,
198:Friendship is communion. ~ Aristotle,
199:House Hunters Renovation ~ Anonymous,
200:I don't take vacations. ~ Naomi Judd,
201:I have a writing addiction. ~ Prince,
202:Imagination is real. ~ Pablo Picasso,
203:imagination; it is a ~ Kevin Horsley,
204:Imaginer c'est choisir. ~ Jean Giono,
205:Imitation is flattery ~ Rick Riordan,
206:Immaculate Deception. ~ Brad Meltzer,
207:In union, there is strength. ~ Aesop,
208:It's easy if you try. ~ Isaac Marion,
209:Let the revolution begin. ~ Ron Paul,
210:Living is abnormal. ~ Eug ne Ionesco,
211:Love is a decision. ~ Liane Moriarty,
212:millions of miles away ~ Emma Newman,
213:Mindfulness Meditation ~ Russ Harris,
214:Moderation in all things ~ Aristotle,
215:Music is an addiction. ~ Miles Davis,
216:Music is my religion. ~ Jimi Hendrix,
217:Of its own volition, the ~ G P Ching,
218:passion is all consuming ~ Anya Bast,
219:Passion is listening. ~ Rahul Gandhi,
220:Perception is reality. ~ Lee Atwater,
221:prestidigitation, ~ Richard A Clarke,
222:pride.” Job’s Confession ~ Anonymous,
223:Punctuation, is? fun! ~ Daniel Keyes,
224:Question the bravery. ~ Jack Gilbert,
225:Quit asking questions. ~ Jaci Burton,
226:romantic fiction. She ~ Julia London,
227:Side-Along-Apparition. ~ J K Rowling,
228:sophistication ~ William Shakespeare,
229:squidgiest fraction ~ Liane Moriarty,
230:Subversion is what I do. ~ Eric Idle,
231:tergiversation and ~ Charles Dickens,
232:their mansions, was ~ Oliver P tzsch,
234:this Constitution ~ Founding Fathers,
235:Time is an illusion. ~ Douglas Adams,
236:Unconfusion submits ~ Marianne Moore,
237:We demand admission! ~ Douglas Adams,
238:without additional ~ Harry Hunsicker,
239:With the investigation, ~ Jaden Skye,
240:Writing is seduction. ~ Stephen King,
241:Action cures fear. ~ David J Schwartz,
242:Ambition and Initiative ~ Mary Pipher,
243:Art is affirmation. ~ N Scott Momaday,
244:Atheism is not a religion ~ Anonymous,
245:a trance of desolation ~ John Harwood,
246:Avoid exaggerations. ~ Edwin A Abbott,
247:Be stimulated by rejection ~ Bob Gill,
248:but her expression was ~ Janet Dailey,
249:conclusions: ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
250:control's an illusion ~ Camille Pag n,
251:Creative Visualization ~ Arielle Ford,
252:Dedication ~ Antoine de Saint Exup ry,
253:Dedication Epigraph ~ Sebastian Barry,
254:Depression starts slow. ~ Ned Vizzini,
255:depression. WellDoc makes ~ Anonymous,
256:desaponification. ~ Barbara A Shapiro,
257:Don't waste inspiration ~ Salman Khan,
258:Don't waste your crazy! ~ Fiona Apple,
259:Emotional cannibalism ~ Stylo Fantome,
260: En Situation
~ Christian Winther,
261:Expand your Imagination. ~ Jeff Hardy,
262:explanation of causes ~ Jared Diamond,
263:Faction before blood. ~ Veronica Roth,
264:Fashion breaks my heart. ~ Kanye West,
265:Fear is an illusion ~ Rachelle Dekker,
266:found science in fiction. ~ Anonymous,
267:Fuck rational thought ~ George Carlin,
268:God has no religion. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
269:great expectations. ~ Charles Dickens,
270:heavy demolition unit. ~ Annie Groves,
271:I am not a fashion freak! ~ Kate Moss,
272:I don't do impressions. ~ Don Rickles,
273:I give permission ~ Douglas Crockford,
274:I love my minions. ~ Michelle Knudsen,
275:I'm against abortion. ~ Charles Evers,
276:I'm more than just an option. ~ Drake,
277:Implementation beats oration. ~ Aesop,
278:In addition to this guide ~ Anonymous,
279:Information is control. ~ Joan Didion,
280:Information is power. ~ Louis L Amour,
281:international jewelry ~ Kendra Elliot,
282:It's sundown on the union ~ Bob Dylan,
283:l'action et l'amour ~ Alexandre Dumas,
284:Life is contradiction. ~ Jandy Nelson,
285:Life is negotiation. The ~ Chris Voss,
286:Light is impressionism. ~ Gae Aulenti,
287:Lucretius underestimation ~ Anonymous,
288:Malfurion Stormrage ~ Richard A Knaak,
289:Man is a bad animal.... ~ Brion Gysin,
290:motioned me over. ~ Diane Chamberlain,
291:motivation of positive ~ Chris Hedges,
292:Music is reflection of self. ~ Eminem,
293:My religion is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama,
294:Nice passion is reading ~ Leo Tolstoy,
295:No trust, no connection. ~ Bren Brown,
296:Oblivion is inevitable!! ~ John Green,
297:Obsession is not love. ~ Karina Halle,
298:Occultism has no Pope. ~ Dion Fortune,
299:onions in a bag. She ~ Beatrix Potter,
300:Operation Snow White. ~ Janet Reitman,
301:Option one—whirl around, ~ Brian Haig,
302:Perception is subjective. ~ Toba Beta,
303:professionally and ~ Malcolm Gladwell,
304:Question 6 asks you ~ Nicholas Sparks,
305:Question your thoughts. ~ Adyashanti,
306:RAND Corporation, ~ Lawrence Freedman,
307:Repulsion masks attraction ~ Joe Hill,
308:Shoulder Extension: ~ Timothy Ferriss,
309:Sin is not rational. ~ Edward T Welch,
310:[spurious quotation]. ~ Joseph Stalin,
311:Stop lying by omission ~ Rachel Caine,
312:suggestions of others ~ Joseph Murphy,
313:Take very few opinions. ~ Peter Voogd,
314:The butt is a good option, ~ L J Shen,
315:The Illusion of Control ~ Russ Harris,
316:The reproduction of ~ Edgar Allan Poe,
317:Thinking is an action, ~ Louise Penny,
318:To pile Pelion upon Olympus. ~ Horace,
319:Virtue lies in moderation ~ Aristotle,
320:What living occasion can, ~ W H Auden,
321:Action is the answer. ~ Steve Chandler,
322:actions are no more than dreams ~ Osho,
323:action.—Soft you ~ William Shakespeare,
324:Action This Day! ~ Winston S Churchill,
325:Action This Day. ~ Winston S Churchill,
326:A photo is a creation. ~ Eva Herzigova,
327:Art needs an operation ~ Tristan Tzara,
328:Ask dumb questions. ~ Patrick Lencioni,
329:Behavior shapes emotions. ~ A J Jacobs,
330:Book is a nice companion ~ Leo Tolstoy,
331:Brutal perfection. It’s us ~ Ker Dukey,
332:capital emocional”, ~ Timothy J Keller,
333:Choices enable temptation. ~ Toba Beta,
334:ciencionaturalífico. ~ Terry Pratchett,
335:Congratulations! ~ John Walter Bratton,
336:Deception is everywhere. ~ Jim Sanborn,
337:Desegregation is a joke. ~ Nina Simone,
338:Design is expression. ~ W Brian Arthur,
339:Education is life itself. ~ John Dewey,
340:Emotional fuckwittage ~ Helen Fielding,
341:eradication measures fail? ~ Anonymous,
342:Everyone has an opinion. ~ Paul Walker,
343:Evolution is your solution. ~ Triple H,
344:Failure is not an option. ~ Teri Terry,
345:Fear saps passion. ~ Steven Pressfield,
346:Footnotes for Lamentations ~ Anonymous,
347:Form follows emotion ~ Walter Isaacson,
348:Generations are fictions. ~ Jeff Chang,
349:God in heaven has dominion ~ Euripides,
350:God is not a diversion. ~ Desmond Tutu,
351:Harry, Ron, and Hermione ~ J K Rowling,
352:Heaven is precision. ~ Christian Wiman,
353:I am terrible at relationships. ~ Mika,
354:I can't do impressions. ~ Ellie Kemper,
355:Idleness ruins the constitution ~ Ovid,
356:I don't like no confusion. ~ John Hurt,
357:I have a lot of ambition. ~ Katy Perry,
358:I have had my vision. ~ Virginia Woolf,
359:I love Canada, always. ~ Melanie Fiona,
360:I love new questions. ~ Robert Englund,
361:Imagination is a killer. ~ Tim O Brien,
362:I'm an action fanatic. ~ Noah Hathaway,
363:I'm an Internet junkie. ~ Marion Jones,
364:I'm a one-nation Tory. ~ Boris Johnson,
365:immutable productions ~ Charles Darwin,
366:I'm not a control freak. ~ Fiona Apple,
367:I'm not a reactionary. ~ Renee Fleming,
368:I'm very professional. ~ Matthew Lewis,
369:Incantations for Muggles: ~ danah boyd,
370:I need a distraction. ~ Colleen Hoover,
371:Information was control. ~ Joan Didion,
372:Instruction is important. ~ John Dewey,
373:I remember passion. ~ Melina Marchetta,
374:I was in detention a lot. ~ Jake Lloyd,
375:I write emotional algebra. ~ Anais Nin,
376:I write emotional algebra. ~ Ana s Nin,
377:lethal alpha radiation. ~ Daniel Silva,
378:Love was a decision. ~ Karen Kingsbury,
379:Michael Cole is a visionary! ~ The Miz,
380:Music's my medication. ~ Kenny Chesney,
381:My religion is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama,
382:mystic finding inspiration ~ A W Tozer,
383:Needs Organ Reconstruction ~ Anonymous,
384:No one is pro-abortion. ~ Barack Obama,
385: Nordexpeditionen
~ Emil Aarestrup,
386:Opinions are projections. ~ Tucker Max,
387:paint was not an option ~ Randall Wood,
388:Prayer after Communion Let ~ Anonymous,
389:Pride goes before destruction. ~ Aesop,
390:Progress not perfection. ~ Court McGee,
391:Pure passion equals love. ~ Matt Sorum,
392:Reading is love in action. ~ Matt Haig,
393:+ Reflection = Progress ~ Robert Kegan,
394:Relentless Forward Motion! ~ Tom Riley,
395:religion is morality. ~ Mahatma Gandhi,
396:Repulsion masks attraction. ~ Joe Hill,
397:Revolution, and this is— ~ Belva Plain,
398:Separation is not fatal. ~ Nicola Yoon,
399:Situations have ended sad, ~ Bob Dylan,
400:Speculation is worthless. ~ Jen Larsen,
401:Spending is an addiction. ~ Jim DeMint,
402:Such joy ambition finds. ~ John Milton,
403:Sweet, soft demolition. ~ Kelly Creagh,
404:That is not in question, ~ Alex Segura,
405:THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT ~ Anonymous,
406:The illusion of our. ~ Cameron Conaway,
407:Time is an illusion. ~ Albert Einstein,
408:to love without sanction, ~ Hugh Howey,
409:took inspiration from work ~ Anonymous,
410:Tradition is laziness. ~ Gustav Mahler,
411:Trees cause pollution. ~ Ronald Reagan,
412:Who owes you an explanation? ~ J Thorn,
413:Work ... is redemption. ~ Rosanne Cash,
414:WorksheetFunction.VLookup( ~ Anonymous,
415:You need a bad operation. ~ Kool Keith,
416:Action is redemption. ~ Emily Dickinson,
417:All salvation is temporary ~ John Green,
418:Art is born of humiliation. ~ W H Auden,
419:Ask courageous questions. ~ Carl Sagan,
420:Bad decisions, good intentions. ~ Drake,
421:Being safe is fiction. ~ Tom Hodgkinson,
422:By compassion one can be brave. ~ Laozi,
423:chief translation officer’. ~ Anonymous,
424:clarity comes with action. ~ Jeff Goins,
425:Compassion is a verb. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh,
426:conflagration; ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
427:constructions, and I ~ Elizabeth Strout,
428:contacted ~ Reader s Digest Association,
429:Courage is a kind of salvation. ~ Plato,
430:Decision equals destiny. ~ Tony Robbins,
431:DEDICATION To Staci ~ Patricia Cornwell,
432:Defeat prefers reactionist. ~ Toba Beta,
433:Desire Is Born With Vision ~ Zig Ziglar,
434:Diversion weakens thy mind. ~ Toba Beta,
435:Do rhinoceroses cough? ~ Eug ne Ionesco,
436:Drying up in conversation ~ Thom Yorke,
437:End illegal immigration. ~ Donald Trump,
438:Ethics are the secret of nations life ~,
439:Everyone fears rejection. ~ Derek Jeter,
440:Exchange is creation. ~ Muriel Rukeyser,
441:Execution is everything. ~ Jeff Bridges,
442:expectations about their ~ Atul Gawande,
443:famous fashion designer ~ Carolyn Keene,
444:Fiction creating reality. ~ Paul Auster,
445:flawless imperfection, ~ Pepper Winters,
446:fortifications. ~ Laurie Halse Anderson,
447:fortune favors action. ~ Sophia Amoruso,
448:God save us from religion. ~ David Icke,
449:hair extensions, ~ Rachel Ren e Russell,
450:Hope is not illusion. ~ Cassandra Clare,
451:I am not capitulating. ~ Eugene Ionesco,
452:I auditioned just for fun. ~ Clay Aiken,
453:I break our connection. ~ Tarryn Fisher,
454:I don’t approve of religion. ~ Ayn Rand,
455:I don't watch television. ~ Ray Walston,
456:If I hold you with my emotions, ~ Rumi,
457:I improve in misquotation. ~ Cary Grant,
458:I improve on misquotation. ~ Cary Grant,
459:Illusions are dangerous. ~ Kate Moretti,
460:Imitation is criticism. ~ William Blake,
461:I'm not a hallucination. ~ Nora Sakavic,
462:I'm not anti-immigration. ~ Mickey Kaus,
463:Inches make champions. ~ Vince Lombardi,
464:Indecision is a decision. ~ Jason Evert,
465:indoctrination rather ~ Otto F Kernberg,
466:I profess the religion of love, ~ Rumi,
467:I think I'm vision-impaired! ~ Jim Ross,
468:It's a moral question. ~ Rowan Williams,
469:I want to be a champion. ~ Kevin Durant,
470:Less opinion, more perspective. ~ Lil B, is never stationary. ~ Bob Goff,
472:Meandering leads to perfection. ~ Laozi,
473:MySpace is an addiction. ~ Paulo Coelho,
474:New can be an emotion. ~ David Levithan,
475:No one is pro-abortion. ~ Barack Obama,
476:No pointless actions. ~ Marcus Aurelius,
477:OBSESSION Codependents ~ Melody Beattie,
478:options It's possible to be ~ Anonymous,
479:Perfectionism is a hustle. ~ Bren Brown,
480:Pioneering don't pay. ~ Andrew Carnegie,
481:Presumptions macerate mind. ~ Toba Beta,
482:Progress not perfection. ~ Louise Penny,
483:questions. Six ~ Robert Louis Stevenson,
484:Reading is my passion. ~ Kate DiCamillo,
485:Religion is all bunk. ~ Thomas A Edison,
486:settle on one direction ~ John Flanagan,
487:Sex is an emotion in motion. ~ Mae West,
488:Shunned by association. ~ Tarryn Fisher,
489:something information ~ Tricia O Malley,
490:Speech is the mirror of action. ~ Solon,
491:Stallions obey mares. ~ Katherine Arden,
492:Television is a passivity. ~ John Green,
493:Tell the kind truth. ~ Patrick Lencioni,
494:Temper your future actions. ~ Tom DeLay,
495:Teutonic migration ~ F Scott Fitzgerald,
496:The Buddhist explanation ~ Pema Ch dr n,
497:The union of our arms in ~ Harry Truman,
498:This nation under God ~ Abraham Lincoln,
499:Vision begins with you. ~ Carmine Gallo,
500:We are a nation of laws. ~ Barack Obama,

--- IN CHAPTERS (in Dictionaries, in Quotes, in Chapters)


4020 Integral Yoga
  300 Occultism
  221 Philosophy
  116 Poetry
  102 Christianity
   92 Psychology
   84 Yoga
   32 Kabbalah
   30 Education
   22 Mythology
   20 Theosophy
   12 Hinduism
   6 Buddhism
   2 Integral Theory
   1 Alchemy

2226 The Mother
1744 Sri Aurobindo
1291 Satprem
  624 Nolini Kanta Gupta
  115 Aleister Crowley
   91 Carl Jung
   86 Friedrich Nietzsche
   70 James George Frazer
   66 Plotinus
   37 Swami Vivekananda
   37 Swami Krishnananda
   34 Saint Augustine of Hippo
   34 Franz Bardon
   30 Saint John of Climacus
   29 Rudolf Steiner
   29 Aldous Huxley
   25 Aristotle
   21 Sri Ramakrishna
   21 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
   20 Saint Teresa of Avila
   14 Ovid
   12 Swami Sivananda Saraswati
   12 Paul Richard
   11 Plato
   11 George Van Vrekhem
   9 Lewis Carroll
   9 Jorge Luis Borges
   8 Joseph Campbell
   7 Jordan Peterson
   7 Alice Bailey
   6 Thubten Chodron
   6 Sri Ramana Maharshi
   6 Bokar Rinpoche
   5 Patanjali
   2 Kahlil Gibran
   2 Jorge Luis Borges
   2 Jean Gebser
   2 Italo Calvino
   2 H. P. Lovecraft

  954 Record of Yoga
  315 Prayers And Meditations
  241 On Thoughts And Aphorisms
  157 Agenda Vol 01
  134 Agenda Vol 13
  124 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 03
  118 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 04
  103 Agenda Vol 12
  101 Agenda Vol 08
   97 Questions And Answers 1957-1958
   97 Letters On Yoga III
   96 Agenda Vol 09
   94 Agenda Vol 10
   87 Agenda Vol 03
   85 Magick Without Tears
   85 Agenda Vol 11
   85 Agenda Vol 06
   84 Agenda Vol 04
   83 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 02
   81 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 01
   81 Agenda Vol 07
   76 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 05
   76 Agenda Vol 02
   75 The Synthesis Of Yoga
   74 Thus Spoke Zarathustra
   72 Agenda Vol 05
   69 The Golden Bough
   69 Questions And Answers 1950-1951
   65 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 07
   61 Collected Poems
   60 Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
   56 The Life Divine
   54 Liber ABA
   52 Questions And Answers 1956
   49 Savitri
   49 Letters On Yoga IV
   49 Letters On Yoga II
   43 Letters On Poetry And Art
   41 Questions And Answers 1953
   40 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 08
   38 Words Of Long Ago
   38 Mysterium Coniunctionis
   37 The Study and Practice of Yoga
   35 Questions And Answers 1954
   35 Questions And Answers 1929-1931
   35 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol 06
   34 The Divine Comedy
   33 Questions And Answers 1955
   32 Essays Divine And Human
   31 General Principles of Kabbalah
   30 The Ladder of Divine Ascent
   30 Essays On The Gita
   29 The Perennial Philosophy
   28 Words Of The Mother II
   27 Letters On Yoga I
   26 On Education
   25 Poetics
   24 The Practice of Psychotherapy
   24 The Human Cycle
   24 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
   22 City of God
   21 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 04
   21 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 01
   21 Faust
   20 Initiation Into Hermetics
   20 Bhakti-Yoga
   19 The Way of Perfection
   19 Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness
   17 On the Way to Supermanhood
   15 The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
   15 Isha Upanishad
   14 The Secret Of The Veda
   14 The Practice of Magical Evocation
   14 The Mother With Letters On The Mother
   14 Metamorphoses
   14 Aion
   13 Twilight of the Idols
   13 Theosophy
   13 The Confessions of Saint Augustine
   12 Raja-Yoga
   12 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 03
   12 Plotinus - Complete Works Vol 02
   11 The Mothers Agenda
   11 Talks
   11 Kena and Other Upanishads
   11 Dark Night of the Soul
   10 The Problems of Philosophy
   10 The Interior Castle or The Mansions
   10 The Integral Yoga
   10 Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
   10 Amrita Gita
   10 A Garden of Pomegranates - An Outline of the Qabalah
   9 Hymns to the Mystic Fire
   9 Alice in Wonderland
   9 5.1.01 - Ilion
   8 Words Of The Mother III
   8 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
   8 The Blue Cliff Records
   8 The Bible
   7 Writings In Bengali and Sanskrit
   7 Words Of The Mother I
   7 Walden
   7 Maps of Meaning
   7 Liber Null
   7 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
   6 The Secret Doctrine
   6 The Red Book Liber Novus
   6 Tara - The Feminine Divine
   6 How to Free Your Mind - Tara the Liberator
   5 The Gateless Gate
   5 The Essentials of Education
   5 Sefer Yetzirah The Book of Creation In Theory and Practice
   5 Patanjali Yoga Sutras
   4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
   4 Beating the Cloth Drum Letters of Zen Master Hakuin
   3 The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma
   3 The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
   3 The Lotus Sutra
   3 Sex Ecology Spirituality
   2 The Prophet
   2 The Ever-Present Origin
   2 The Castle of Crossed Destinies
   2 Talks With Sri Aurobindo
   2 Selected Fictions
   2 Notes On The Way
   2 God Exists
   2 Book of Certitude
   2 Agenda Vol 1
   2 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E

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